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Stem Cell Research Breakthrough


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Scientists Harvest Stem Cells Without Destroying Embryo


Breakthrough technique might get around moral issues, experts say

By Amanda Gardner, HealthDay Reporter

WEDNESDAY, Aug. 23 (HealthDay News) -- In what could prove to be a medical milestone, researchers have succeeded in generating new lines of human embryonic stem cells without destroying the embryo.

The breakthrough may enable scientists to circumvent the ban on federal funding of stem cell research, paving the way for gains in treating or curing diseases such as diabetes, spinal injury and Alzheimer's disease.

"The whole goal of this is to increase the number of stem cell lines available for federal funding and give the field a badly needed jump-start," said Dr. Robert Lanza, senior author of a paper appearing in the Aug. 24 issue of Nature and medical director of Advanced Cell Technology in Worcester, Mass.

Lanza was cautiously optimistic, although he said the final say on whether this strategy could widen U.S. embryonic stem cell research depends on politicians, not scientists.

"The approach described here does not involve the destruction of an embryo, nor does the biopsied cell ever develop into an embryo at any point. Therefore, we hope this method can be used to increase the number of stem cell lines available for federal funding - and thus give the field a badly needed jump-start," Lanza said. "But I guess we'll have to see what the President and Congress have to say about it all."

The promise of embryonic stem cells lies in their ability to be "pluripotent," and develop into any cell type in the body. Experts envision a future where stem cells might help replace diseased or injured tissue, thereby treating a host of ailments.

However, many object to the destruction of embryos inherent in this research. For that reason, embryonic stem cell research in the United States has been severely restricted since Aug. 9, 2001, when President Bush placed limits on federal funding of the field. As of that date, federal funds could only be used to study stem cell lines derived from embryos that had been already been destroyed before the limit was set.

This has turned out to be fewer lines than originally thought, and even fewer high-quality lines.

And while some state and private money has emerged to fill the gap in research funding, experts say it's not been nearly enough. Most scientists agree that federal resources are needed if any credible research gains are to take place.

So far, scientists have obtained embryonic stem cells by taking groups of cells from early embryos before they implant in the uterus. However, this process involves the destruction of the embryo.

Lanza's new paper improves on research his team did last year. In that study, the Massachusetts group succeeded in cultivating mouse embryonic stem cell lines by removing just one cell from the mouse embryo. The procedure is similar to that used for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis, used to check for genetic disorders during in vitro fertilization (IVF). In this case, the mouse embryos survived.

But then, a roadblock. "We tried to apply that to a human system and found that it does not work," Lanza said. "We had to work out a different technique and initially we weren't sure that it was going to work. It was pretty tough. Eventually it worked like a charm."

Here's how. According to Lanza, the new research involved 16 human embryos left over from IVF.

"We used a single-cell biopsy technique to pluck out one cell when the embryo was at the 8-to-10-cell stage," Lanza explained. This is the same stage used for pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. Excising a cell at this point doesn't interfere with the embryo's development, the scientist explained.

However, the cells apparently do not like being co-cultured alone, so they were put into a dish with other cells. This technique worked to keep them alive.

Using this method, Lanza and his team managed to get two stable human embryonic stem cell lines that behaved like conventional embryonic stem cell lines.

"They've now been growing for over eight months, are entirely normal genetically and they were able to generate all of the cell types of the body," Lanza said.

"The real importance of this is the potential that you could have embryonic stem cell lines that are pluripotent from embryos that aren't destroyed," said Paul Sanberg, director of the Center for Aging and Brain Repair at the University of South Florida College of Medicine in Tampa. "If these cell lines were allowed, it could help enhance embryonic stem cell research."

Lanza's company will be working with the scientific community to make the stem cell lines widely available.

"With the right resources, we could recreate as many lines as the scientific community needs without harming the embryos and help other researchers develop the technique," Lanza said. "We could move very quickly."

Next year, he said, Advanced Cell Technology will be filing an investigational new drug application aimed at the eye condition known as macular degeneration.



This is fantastic news. I've always been for stem cell research and now it can possibly advance without getting the whiny fundamentalists all pissy. :thumbsup:

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im a Darwin'ist so i really dont care. I see dieases as population control and such. And firmly believe "survival of the fittest". But Medical advancements is always good news. since millions die of things that could have been easily cured.

(waits for rant on how darwinism is totaly in humane)

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I wonder about the long-term effects of this...

"Stem Cell Babies Born Without Auto-Immune System"

I understand that the advances in this field could mean a better quality of life for all... Or, it could just mean more money lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. :shrug:

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I wonder about the long-term effects of this...

"Stem Cell Babies Born Without Auto-Immune System"

I understand that the advances in this field could mean a better quality of life for all... Or, it could just mean more money lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. :shrug:


Have you ever read "In Vitro Babies Born Without Auto-Immune System"?
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I wonder about the long-term effects of this...

"Stem Cell Babies Born Without Auto-Immune System"

That won't happen because the cells are taken away early enough that all cells are stem cells and because no cells are differentiated we have no loss of functionality or abilities. Theoretically all of those cells on their own could turn into anything that then need to. Any of those cells could turn into a liver, a brain, a lung...the list goes on. That is the beauty of stem cells.

I understand that the advances in this field could mean a better quality of life for all... Or, it could just mean more money lining the pockets of the pharmaceutical companies. :shrug:


Pharmaceutical companies, to my knowledge, do not own these companies and therefor would have no impact on their profits. Also this technology could reduce the number of persons requiring drugs and may decrease the drug company's profits. Again all of this is theory right now. Edited by 91z4me
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Caprice: There's a problem with "Survival of the fittest" and all today. No, I'm not going to tell you you're cruel. "Survival of the fittest" is how evolution WORKS, and most people don't realize that - they think of evolution as some intelligent decision. :)

The problem with it is that we keep the weak alive to have children now. While the smartest members of society are off with important jobs, many of the dumbest members of society have nothing better to do but have tons of kids to collect the welfare money... NoFX wrote a song about this that I like.


"The Idiots Are Taking Over"

it's not the right time to be sober

now the idiots have taken over

spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding

tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding

Watson, it's really elementary

the industrial revolution

has flipped the bitch on evolution

the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized, what a bummer

the world keeps getting dumber

insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason

darwin's rollin over in his coffin

the fittest are surviving much less often

now everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening

someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool

now angry mob mentality's no longer the exception, it's the rule

and im startin to feel a lot like charlton heston

stranded on a primate planet

apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground

with generals and the armies that obeyed them

followers following fables

philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

there's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated

political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

majority rule, don't work in mental institutions

sometimes the smallest softest voice carries the grand biggest solutions

what are we left with?

a nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists

who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland

pass on traditions

how to get ahead religions

And prosperity via simpleton culture

the idiots are takin over [x8]

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Cool. Win-win Loopholes are fun! :globe:

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Well being a person living with Muscular Dystrophy I am all for stem cell research...Capriceman: I'm not here to get into a heated debate with you, just know this, being born with something you have no control of, and a disease which is basically a long painful death is not something I think makes me or anyone else who suffers from diseases such as MD weak...physically I am weak, mentally I'm strong, I was told almost two years ago I should be confined to a wheelchair and yet I'm not, I press on with the hope that one day this disease can be cured. To be quite honest with you, and take offense if you want....you're weak for making a statement like that. I am not asking for sympathy or anything, I am a human being and deserve every chance to make something out of my life as you do. I don't collect welfare....perhaps I'm the exception to the rule, but then again maybe I'm just strong anyway, seeing as how I'm in the process of starting my own business. If you woke up everyday and could barely get out of bed, could barely walk....could barely get up a flight of stairs or get out of your own car....are you saying you'd comit suicide for being weak and not the fittest? I highly doubt it, so don't make asinine comments when you obviously have no clue of what it's like to struggle. And let me leave you with this piece of advice...

I would'nt take things for granted in this life, cause should one day those things be taken away from you, you'll be in for a rude awakening.

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That's what I don't understand. The damn things are going to thrown out anyways.


The issue is that more embryos would be created for the pure sake of making a profit by selling them. And believe it or not, there are a number of clinics that will not destroy any embryos, and only create as many as they need for each case.
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Guest YellowJacket894

Pharmaceutical companies, to my knowledge, do not own these companies and therefor would have no impact on their profits.  Also this technology could reduce the number of persons requiring drugs and may decrease the drug company's profits.  Again all of this is theory right now.


That's probably the reason why Stem Cell Research is so discouraged in this country. The FDA owns our government to some extent. The FDA does not want our people well. If the FDA wanted us well, then they wouldn't make a profit. The FDA wants a drug, and only a drug, to be the cure for a disease. And the drug only provides a temporary solution.

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The FDA is a organization, not a company. They only test drugs and foods, they don't make them. Without getting to political, let me just say first off that while im for advancements in the field of medicinal R&D, we do need to remember that some clinics sale the embryo's and that IS wrong. They might aswell be selling humans. Yes i'm aware that it's still nothing more than living cells and isn't a fetus yet, however human life shouldn't have a price tag and for a clinic to turn around and sale something someone gives away for the good of humanity is what I oppose.

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This is a great advancement. It works around a lot of the tricky moral issues and will allow real research to move forward. With the arguments and ambiguity of when an embyo becomes a person, it is no wonder that this is a hot topic. Maybe this technique will cool some of the fires.

As for evolution and survival of the fittest...our culture has moved well beyond the basic survival needs. Now, our species has needs that were not existant in the far past. Yes, we need the physically strong to survive but intelligence is needed no matter what problems the body may have. Look at Stephen Hawking. His example and mind show that no matter what condition the body is in, the mind can be very active and useful.

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This is a great advancement. It works around a lot of the tricky moral issues and will allow real research to move forward. With the arguments and ambiguity of when an embyo becomes a person, it is no wonder that this is a hot topic. Maybe this technique will cool some of the fires.

As for evolution and survival of the fittest...our culture has moved well beyond the basic survival needs. Now, our species has needs that were not existant in the far past. Yes, we need the physically strong to survive but intelligence is needed no matter what problems the body may have. Look at Stephen Hawking. His example and mind show that no matter what condition the body is in, the mind can be very active and useful.


...but the real question here is:

Do people like Stephen Hawking have kids?? I'm not sure in his particular situation if he does or not - but if he is too busy to have kids or too geeky to find a wife, his intelligent genes never get passed on - hence evolution going backwards.


If evolution does go anywhere positive in the next few centuries, I can envision people getting better looking and more charismatic - because good looks and charisma help you land a partner.

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...but the real question here is:

Do people like Stephen Hawking have kids?? I'm not sure in his particular situation if he does or not - but if he is too busy to have kids or too geeky to find a wife, his intelligent genes never get passed on - hence evolution going backwards.


If evolution does go anywhere positive in the next few centuries, I can envision people getting better looking and more charismatic - because good looks and charisma help you land a partner.


Hey, I found a wife...and I look pretty geeky. :lol: Trust me, there's lots of the not-so-beautiful people finding partners and I don't think that trend will ever stop.

As for Stephen Hawking, in his current condition, I would think it would be very unlikely for him to ever father children but if conditions such as his could be caught and repaired in the womb then someone with his capabilities could very well pass on their genetics. Lots of brilliant and talented people have had children. So I am not sure if your argument works.

Besides, your first argument wouldn't reverse improvement of the species, it would only not advance it.

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Have you ever read "In Vitro Babies Born Without Auto-Immune System"?


minor nit, autoimmunity is a BAD thing. autoimmunity is the condition in which the immune system fails to recognize the body's own normal tissue and begins attacking it as though it were foreign.
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The FDA is a organization, not a company. They only test drugs and foods, they don't make them. Without getting to political, let me just say first off that while im for advancements in the field of medicinal R&D, we do need to remember that some clinics sale the embryo's and that IS wrong. They might aswell be selling humans. Yes i'm aware that it's still nothing more than living cells and isn't a fetus yet, however human life shouldn't have a price tag and for a clinic to turn around and sale something someone gives away for the good of humanity is what I oppose.


just something to add... science has proven that a "human has...(looked up) 23 pairs of chromosomes" right? ( other than some deseases from more or less) so a zygote (fertilized egg) is a human, be it in a lab or where it's supposed to happen, and should be treated as such.

ok, "stem cell research" is way to broad. we can get them [stem cells] from other things too, like the placenta among others. we don't need to be doing stem cell research on fertilized eggs.

why do we need to have egg and sperm banks? (seriously) come on.... now, not that i wouldn't mind getting paid for mine :lol:

edit, fix the chromosomes comment

Edited by loki
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