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Jeez, YellowJacket, I feel a bit responsible, since I was playing around last night. I have no idea who would do that.

Dude, It's pretty hard to duplicate him EXACTLY, seeing he's member 74 and you are 2,356.

So why don't you just quit while you're ahead, eh?

  YellowJacket498 said:

Poor me why did i have to be picked on! Satty.......... and Blu......... any explantion???????


W-a-a-a-a-a-it a second. That's a lot of periods and question marks in one sentence. The only member I know of that uses that many periods instead of the more practical "..." is...

... No... It couldn't be...


this does need to stop though. I think it was the Captian here since you did start the thread. trying to cover yourself? and then claims to know who did it.

One word of advice... DON'T DO CRIME ... you will definatly get caught the same day.


Well considering I have not burned any bridges with YJ, or even had an argument with him, or pretty much any other member on this board, spoofing Yellowjacket wouldn't make sense.

If you want, think its me, I don't care; but I don't go around copying people's account to piss them off or make them look stupid.


I was only joking. trying to poke some fun. But I do agree some people have no right to get cloned. since YJ has never really done harm to anyone that i know of.

  capriceman said:

I was only joking. trying to poke some fun. But I do agree some people have no right to get cloned. since YJ has never really done harm to anyone that i know of.


So for that reason you decided to clone him? :P

:yes: :AH-HA_wink: Im am curious to who did it tho... N* hmm...
Guest YellowJacket894

Razor-goddamn-edge is the culprit. Only he uses a damn torrent of periods like that.

Hey, $h!heels, here's a grammar lession: only use a maximum of three periods to show suspense or a forming thought.

Guest YellowJacket894

That's also true, Joe. . .very true. :lol:

But people usually hurry things along and forget the spacing. :lol2::D

  YellowJacket894 said:

Razor-goddamn-edge is the culprit. Only he uses a damn torrent of periods like that.

Hey, $h!heels, here's a grammar lession: only use a maximum of three periods to show suspense or a forming thought.


Nope, 'tis not razoredge.

Guest YellowJacket894


You're kidding. . .?

I've got a new sig to distinguish my account -- the real account -- from the phony one. If it gets copied, I'll switch back to the old one and vice versa.

Guest YellowJacket894
  Captainbooyah said:

That necessary? People can just tell it's you by the amount of blue bars under your avatar.



Ah, I like the improved one just as good. :D


Hmm... I could close the thread, delete the accounts, and we'd be over this, but then some people would be having less fun. Maybe I should discuss this with the other admins.

Guest 68Panther

As long as we are whipping out the spoof accounts, why not let me in on the fun?

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