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Thought I'd share this story with everyone.


Ok, readers digest version:

Guy gets hit by a 3 ton van at about 15 mpg in his first gen SL2 - it's banged up pretty bad. Following suggestions from fellow Saturn enthusiasts, he removes panels from the car (the panels did not shatter, fortunately - they do if hit hard enough or just right, but are quite durable in general as you'll see), and he uses a rubber mallet on the dents. Panels pop right back into place. Bends mounting points back where they need to be, reinstalls panels, looks good as new. :)


I haven't seen pix yet, but I've seen smaller impacts that left the polymer dented, and when the panel popped back out, you couldn't tell where the dent had been. The paint flexes with the panel.

Still, I agree - I'd expect paint to have scraped off in some places with that kind of accident, even if the panel survived. But still, that's a darn easy fix for 15 mph 3 ton van... :D


Considering the girth of many Saturn customers, they could use an extra walk from the far side of the lot to the store. I was never concerned about my S-series getting dinged so I'd park right up front between a pair of behemoths. My metal cars get parked in a less-popular area and I walk the extra 100 yards.

Saturn is concerned for your health! :lol:

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