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What is the average income of a C&Ger


What is your, or you and your mates annual income?  

81 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your, or you and your mates annual income?

    • 0 to 5,000 - Still in school
    • 5,001 to 18,000 - Starting life the hard way, or still in school
    • 18,001 to 24,000 - Doin the starter job thing
    • 24,001 to 50,000 - Working for a livin, but for what
    • 50,001 to 70,000 - Can buy a home, as long as I don't live in CA or NY
    • 70,001 to 90,000 - Life is good and my career is going up
    • 90,001 to 120,000 - I've eyed that Cadillac
    • 120,001 to 1,000,000 - I've had / have more than 1 Cadillac
    • 1,000,000 to 1,000,000,000 - I own the Dealership I buy my Cadillac from

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America cant work with out the middle class. Apparently the Govt. Doesnt know that 85% of all taxes come from middle class. So why to they want to kill it?

50-70 although that might increase this year. I own a nice 1100 sq ft house if you include the basement its a 2200 sq ft. about 4-6 cars off and on. and Debt free plus a nice 6 figures in the bank. but My stock is worth as much delphi's.

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5-10k. I'm still a student, but I get more hours than most people my age do, and a pretty good wage to boot.

A thousand bucks a year BV?! :blink:

Wow... my parents made me work for my allowance, starting when I was eight. I made 5 bucks a week in return for doing dishes, pulling weeds, washing the cars, etc.

Then the money stopped coming in at my eighteenth birthday, therefore getting a job was necessary.

Apparently, my parents threw out Doctor Spock's book after two chapters... :lol:

Edited by Captainbooyah
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24,001 to 50,000

...but that's very vague. :wink:

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I am going to make over $50k this year. My partner makes nearly the same, so that helps.

Add Toronto and Vancouver to your list, too. With our housing prices (can't buy anything for less than $350k anywhere near either of these cities) and insurance prices (Toronto has the highest auto insurance in North America, probably the Western World), you have to be rich to live in either of these cities.

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I'd be embarassed to respond. I really cant vote either. I have had 1-2 jobs a year for the past 6 years and was self employed for 20 prior and much of my income then was always reinvested, so Net was very small.

Best employee year was 32,000 in 8 months - 3 years ago

Best self employed gross was 55,000 in ?95 I think, net was reduced to 10,000 or less.

Currently Id be around 40,000 with a full years work which = about 1.5 years work for most. In other words, no life, no responsibilities at home, no time with the family, just let everything go right straight to hell. Thats what happened 3 years ago.

What happened to the 40 hr work week ? What happened to an honest days work for an honest days pay ? What happened to family values ? Responsibilities at home ?

57 hours this week, 59 last, bla bla bla

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With our housing prices (can't buy anything for less than $350k anywhere near either of these cities) and insurance prices (Toronto has the highest auto insurance in North America, probably the Western World), you have to be rich to live in either of these cities.


I saw nice all-brick newer homes in Woodbridge for $ 400k to $ 500k CDN (that would be about $ 320k to $ 400k US) for a really nice house, but you probably wouldn't want to live there. I'd fit right in from all the Italians I saw! :lol:

Why the heck is auto insurance so high? Driving there was WAY easier than in any major Northeastern U.S. city.

Edited by trinacriabob
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I guess I should state that I'm in the 70,001 to 90,000 range.  Asking everyone else to divulge and not telling my own seems a little jerky.


That's pretty good for Portland if not living in Lake O, the West Hills or West Linn. Aren't you in property management?
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I make enough to pay my bills like gas, insurance, food. I saved up enough to by myself a laptop over the summer, and a new alternator X_xMy yearly income = 4 figures ;]Actually, between my two jobs, it might be 5 figures this year. Like 9,999.9 :P

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There are two reasons Toronto has the highest insurance rates in North America 1. Because they CAN - take a good look at those marble towers downtown. They are all banks and insurance companies. Makes ya wonder, eh? Two governments went down to defeat in the 80s over the threat of public insurance. 2. Sigh. I'm gonna catch hell for this one, but here goes: "new" Canadians. Now before ya all get up in my face about being "racist," hear me out. I've had two insurance agents and somebody high up in Motors Insurance tell me this. I also had one rather uncharitable client observe: "well, what do you expect? Six weeks ago they were herding goats and now they are driving a cab." I have driven in other whacky places, like Montreal and Sao Paulo and let me tell you why those places work: everybody drives badly the same way! In Sao Paulo, the scooters and motorcycles squeeze up the lanes between the cars on the freeways. It scared the hell out of me, but there it works because everyone can anticipate how the other bad driver is going to react. In Rio, the bus driver hands out change, shifts gears and careens around twisty roads at 80 km/hr. in a packed bus! In Toronto, we have 150,000 new people every year from all over the world. Nobody knows how the other guy is going to drive. You get the proverbial "polit Canadian" trying to be courteous and being over run by other, ruder more aggressive drivers. YOu get people from countries like China where road signs are mere suggestions totally ignoring the rules of the road. This is the reason ALL new drivers, whether 18 or 50 get treated like criminals with insurance in this province. It isn't really a matter of whether or not new Canadians are worse drivers than the locals (although I would challenge that), but rather that they have different "habits." Insurance companies are experiencing "significant" losses from "new Canadians" and because they can't descriminate base on nationality, they charge everyone a higher premium.

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Hmmm I haven't paid more than $1800 annually in insurance since I turned 25, last 3 years have all been under $1500 so I guess I get off easy. Haven't called a car insurance company other than signing up or cancelling in 15+ years.

Survey: I guess I've got my "eye on Cadillacs" but I don't spend more than 25% of my annual income on a car. Maybe when debt (mortgage) free I will but I'd rather spend on travel and invest in my future at this point.

Edited by frogger
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This was a real eye opener for me. I just added up my wife's and my wages and we just barely bumped over 90K annually.

Of course I just started working another part time job and my wife hasn't been working long either so we haven't had time to get used to seeing that money. And right now we are sending most of that out to bills that we have accumulated, either by just living or helping family out. I hate being in debt!

Most of the wages come from my Civil Services job (aircraft mechanic for the Air Force) and the next biggest chunk is from my Air Force Reserves position (which I have to keep to maintain my main job. Then both of us are working for our kid's school district.

I average between 55 and 65 hours per week plus my reserve weekend and annual tour. My wife has 25 hours per week normally but gets asked to work another 12-15 hours almost every week. Needless to say we are busy. Still, as long as we can find (or make) time to spend with each other and the kids, its all going good.

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I'm still in school at the moment and living at home, but with my part time job and such I'm averaging about 20k a year. That's a lot better than I thought...though I don't know where it's all going. :huh:

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Insurance fraud and street racing was a very serious problem here at one point.

Thanks, f**king ricers.


drive a 500.....the car isn't the greatest but my car insurance has gone down 3 times in one year.....! 49 bucks a month for full coverage. the aztek ain't much more...and then BV wonders why i buy ugly cars...because i can take his YI and use it to pay my car insurance.....

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drive a 500.....the car isn't the greatest but my car insurance has gone down 3 times in one year.....!  49 bucks a month for full coverage.  the aztek ain't much more...and then BV wonders why i buy ugly cars...because i can take his YI and use it to pay my car insurance.....


Reg, I am quite sure you are anchoring the HIGH END of the income poll! :lol::lol::lol:

Will the person, or couple, exceeding $ 120,000 please identify himself, herself or themselves! J - U - S - T --- K - I - D - D - I - N - G !

Edited by trinacriabob
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Reg, I am quite sure you are anchoring the HIGH END of the income poll!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Will the person, or couple, exceeding $ 120,000 please identify himself, herself or themselves! J - U - S - T --- K - I - D - D - I - N - G !


yes i am so rich with that architecture job. i just found out i passed my last exam. so now I am bonafide. that ought to get me a what, 500 dollar raise?

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I am going to make over $50k this year.  My partner makes nearly the same, so that helps.

  Add Toronto and Vancouver to your list, too. With our housing prices (can't buy anything for less than $350k anywhere near either of these cities) and insurance prices (Toronto has the highest auto insurance in North America, probably the Western World), you have to be rich to live in either of these cities.


I bought a condo downtown Toronto for $157k...

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yes i am so rich with that architecture job.  i just found out i passed my last exam.  so now I am bonafide.  that ought to get me a what, 500 dollar raise?


Congrats, bud! Is that the last part of the whole series or just the last one you attempted? Was it Building Design/Building Planning and the Site Planning ones?

That is stuff I stashed away from my memory a while back. Don't even want to think about that. But I'm happy for you!

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I bought a condo downtown Toronto for $157k...


Yo, TYD, would living in Woodbridge or Richmond Hill be boring beyond tolerance? I like QUIET. Most downtown dwellers (such as yourself) typically don't like the burbs. That's a pretty good price for a Yonge/Bloor type location.....how many square feet/meters is it?

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I was hoping to break into six figures this year, but it didn't happen. It should happen next year though. However, I make more than enough for a comfortable existence because I bought my house before the big run-up in prices. Overall, I have no complaints.

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I should clear 50000-55000 this year with the great crop prices. I have been slowing farming more and more farm land on my own. I've been lucky, my dad already owns most of the farming equipment, so I've been able to put most of my money back into renting more land, while taking enough out to live well on. I have kind of put school on the back-burner, as I am only taking 2 classes this semester. If nothing else I'll end up going to school full time again.

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Yo, TYD, would living in Woodbridge or Richmond Hill be boring beyond tolerance?  I like QUIET.  Most downtown dwellers (such as yourself) typically don't like the burbs.  That's a pretty good price for a Yonge/Bloor type location.....how many square feet/meters is it?


It's roughly 600 sq. ft., one bedroom. Sounds small, but it's well laid out - certainly seems worlds bigger than the 450 sq. ft. bachelor apartment I moved out of. I'm at Jarvis and Carlton, relatively close to Yonge and Bloor, but not the nicest neighborhood.

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Oh, and as for the suburbs thing - it really wouldn't bother me. Neither would living in a small town. I'm pretty flexible when it comes to where I'd like to live, as long as it's in Canada. :)

Although I've never lived in a city smaller than 80,000 - I think I would enjoy small-town life. I visited one of my friends in Paisley, ON this weekend (extra points if you know where THAT is!!) and I liked it there... could see myself living there.

Downtown T.O. is just where it makes sense for me to live right now, with my job location and income.

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well if you can find a good job in michigan you could live here. a normal house like mine 1100sq feet plus finished basement so reall 2200 sq ft on a decent suburban lot with two car garage goes for 130,000 (2 years ago it was worth 160,000 <_<) Real estate is moving slowly. a 200k house is going for 140 right now and even then its not selling.

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  • 2 years later...

dang it satty, another revived poll. after reading through all that i was thinking to myself man its good to see some of these people back they been gone a while... then i got to your post and realized... 2006? heheh

i'm still in the same bracket though... dangit

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Hmm...my income bracket says I have had a Cadillac, haven't, but I've certainly eyed them. Some years are better than others..when I've been salaried, it's been in the 85-115k range ('02-07), when I've been contracting, up to around 150k (which '09 could be, @$75/hr)..

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