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A common problem with the new Civic


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As I can see it, a very common problem with the new Civic is that the driver forgets to turn on their headlights.

This brings two things:

1. Why doesn't the Civic have automatic headlamps? A lot of cars at the price point have it. And no, the one I saw wasn't a base model. Even the Cobalt has it.

2. Is the fancy LED backed dashboard really useful, or just for show? I know, not just the Civic has it, Lexus and some others have it too. But the thing is though, it was on, without the headlights on. Traditionally, it's a given fact that if the dashboard is lighted, then headlights or parking lamps are on. Doesn't that just convey a wrong message to the driver if the lights aren't on and the dashboard is?

As a matter of fact I saw one tonight. I've seen numerous cases of this in the past.

EDIT: Replace Cobalt with Aveo. I just found that the 06 Aveo actually has AHS standard as well.

Edited by ToniCipriani
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This 'coddling of the idiot' (my term) is really getting out of hand.

Why is it no one can turn their own headlights on?

Why am I forced to turn my headlights off everyday (during the day) on my '04 with AHs?

Is this really 'progress' or just catering to the lazy?

Edited by balthazar
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2. Is the fancy LED backed dashboard really useful, or just for show? I know, not just the Civic has it, Lexus and some others have it too. But the thing is though, it was on, without the headlights on. Traditionally, it's a given fact that if the dashboard is lighted, then headlights or parking lamps are on. Doesn't that just convey a wrong message to the driver if the lights aren't on and the dashboard is?


Just look at the console. If those lights aren't lit, then your parking lamps and/or headlights are off.
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This 'coddling of the idiot' (my term) is really getting out of hand.

Why is it no one can turn their own headlights on?

Why am I forced to turn my headlights off everyday (during the day) on my '04 with AHs?

Is this really 'progress' or just catering to the lazy?


Then maybe you should check your sensor. Mine doesn't come on minus the DRL, and only comes on at night. Maybe the threshold is set incorrectly.
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I find AHS to be a great saftey feature. I often find non-GM products driving around in weather and lighting that warrant having headlights on without them on. Face it, the world is full of idiots, and the more we do to protect ourselves from them, the better off the rest of us are.

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I always run "DRLs" even though none of my cars have them.

Even driving my white Super 88 at high noon in July I think

better safe than sorry. Visibiity to other drivers on the road is

never a bad thing.

One of my biggest pet peeves is a beige or silver car driving

durring dusk with rain and NO lights what so ever. If hey do

not even have their parkig lights on I think they deserve a

BIG FAT TICKET! I beleive strongly in DRLs but in 99% of

other cases of regulation I'm against it 100%.

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I've noticed that people don't cut me off as often with DRLs on.

And, yes, I've noticed Accord, RX350s, and other cars that have electroluminescent gauges without headlights at night. When you've been driving all day, particularly in well-lit urban areas, it's easy to forget.

AHS is great for tunnels, too.

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As I can see it, a very common problem with the new Civic is that the driver forgets to turn on their headlights.

This brings two things:

1. Why doesn't the Civic have automatic headlamps? A lot of cars at the price point have it. And no, the one I saw wasn't a base model. Even the Cobalt has it.

2. Is the fancy LED backed dashboard really useful, or just for show? I know, not just the Civic has it, Lexus and some others have it too. But the thing is though, it was on, without the headlights on. Traditionally, it's a given fact that if the dashboard is lighted, then headlights or parking lamps are on. Doesn't that just convey a wrong message to the driver if the lights aren't on and the dashboard is?

As a matter of fact I saw one tonight. I've seen numerous cases of this in the past.

EDIT: Replace Cobalt with Aveo. I just found that the 06 Aveo actually has AHS standard as well.


Just because the functionality is different that means it is a "problem"?

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I'm not a fan of DRLs, I'm glad my Millenia doesnt have them. As far as automatic headlights, don't have those either, but it's the usual for me. It makes you more aware of them being on, so I never forget to leave them on, even if I have them on during the day. No biggie. Can't help that some drivers are stupid, though.

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This 'coddling of the idiot' (my term) is really getting out of hand.

Why is it no one can turn their own headlights on?

Why am I forced to turn my headlights off everyday (during the day) on my '04 with AHs?

Is this really 'progress' or just catering to the lazy?



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It is a problem, plain and simple. My '91 Caprice had automatic headlamps, for Gawd's Sake! I don't know how many times I've swung around a corner in my underground parking and nearly hit some idiot (usually in a $45k Infiniti or something like that) because they are driving around with no lights on!

Daytime running lights have been law here for over 16 years in Canada, longer in Europe. The sky never fell. It is a relatively cheap (as opposed to side air bags, ABS, etc.) way of improving over all safety.

You and I may be smart enough to turn on our headlights in the rain or blowing snow (on a sunny day) but from what I can see of MOST drivers out there, I am glad that some of these silly Big Brother things are being passed by our law makers.

Until our governments get the balls to stiffen driver's tests and get a lot of these idiots OFF the roads, we will have to settle for DRL and other things to make an attempt at keeping us safe.

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From what I've seen on recent Hondas, only the gauges are backlit, not the whole console. Yes they are for show imo. Does that make it a bad thing? I think they always have attractive gauges.

Automatic Headlights are a feature of cars, not a problem or issue. Some people want/need them, others don't. An issue ABOUT automatic headlights would be the government requiring them on all vehicles or are they really worth the extra money? etc.

Personally I smile when people forget to turn their lights on because they're in well-lit area. Then the minute they turn onto a dark road they realize what they've forgotten to do since leaving the parking lot. Usually though, if its bright enough for the idiot driver to see, then it's bright enough for other people to notice him too. As long as everyone else is a good driver around them. :unsure:

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This isn't just a poor trait of the Civic, but a poor trait of many cars with electroluminescent gauges and no automatic headlamps. And while you can debate whether a cheapo compact Civic should have it or not, there's no reason for the $28,000+ Murano S I'm renting to not be outfitted as such. I'm used to automatic headlamps, but I do use the gauges as a telltale on if my headlamps are on or not. I've caught myself forgetting several times because of the 'constant on' of these gauges.

So, not just the Civic, but every car with electroluminescent gauges should have automatic headlamps.

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From what I've seen on recent Hondas, only the gauges are backlit, not the whole console. Yes they are for show imo. Does that make it a bad thing? I think they always have attractive gauges.

Automatic Headlights are a feature of cars, not a problem or issue. Some people want/need them, others don't. An issue ABOUT automatic headlights would be the government requiring them on all vehicles or are they really worth the extra money? etc.

Personally I smile when people forget to turn their lights on because they're in well-lit area. Then the minute they turn onto a dark road they realize what they've forgotten to do since leaving the parking lot. Usually though, if its bright enough for the idiot driver to see, then it's bright enough for other people to notice him too. As long as everyone else is a good driver around them. :unsure:


Precisely, re-read my post. The problem I'm referring to is not the car, but the drivers. And the "feature" or "issue" or whatever you like to call it, generated the problem.
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I always run "DRLs" even though none of my cars have them.

Even driving my white Super 88 at high noon in July I think

better safe than sorry. Visibiity to other drivers on the road is

never a bad thing.

One of my biggest pet peeves is a beige or silver car driving

durring dusk with rain and NO lights what so ever. If hey do

not even have their parkig lights on I think they deserve a

BIG FAT TICKET! I beleive strongly in DRLs but in 99% of

other cases of regulation I'm against it 100%.


You can get DRL kits. They're just a few relays and resistors.

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I refer to DRL's as "idiot lights" and will not own a vehicle with them unless it can be defeated. (you have to know which wire to cut in the right relay) I know GM offers a couple of vehicles with the ability to defeat the DRL's, why not on everything? Same goes for airbags. In my wife's car we have the fuse pulled, as she is a petite woman and would get creamed. We always use our seatbelts though, without fail. Why can't there be a "keyed defeat switch" like in the front seat of pickups for all vehicles?

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I refer to DRL's as "idiot lights" and will not own a vehicle with them unless it can be defeated. (you have to know which wire to cut in the right relay) I know GM offers a couple of vehicles with the ability to defeat the DRL's, why not on everything? Same goes for airbags. In my wife's car we have the fuse pulled, as she is a petite woman and would get creamed. We always use our seatbelts though, without fail. Why can't there be a "keyed defeat switch" like in the front seat of pickups for all vehicles?


Why the hell would you want that?

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You know, if you want to kill yourself that certainly is your perogative, but DRL are there so you don't kill other people. I can list so many times when DRL are, in fact, life savers that it would fill this screen. Really. LIfe, liberty and all that crap, but sometimes people get their backs up over the silliest things. DRL cost next to nothing and inconvenience no one. Twenty years ago when seat belts became law I remember my father ranting and raving like it was the End of the World. DRL is a life saver. Auto headlights are a convenience, sure, but who wouldn't want them?

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I refer to DRL's as "idiot lights" and will not own a vehicle with them unless it can be defeated. (you have to know which wire to cut in the right relay) I know GM offers a couple of vehicles with the ability to defeat the DRL's, why not on everything? Same goes for airbags. In my wife's car we have the fuse pulled, as she is a petite woman and would get creamed. We always use our seatbelts though, without fail. Why can't there be a "keyed defeat switch" like in the front seat of pickups for all vehicles?



Hate DRLs. Also hate ABS brakes. I got the fuse pulled on that.

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One of my biggest pet peeves is a beige or silver car driving

durring dusk with rain and NO lights what so ever. If hey do

not even have their parkig lights on I think they deserve a



It is illegal to drive a moving vehicle with the parking lights on in both states that I have lived in (Rhode Island and California). I assumed it was a federal regulation, but perhaps not. Check your local regulations.

I believe the theory is that if it's dark enough for parking lights, then it's darking enough for headlights.

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I see that the topic has degenerated into joking, but I am serious. I have no problem with DRL's, or airbags, or ABS being optional, but I want to choose for myself. I am not comfortable with ABS, but I DO see its benefits, I just am so used to pumping my brakes that I would be more of a danger with ABS. Airbags can be a good thing, but in cases of short drivers or small passengers, the ability to turn them off would be greatly welcomed. I have the airbags in my vehicle on as I am tall enough to be away from the wheel and not in danger. DRL's on the other hand I hate. I resent being told by GM, Toyota, and all the rest that I am too stupid to know when to turn on my lights. If DRL's are such a lifesaver, why aren't they on the rear as well, like some places in Europe? Not to mention that some militaries in bright areas use lights as camouflage? This is ridiculous. I understand that there ARE people that are this stupid, but there are also many more people that cannot be bothered to use turn signals, should we make those automatic as well? Should all people in cars be required to wear helmets because they are proven safer than going without?

Hopefully I have shed a little light on where I am coming from. I have no problem with safety, but I don't like being coddled to death, I am smart enough to choose what I need to get by.

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I'm surprised I haven't read it already, so here it goes:

So many people, especially the younger-rice-rocketeers, prefer the look of a car with no headlights on. They'll either prefer just the park lights, or a combination of park lights and fog lights...all for the sake of vanity.

Of course, when it's dark outside, then they need all those front lights lit up like a Christmas tree, you know, because it just makes the car look cool.

On auto-groups I frequent, there's often the dedicated thread pinned to the top with the title, "How to disable the DRL!" - Why? Why not? After all, saving lives takes a back seat to looking 'cool'.

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Alright, smartasses. I've stopped quicker without ABS than with it. Simple as that. ABS is just as unnatural a feeling while youre trying to stop as having a warped rotor. I've felt both. Hence why I removed the fuse. Thus far, I've had no problem. I haven't slid through intersections, I haven't slid at all. As far as snow goes, I'll probably put the fuse back in. It is just in my glovebox. But on wet and dry roads, not having ABS is certainly better.

I see that the topic has degenerated into joking, but I am serious. I have no problem with DRL's, or airbags, or ABS being optional, but I want to choose for myself. I am not comfortable with ABS, but I DO see its benefits, I just am so used to pumping my brakes that I would be more of a danger with ABS. Airbags can be a good thing, but in cases of short drivers or small passengers, the ability to turn them off would be greatly welcomed. I have the airbags in my vehicle on as I am tall enough to be away from the wheel and not in danger. DRL's on the other hand I hate. I resent being told by GM, Toyota, and all the rest that I am too stupid to know when to turn on my lights. If DRL's are such a lifesaver, why aren't they on the rear as well, like some places in Europe? Not to mention that some militaries in bright areas use lights as camouflage? This is ridiculous. I understand that there ARE people that are this stupid, but there are also many more people that cannot be bothered to use turn signals,  should we make those automatic as well? Should all people in cars be required to wear helmets because they are proven safer than going without?

Hopefully I have shed a little light on where I am coming from. I have no problem with safety, but I don't like being coddled to death, I am smart enough to choose what I need to get by.



I'm surprised I haven't read it already, so here it goes:

So many people, especially the younger-rice-rocketeers, prefer the look of a car with no headlights on.  They'll either prefer just the park lights, or a combination of park lights and fog lights...all for the sake of vanity.

Of course, when it's dark outside, then they need all those front lights lit up like a Christmas tree, you know, because it just makes the car look cool.

On auto-groups I frequent, there's often the dedicated thread pinned to the top with the title, "How to disable the DRL!" - Why?  Why not?  After all, saving lives takes a back seat to looking 'cool'.


DRLs are for people too stupid to turn on their headlights when they are needed. For that, DRLs are good as it prevents stupid people from driving without headlights on when they are needed. Same with automatic headlights. Ive seen many dumbasses driving around without their headlights on. One of Fly's wrecks occured because of this. But when it's sunny out, I can see a car without DRLs just as well as one without them since headlights are not needed nor purposeful at that time. Again, Im glad my Millenia doesnt have them.

As far as the above, when headlights are needed, just the parking lights with/without fog lights are just as visible as headlights. Hence why on many GM vehicles, the DRLs are nothing more parking lights. While it does tend to look better, there's no real difference here, as far as safety goes. I know I always used just the parking lights and fog lights when it was too bright for headlights on my old Grand Am. When it comes to having lots of light at night though, it's safer, is it not? There is a such thing as too much, but usually the more light to see, the merrier.

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Well, that's where switching between high beams and low beams should come in. I find it stupid that my fog lights only work with the low beams. They should be able to work with the high beams... you know... when you need the utmost light.

No; not high beams vs. low beams-- low beams that are too bright. They're out there, I've seen 'the light' on this. Thankfully I primarily drive a truck and am well above them, but when driving my wife's car; some are far too bright. Utmost light may be fine for the driver, but it's not fine for oncoming traffic.

High beams are completely counter-productive in the fog, which is why fogs only light with low beams. In this case it's not how much, but where.

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Well, fogs would also be useful with high beams. That's what I'm saying. I mean, I rarely see people who use fogs.. only in the fog anyways, myself included.

As far as low beams. I know and understand. I was just going off on a different note. I know my low beams aren't very bright though. They're practically worthless. The fogs helps, but not by much. I've even upgraded bulbs and they still aren't much for light.

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