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You, Razor, need to learn to respect others and their opinions. You single handedly turned that thread into a pointless arguement. In doing so, you got a thread that every user that posted in it enjoyed... locked. Get over yourself and don't bother responding since... A) I know you're wrong won't be able to politely respond B) I don't need to hear anymore useless banter than I already have by reading through the last two pages of that thread, and C) I've got you blocked. You couldn't if you wanted to. I'm grown so sick of your $h! and this is the result. I'm not the only one.


Others need to respect that some here may not want so many thread turning into a gay thread. I find it somewhat disrespectful while at other times its not so bad. It seems there are certain lines that need not be crossed. For me I already have shown one of mine. Apparently the gay population feels their line is more important ????????

This thread was not locked solely because of me, Im just the one that had nerve to say something. My "banter" was not useless, I was polite and to the point. How come the gay people can get mad at me for not wanting to see gay implied photos but I can not get upset about having to see them ?

There are plenty of places to enjoy sexual content, perhaps this was not the place for this type of topic anyhow ?

Seems to me we had a photo of a bare breasted Monroe deleted and Silvester got yelled at for cartoons of ladies in nighties.

Do we have a double standard here ?

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Others need to respect that some here may not want so many thread turning into a gay thread. I find it somewhat disrespectful while at other times its not so bad. It seems there are certain lines that need not be crossed. For me I already have shown one of mine. Apparently the gay population feels their line is more important.

If you dont like something, leave. Or don't participate in the thread. It's that easy. This website doesn't cater to any one person.

This thread was not locked solely because of me...

Incorrect. Edited by CD/BP
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How come the gay people can get mad at me for not wanting to see gay implied photos but I can not get upset about having to see them ?

Because your comments were discriminatory. The other members' comments were not. There wasn't anything inappropriate about OC's posts in relation to the topic's intentions and purpose.

There was a reason you were PM'd. You should have discussed this directly with Z in private.

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You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,

Know when to walk away and know when to run.

You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.

Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done.

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My take:

The whole problem came about because you wouldn't drop the issue and continued to argue about it when people tried several times to get the thread on track.

Don't agree with something? You're free to say your peace but then it's a good idea to move on soon after. If you don't like what's being posted, fine. In that case, it probably would've been a good idea to...

1. Bite your tongue out of courtesy.


2. Just avoid the thread altogether.

There's no reason to go on a tirade because some dudes weren't wearing shirts. Do/did you see the gay members bitch and moan whenever sexy women were posted? Besides, seeing guys without shirts isn't all that sexual, really.

You came off a wee bit intolerant, IMO.

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I'd say something, but it's been covered by Chris, Z, and Ven.

Razor, you're in the wrong on more than one occasion here. One, for re-visiting a thread you don't agree with. Two, for complaining about the thread's content although it was not bad at all. And, three, for making this thread to bitch yet again.

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Thanks Chris, Ven, Z, Variance, and NOS.

Anyways, I thought PM's were supposed to be private. Razor, it's highly disrespectful to post that and I don't appreciate it. I'm sorry I didn't give you the chance to personally berate me with your intolerant banter like you would have had you not been blocked. That does not mean you can make it public to give a response. As it's been said, if you had a problem with me expressing my dislike for what went on in the thread you caused to get locked, then you should have taken it up with one of the mods.

Edited by blackviper8891
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I just browsed through the thread in question for teh first time. All i can say is that a lot of those guys have really stupid facial expression...someone needs to go to Photography 101 :P

Anyway this is yet another pointless rant by razor...I've been seeing a lot of them lately. I don't care for the guy pictures, but that's what the scroll bar/button is for. Y'know..that rolling thing on the mouse between the right button and the left one?

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I don't care for the guy pictures, but that's what the scroll bar/button is for.


I'll try to inject a little humor here. I logged on in the library lab at school prior to going to my evening class last night. I wondered what the people sitting in the computer lab row behind me were thinking...alternating pictures of the Vietnamese chick with (obvious) contact lenses and Jake (Gyl-spelling) without a shirt.... and girls and guys ....and girls and guys. :lol:

Lately, any sexual thread (or thread that went down that road) has gotten awfully heated. Yikes. I've blown up a few times, too, but only when people start pointing fingers....not cool when you don't know someone, except from cyberspace. If it is kept clinical and analytical, there should be no harm.

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yeha there were too many pictures of great looking women in that other thread. someone evened it out though.

the problem regarding the title is clear. but suffice it to say had it only been geared towards the straight men with pictures of women somebody would feel left out. would they have started their own chat with their own pics or started a protest

about how they were excluded...i dont know.

i dont care. i find the whole thing rather upsetting and why im putting my 2 cents.

razor-- really whats your point to winning an argument like this anyway. they like boys and you like girls. are you trying to save someones soul? coke or pepsi beer or wine. why do you give a $h!. ignore it. dont look at it and move on.

i found the whole thing in rather poor taste and not because im straight because of the way in which it went downhill. gratuitious to say the least.

i dont think ill think of some people the same again after this.


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* sigh *

Just to clear things up: I posted a pic of Trish Stratus, and asked that all discusion from that point forward be about that pic or subsequent pics, and that the arguing stop. That didn't happen, so I locked the thread, and handed out discipline to those that continued their argument.

I'm gonna try it again for this thread: I'm not pointing any fingers, but I would like it if there were no more arguing from this point forward.

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Reading back through the thread in question, I really don't know what to think of you. You claim to be tolerant, and not a gay-basher, and even say you would defend them. Then you go on to say that by posting shirtless men, they're being "in-your-face", and they should stop. This reminds me of the attitudes of some of the most homophobic people I know, at least the ones who are too polite to be outright bigots.

I cannot reconcile these two points of view so I do not know what to think of you...

I can understand why the gay community here got pissed off, and I don't understand why you reacted the way you did. I'm not full out attacking you here, don't get me wrong. I have the feeling there's been some misunderstanding, because as it is, I just don't understand. This reaction doesn't go with your previous statement about being tolerant, nor does it fit with my previous (positive) impression of you.

I'm left confused.

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No double standard, at all.  Why?  Because it's extremely doubtful, that the posting of guy pictures would even have been brought up, had female posters been the one's posting them.



Reading back through the thread in question, I really don't know what to think of you. You claim to be tolerant, and not a gay-basher, and even say you would defend them. Then you go on to say that by posting shirtless men, they're being "in-your-face", and they should stop. This reminds me of the attitudes of some of the most homophobic people I know, at least the ones who are too polite to be outright bigots.

I cannot reconcile these two points of view so I do not know what to think of you...

I can understand why the gay community here got pissed off, and I don't understand why you reacted the way you did. I'm not full out attacking you here, don't get me wrong. I have the feeling there's been some misunderstanding, because as it is, I just don't understand. This reaction doesn't go with your previous statement about being tolerant, nor does it fit with my previous (positive) impression of you.

I'm left confused.


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the thread i created was meant to be fun spirited and bipartisan. Oh well. Side note, a friend of like 20 yrs or so, outed hisself to me and others just recently. i guess I have no gay-dar. i kind of knew, but not. Anyways, I'm just glad he can be open about it and be himself. He's pretty happy now in a lot of ways, so that's great.

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Reading back through the thread in question, I really don't know what to think of you. You claim to be tolerant, and not a gay-basher, and even say you would defend them. Then you go on to say that by posting shirtless men, they're being "in-your-face", and they should stop. This reminds me of the attitudes of some of the most homophobic people I know, at least the ones who are too polite to be outright bigots.

I cannot reconcile these two points of view so I do not know what to think of you...

I can understand why the gay community here got pissed off, and I don't understand why you reacted the way you did. I'm not full out attacking you here, don't get me wrong. I have the feeling there's been some misunderstanding, because as it is, I just don't understand. This reaction doesn't go with your previous statement about being tolerant, nor does it fit with my previous (positive) impression of you.

I'm left confused.


Just to answer this: (and more)

I really do get freaked out. I can sit here and talk, ask questions, listen and read but attach a photo of a man with his pants nearly off, combined with that connotation and it freaks me out. I revisted that thread because I was posting on those same pages. Then it got real big and I :rolleyes: had to open my mouth, then it quickly deteriorated. Its obvious by rereading it that there was more eating me than just that topic (no sence in getting into that). In retrospect I really think with the sexual connotation is was a bad thread. I even said a thing on it about women I should not have. Its been asked, what if it was girls?... I was thinking, what if there was girls? I know some do get upset when women are viewed as "sex objects", I must say now... I know where their comming from......... :lol: .....please... laugh everyone.

There was comments in other posts about me having problems with barely clothed men. Let me tell you I have seen more wang than most, excluding probably Doctors. 6 years of wrestling put me in long weigh in lines with over 20 schools per year worth of naked wrestling teams. Think that would make this recent twist on nearly naked men give me the heebeegeebee's ? I do know, I can say, no doubt, Im straight.

We did have a very [no insult] "limp wristed" heavyweight on the team. He even had that [no insult] speach thing going on. I use those terms because they were litterly the clues. He went on to be a male nurse, good guy, I was one of the few that was friendly to him. We also had a group of what were called back then [no insult] Jesus Freaks. I was the only one from outside their group that talked to them as well as everybody else. I was chastised for this by the "in crowd" for my not being "cool". I had my arguements/fights when they would start saying bad things about others.........any of this sound fimilar yet ?

Everyone knows I have been put through the ringer around here. I need to say right now that OC is not one thats done that, a little but nothing too serious. We have had our moments and are divided in our views by a huge body of land as well as many tax brackets. None the less like everyone else here, I always looked forward to reading what he thought and knew of things. He always laid out a clear view of his points, some members here do not. If there is something in a post that I feel has an alternative factor, Im going to bring it out, my "alternative factors" are not popular and most people are more comfortable ignoring them, that really gets me sparky.

For a long time it seemed like this was a place where the educated were going to play cerebral target practice on high school grads that had a different view of the world. I took it all, never contacted a moderater once. Had some unbelieveable degrading comments thrown at me or "the likes of my kind". Not once did a moderator step in. I knew it was done under the idea that I would get mad and leave, thing was I was one of the few that actually bought, owned and drove GM's, I really did have a huge interest and attraction to this site. I also really need people with some degree of intellegence and spark to interact with, even if its "fightin". This has been a great place to excercise my mind, and learn, unfortuantly at times I have gotten aggressively defensive at the cost of others. I use alot of sarcasm and tongue in cheek comments, that makes me hard to read. I might be a bit like a pit bull and the more I go the more wound up I get.....I hate pit bulls too...thats it... self loathing... :unsure:

Bad thread, bad timing, bad reaction by me, bad reactions by others, those involved directly in the topic handled it better than those after the fact. I should have listened to them but I was already wound up...and no one was "hearing me" because of my attitude.

I think in summary its safe to say we have learned that we all have our limitations of what we can deal with. On that topic we discovered mine. That was a big "too much information there... guys"

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From personal experience, Razor, and as someone who is bisexual, I have found the knee-jerk reaction to anyone who is even slightly uncomfortable with homosexuals/the gay lifestyle and voices their opinion is harassed and labeled bigot, homophobe, etc. This is comparable to the reaction people get when they mention they are against affirmative action. If you are against affirmative action you must be a racist!

Take, for example, Yellow Dart's comment: "Then you go on to say that by posting shirtless men, they're being "in-your-face", and they should stop. This reminds me of the attitudes of some of the most homophobic people I know, at least the ones who are too polite to be outright bigots."

You can believe whatever you want, Razor, and you can voice your opinion, too. You do not have to be politically correct or all accepting. Just remember many people do not practice what they preach.

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I don't think anyone here thinks you're evil or anything. It just seems like so much of an overreaction that photos that would be a ho-hum on "Tiger Beat" were reacted to as if they were snaps from "Drummer" I've seen a lot more (well, I haven't but I've heard) the Abercrombie catalog has worse. I think a lot of us who never paid attention to the original thread question why it bacame such an issue that there was one page of shirtless pouty pretty boys. I mean, I would be far happier to get Jake Gyllenhaal for Christmas (well, actually, I'd like Vin Diesel if Santa's reading) but pix of girls for me range from "why do guys find plastic boobs and collagen lips attractive" to "Allyson Hannigan is smoking hot and if I were even trying to be straight I'd totally do her" with a bit of "hope her husband Alexis Denisof would join in"

That's most likely TMI

Maybe this should be locked too. Shouldn't post after drinks...

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Guest YellowJacket894

You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,

Know when to walk away and know when to run.

You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.

Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done.

In Razor's case, it's more like . . .

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.

Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.

Desperate to control all and everything.

Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.

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In Razor's case, it's more like . . .

Wear the grudge like a crown of negativity.

Calculate what we will or will not tolerate.

Desperate to control all and everything.

Unable to forgive your scarlet lettermen.


I suppose I should say

"thats not nice"

"I really dont appreaciate that"

but no, I'll consider all that has transpired and say........."alrighty then !" and turn and walk away

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