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Sexual Preference

Drew Dowdell

What is your sexual preference...  

200 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your sexual preference...

    • Heterosexual
    • Hetero-Flexible
    • Bisexual
    • Homo-Flexible
    • Homosexual

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This part I love. You actually say it is almost instinctive. I have to cut you some slack because at least you said almost. Behaviors are instinctive in all species for one reason, SURVIVAL! That includes personal survival as well as survival of the species. Homosexual behavior, by its definition, is counter-productive to species survival. It guarantees population decline in direct relation to its propagation. It therefore could never be instinctive. It is a choice. Again, being heterosexual, I speak from ignorance.

It is instinctive, however, to want to track down every female and have sex with them. We, as Men, are hardwired to do exactly that. We were not made to live with one mate for life, nor have monogamous relationships. We were designed to impregnate the opposite sex as much as possible. That is why we make sperm until we die, have testosterone pulsing through our bodies, and can have sex 4-5 times per day as long as we are healthy. Homosexuals are denying and even fighting their instincts. It is counter-productive to the human race from a biological standpoint. Now, I CHOOSE to have one mate for life and to remain monogamous, thus fighting my naturally instinctive behavior. I do this for personal benefit and view it as a good choice. You CHOOSE to love men, and also  view it as a good choice. Should my son, who is now 18 months old, someday inform me that he is gay, I will tell him that he IS not gay, but instead has CHOSEN to be gay. IS is something you are, and that would again revert to the hard wiring that we call instinct. As I have already diffused that argument, it leaves us instead with choice. Rational thought, deduction, and reason is what seperates us from apes. It is that process that allows you to fight your instinct and BE gay.

Good Luck with it, I will be ignorant to the actual insight of homosexuality as long as you are ignorant to the actual process of becoming gay. Only God knows, and depending on your viewpoints in that arena, we have a whole new Pandora's Box to open.


Wow I just got to this post in the thread and you are REALLY not smart at all are you?
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I don't get it, is GMI the straight forum and C&G the alternative lifestyle forum?

I am also on a chevy avalanche forum, does that mean something?

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What does it all mean???????????????????????


I have a feeling that he's talking about us here on C&G seem to get along better then those on GMI. When we have a conflict here, it's usually from an "outsider".

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having you here. I harbor no ill will towards you.... I just wish to show you the error of your ways. <mostly logic flaws>
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Seriously...keep this guy talking...I haven't had this much fun since evok reinterpreted the No Child Left Behind Act!!


Croc... I wonder if you can get a pic of the Grand Prix in pink? Mary Kay makes them for the 2nd place winners I think.
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I have a feeling that he's talking about us here on C&G seem to get along better then those on GMI. When we have a conflict here, it's usually from an "outsider".

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having you here.  I harbor no ill will towards you.... I just wish to show you the error of your ways. <mostly logic flaws>


bingo :CG_all:
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So are you saying that being gay is an abnormality?
Or is it a genetic mutation?

Either implies that it is a flaw, needing to be fixed. We spend millions each year seeking out the causes of things like cystic fibrosis so that we can prevent them or cure them.

Are you saying we need to prevent homosexuality or cure it??????

Your words, not mine!!!!!!!!!!!


Uhh, no, those are your words, in that you believe deviances from the majority need to be cured. Do we spend millions each year to "cure" abnormalities like attached earlobes? It is you who decides whether certain abnormalities are in need of change. From a biological standpoint, abnormalities increase biodiversity among species, which in turn, helps species to survive, though I suspect sexuality depends more on gene expression. Edited by empowah
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Uhh, no, those are your words, in that you believe deviances from the majority need to be cured. Do we spend millions each year to "cure" abnormalities like attached earlobes? It is you who decides whether certain abnormalities are in need of change. From a biological standpoint, abnormalities increase biodiversity among species, which in turn, helps species to survive, though I suspect sexuality depends more on gene expression.


Exactly...ask every parent of a Down's Syndrome child if they would like to cure them and most of them would act with a lot of indignation. Everybody has their gifts. Look at Rain Man--Raymond might be "flawed" in many ways but he can memorize large amounts of data. Edited by Croc
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Uhh, no, those are your words, in that you believe deviances from the majority need to be cured. Do we spend millions each year to "cure" abnormalities like attached earlobes? It is you who decides whether certain abnormalities are in need of change. From a biological standpoint, abnormalities increase biodiversity among species, which in turn, helps species to survive, though I suspect sexuality depends more on gene expression.


Hey! I have attached earlobes! I'm abnormal!? :( :( :( :(
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This is what we call slippery slope

You have to make the assumption that the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE would have to become homosexual to support your claim.

Somehow I don't think that will happen. You apparently do not have an understanding of the recessive gene in gentics.

Both of my parents have brown hair and brown eyes. I have blond hair and blue eyes.

Both of my parents are heterosexual. I am homosexual.


First, my job deals with the testing of tissue at the Nucleic Acid level through the isolation, reproduction, and amplification of DNA or RNA to quickly find disease in donations. I understand genetics pretty well as it's the industry I work in. When, or if, they find the "Gay" gene in the human genome, I will concede your point gladly. They haven't found it yet, and it may not exist. It is at best a theory at this point and not a widely accepted one at that, but the human genome is exceptionally complicated and I will not say that it doesn't exist.

As far as the difference between me personally not having a problem with the choice of homosexuality versus considering it an unacceptablelife model for my son:
It is my job as his parent to raise him the best way that I can. He will have more opportunity and be less stigmatized as a heterosexual, so I must try to push him in that direction through the right stimuli and cultural exposure. I most definitely WILL teach him to accept others regardless of differences, but that those differences sometimes come with burdens and are therefore not the best choice for him. In the end, his choices will decide the outcome, and as his father I will love him no less regardless! If he ends up a homosexual, then I will brag about his accomplishments in the same manner at family gatherings. I will be saddened by the fact that he won't give me any grandkids, but that is a selfish concern.

Hope that clarifies Edited by funkypunnk
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Dude, I looked, but it looks like the Mary Kay ones are actually silver with pink Mary Kay lettering on the side and a black Mary Kay badge.  This was the most pink I could find.


Croc, I LOVE IT!!!

Seriously everybody, this is getting a little too close to the line and I fearsomeone will soon misinterpret or misunderstand. I have throughly enjoyed this so far, but don't want to hurt someone's feelings.

Those words about genetic mutations were not mine, I was merely throwing that argument right back as comparing being gay to cystic fibrosis is a bit of a stretch to me. I DON'T feel that homosexuality is something that needs to be cured. I also don't feel it needs to be prevented. Of course the reason I don't feel that homosexuality needs to be prevented or cured is because I believe it is a choice, and choice cannot be prevented or cured without oppression or slavery. Enjoy your choices, I'll enjoy mine!!!!!!!

LOVE THE PINK GRAND PRIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have a feeling that he's talking about us here on C&G seem to get along better then those on GMI. When we have a conflict here, it's usually from an "outsider".

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy having you here.  I harbor no ill will towards you.... I just wish to show you the error of your ways. <mostly logic flaws>


I have been on C&G longer than GMI if I remember correctly although I did lurk a while before signing up to either one.

I correct myself, according to the profile I was on GMI as of April 05 versus August on C&G. Either way, I wouldn't consider myself an outsider on either one. Edited by funkypunnk
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One day in the not too distant future, heteros will understand homosexuals and you probably won't see any flamboyant or extreme gay parades and all the other things you spite as much as you see today. Allot of the way society has operated in the past and the way it does now is what causes allot of these extremes that just piss other people off. The moment you see everyone recognizing one another and understanding eachother, things will tone down dramaticaly.
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First, my job deals with the testing of tissue at the Nucleic Acid level through the isolation, reproduction, and amplification of DNA or RNA to quickly find disease in donations. I understand genetics pretty well as it's the industry I work in. When, or if, they find the "Gay" gene in the human genome, I will conced your point gladly. They haven't found it yet, and it may not exist. It is at best a theory at this point and not a widely accepted one at that, but the human genome is exceptionally complicated and I will not say that it doesn't exist.

At least you accept the possibility..... but then why the "slippery slope" rant about how if being gay were natural, humans would be extinct? Surely you understand how wrong you are in at least this regard.

He will have more opportunity and be less stigmatized as a heterosexual, so I must try to push him in that direction through the right stimuli and cultural exposure. I most definitely WILL teach him to accept others regardless of differences, but that those differences sometimes come with burdens and are therefore not the best choice for him.

Seeing a gay wedding doesn't make people gay. :rolleyes:

Kids get teased. Fat kids, skinny kids, tall kids, short kids, kids with braces, kids with glasses, kids with two dads, kids with no dad. They all get teased. The only way your son will be raised with less stigmatization is if he's perfect and lives a perfect life..... then he'll get teased for it.

I will be saddened by the fact that he won't give me any grandkids, but that is a selfish concern.

Both a selfish and unfounded one. Being gay doesn't mean one doesn't have kids. It's only a matter of time before my partner and I either surrogate or adopt. It could be worse, he could end up in the priesthood*.... then he'll definately never give you grandkids.

*only from the offspring producing aspect

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Only if the number of off-spring produced by the heterosexuals is lower then the death rate in the entire population. Sweeden is having a population problem, not because of homosexuals, but because heterosexuals aren't having as many kids. Take the homosexuals out of the population and Sweeden will still have the same problem.

good point to remember....

Homosexuality in animals has been shown to increase as population density increases. As a population becomes oversaturated, homosexuality spikes. Homosexuality could be nature's population check valve.

Another good point to remember, courtesy of Oldsmoboi.
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At least you accept the possibility..... but then why the "slippery slope" rant about how if being gay were natural, humans would be extinct? Surely you understand how wrong you are in at least this regard.
Seeing a gay wedding doesn't make people gay.  :rolleyes:

Kids get teased. Fat kids, skinny kids, tall kids, short kids, kids with braces, kids with glasses, kids with two dads, kids with no dad. They all get teased. The only way your son will be raised with less stigmatization is if he's perfect and lives a perfect life..... then he'll get teased for it.
Both a selfish and unfounded one. Being gay doesn't mean one doesn't have kids.  It's only a matter of time before my partner and I either surrogate or adopt. It could be worse, he could end up in the priesthood*.... then he'll definately never give you grandkids.
*only from the offspring producing aspect


I walked a tightrope on purpose, as intelligent debate requires the exploration of all facets of an argument, and I didn't directly call it out as unnatural, but let my phrases speak for themselves.

I WAS a fat kid (and a poor kid) and people did make fun of me. I will also try to keep my son fit as I have done with my daughter. I also have found my personal success so that my children do not have to be ridiculed for wearing goodwill or kmart clothes. My life, and especially my childhood, was far from perfect. That is why I accept your choices. I also learned, however, that being in the majority tends to make life a little easier and more enjoyable than looking in from the outside.

What is funny is I knew I was jumping into a lions den, and other than the one idea that I am calling out the truly "unusual" gay behavior as mainstream, this has gone as expected. I am guilty of stereotyping as is everybody, including those who automatically assume that because a heterosexual doesn't agree with the homosexual lifestyle, he doesn't accept it. I accept your choices, just don't agree with them. As far as the unusual behaviors like leather and gay pride parades, you should have just as much a problem with those as I do since they are not a fair representation of your lifestyle and draw negative reactions instead of positive debate. See, we are on the same team!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let me add that the current generation, my daughter's generation, has come further than any before it in the area of acceptance. For that, I am very proud of her! That includes some of you are currently actively posting in this thread, so thanks for at least granting a little harmony to the world.
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Can you tell that I've had this debate before....?


Yes, I can..... I have somany thoughts spewing out of my brain as I was reading this and I couldn't express all of my points in time to keep up with the conversation but you put down good points that I was aiming for as well. You covered them probably better than what I could have put down on paper.../computer
B) Edited by TurboRush
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Yes, I can.....  I have somany thoughts spewing out of my brain as I was reading this and I couldn't express all of my points in time to keep up with the conversation but you put down good points that I was aiming for as well. You covered them probably better than what I could have put down on paper.../computer


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Hetero-flexible? So like what does that mean anyways, you're all about girls but stick your dink in a guy every now and then just to keep shit interesting? Where do you come up with this stuff anyways? Call me old-fashioned, but I'd say there's really no gray area between straight and bi or gay and bi. Any thoughts?
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Hetero-flexible? So like what does that mean anyways, you're all about girls but stick your dink in a guy every now and then just to keep shit interesting? Where do you come up with this stuff anyways? Call me old-fashioned, but I'd say there's really no gray area between straight and bi or gay and bi. Any thoughts?


That's the ideology of the Kinsey scale. Under it, most people are classified bi, just to varying degrees. Guy A finds both sexes attractive, but has a preference for women, etc. It uses 7 degrees instead of 5, though. It seems pretty logical to me that some guys would be closeted about some slight bisexuality, especially since I grew up around a lot of guys who were so homophobic that they wouldn't even acknowledge when another guy was attractive or not.

Example, based on actual events:

me: man, that guy is ugly.
friend: I wouldn't know.
me: dude, he's so asymmetrical, he looks like something by Picasso!
friend: yeah, whatever. homo. Edited by Enzora
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Hetero-flexible? So like what does that mean anyways, you're all about girls but stick your dink in a guy every now and then just to keep shit interesting? Where do you come up with this stuff anyways? Call me old-fashioned, but I'd say there's really no gray area between straight and bi or gay and bi. Any thoughts?


ok..... You're old fashioned. :P
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One thing to keep in mind is that your perception of what homosexuals are like is inaccurate, because for the majority of the time, you cannot differentiate between a heterosexual and a straight-acting homosexual. Thus your exposure to gays is limited to only the extremely vocal, open, and feminine males that do stand out.

There are millions of homosexuals in the world, but you allow only a minority of them (the "gay-acting" ones that catch your attention) to mold your opinion of homosexuality. Not that there's anything wrong with "acting gay" if it's natural, of course.



(Sorry to seem dense.) I do acknowledge that not all homosexuals behave in the stereotyped way. My friend that I spoke of earlier (C.H), you know, I would swear that he is straight. I really would. Only getting to know him as a friend and being around him would I have thought otherwise.

Not that there's anything wrong with "acting gay" if it's natural, of course. Well, I guess this technically applies to me in the sense of the way my speech patterns sound. This, combined with my above average intelligence (even if it is useless stuff like geology, meteorology, horticulture, culinary things. etc) and love of flowers (especially roses) and cooking related exercises (I made oatmeal cookies tonight completely from hand- no raisins though, yuck) does usually taint the perception of what I am. I technically seem very feminine. Notably over the phone. It's like my voice hasn't gotten the memo that the rest of me has gone through puberty. I only sound like a guy when I have a bad head/chest cold, and in the mornings with the illness at that!

And, I totally agree about disliking the girlie-super-ditz woman. One of my friends (and former co-worker), Heather, isn't super-girlie, but she is quite the dits. I have a notebook filled with the funny things she says. Examples:

1.) "Oh, god! Why does it taste so bad?! It's awful!" -This came after I convinced her that deep-fried red tomato slices were delicious- they aren't.
2.) "I think my whispers are turning into screams!" -This came when I asked her if she felt ok, and "whispers" is my term for intestinal I-have-to-crap-now cramps.
3.) "Well, I put the lasagne in for 30 minutes even though the box said 15 because I thought it was wrong." -Pretty self-explanatory.
4.) "Why don't we cram the buns in anyway?" -The bun toaster broke. It was hot, but not cycling through, and Heather suggested we smush the buns through an electric device with a metal knife.

(These are much funnier to say in the "Heather Voice", which I can imitate in all but sound). Edited by MyerShift
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Mileage....mileage...and more mileage. This thread is still going? At least the pictures thread is interesting (so long as more people post what their supposed to) and quit the filler commentary. Ok, I'm being a jerk...you can say whatever you want on a forum.

I perused a couple of posts above and Enzora makes a very interesting statement. He mentions how acknowledging who, within your own gender, is attractive raises suspicion or can send out wrong signals.

I don't think this is tied to sexual preference AT ALL. People know what characteristics are considered attractive. People in Europe, particularly the Mediterranean basin, have no problem making such acknowledgments. So, it's more cultural. Also, over the pond, my male relatives kiss me on both sides of the face when they see me and are big time skirt chasers which they shouldn't be doing because they're married.

I think a lot of American sexual attitudes and those parts of our sexual culturalization borrowed from Anglo-Nordic frames of mind can, at times, be stifling. (Scarlet Letter on the brain). The uptightness surrounding sex and sexuality is probably part of that tradition. Why do you think they have a term such as "Latin Lover?"
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I can admit to when others are decent looking regardless of sex. And I definitely can tell when they seem a little more frightful than usual. It's just not something that one can say without being painted into something else.
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My father and I are cursed with higher-than-usual vocal pitches, and sometimes my speech patterns have been described as "slightly feminine" but what the hell...not every guy has to act all Abercrombie & Fitch to be straight, and I have it on good authority that many of the A&F guys aren't!
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Uh-oh. Did I commit a lingual crime? Lol. As I'm sure everyone is learning, I'm not most people. Hehe.
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I don't get it, is GMI the straight forum and C&G the alternative lifestyle forum?


While that's something I could wonder my goddamn self, can you and the others let this GO already?

On another board the acronym NGCCOT was used, meaning "nothing good can come of this"...

That applies here.

So please. Take the initiative...and dead it.
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Things happen when you're writing a post while watching the Shield and answering several phone calls interrupting that. Monday thru Thursday isn't the best for primetime message board weighing-in....for me anyway. Edited by LosAngeles
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Causing trounle again I see. :P :metal:


I'm not mister Masculine myself either... I can make a decent meal on & off the charcoal grille and my voice is ridiculous. I'm also a real lightweight... now 165 which is not bad but even in my ealry 20s I was 140-145lbs.

Who cares though. I know I'm straight and that's all that matters. Same as I've met several Ubber-Alfa-Male guys who ahve been gay. I'm not goign to argue with someone and say they're not gay just because they're 6'4", have the shoulders of Redwood tree & sound like a Football player.

Before College I was slightly homophobic. This was due to my dad constantly saying gays were leading an unnatrual lifestyle and other such conservative sillyness. I've grown beyond such 20th century ideals.

Like XP however I do agree, I have always considered the whole gay/bi/traight thing to be black & white.

Isn't "BI" enough of a gray area?
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Like XP however I do agree, I have always considered the whole gay/bi/traight thing to be black & white.

Isn't "BI" enough of a gray area?


Not really. I would put myself down as homo-flexible. I mostly date guys. I'm in a long term <permanent> relationship with a guy. Having a sexual fling with a woman is not out of the question with me. I will never have a relationship with a woman though.

Reverse genders to understand a hetero-flexible person.

Bisexual is someone who is just as likely to end up in a relationship with the same gender as they are with the opposite gender.
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I see I missed out last night. I'll just add this.. If homosexuality was a choice, it'd be one the I wouldn't choose. I have never wanted to be gay and I denied it for the longest time until fellow C&G members helped me to accept it. I didn't choose to be gay. If I could choose, I would want to be straight. But no matter what, I am what I am and I have accept it and deal with it. That's why I said it was almost instinctive. I was born with an attraction to guys... These feelings come naturally. It weren't any outside influence. I have both a mother and a father and they have always been happy together. The only time that they haven't, happened well after I had any homosexual feelings. And they are not exactly the most accepting people. They are racist and definitely homophobic. That's why I don't want them to know as I'm not sure if they'd still love me. I want them to know so they know who I really am, but I don't want things to change between us. If I could choose my sexuality... I would for that purpose. Now, please explain to me how I chose to be gay... :huh:
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I see I missed out last night.

I'll just add this.. If homosexuality was a choice, it'd be one the I wouldn't choose. I have never wanted to be gay and I denied it for the longest time until fellow C&G members helped me to accept it. I didn't choose to be gay. If I could choose, I would want to be straight. But no matter what, I am what I am and I have accept it and deal with it. That's why I said it was almost instinctive. I was born with an attraction to guys... These feelings come naturally. It weren't any outside influence. I have both a mother and a father and they have always been happy together. The only time that they haven't, happened well after I had any homosexual feelings. And they are not exactly the most accepting people. They are racist and definitely homophobic. That's why I don't want them to know as I'm not sure if they'd still love me. I want them to know so they know who I really am, but I don't want things to change between us. If I could choose my sexuality... I would for that purpose. Now, please explain to me how I chose to be gay... :huh:


I have to be very delicate here as it is extremely personal for you.

Let's think out loud.
You grew up with your two most important influences being racist and homophobic in your own words. Your generation has been incessantly programmed on acceptance, universal acceptance. This started with the cartoons you watched when you were 3 and continued on through every year of school until now. These very ideas were at conflict with the role models you cherished. As you matured, could it be that you subconsciously chose to become one of the groups that fall into the "acceptance required" category? I don't know, but this could help explain things. What if this were a psychological defense mechanism that you subconsiously put into place to ensure that you would not become racist or homophobic. What if you had a friend, teacher, coach, or scout leader who was effeminate? Maybe you had a female that you identified with more and as that doesn't fall into defined traditional roles, the seed was planted into your mind.

Again, I don't know, but I do feel for your tough position. I will accept my son no matter what, even if I don't agree with his choices.
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nah, just complimenting creativity.


Thank you! Being an artist, I strive to develop my creativity. However, as an artist, I also tend to be a little crazy.

On the bi-sexual topic being "grey" versus the black and white of straight and homosexual, I got myself into trouble once (as in being teased) because I said something about feeling grey because I had conflicting opinions about a particular topic that day in class. My friends still bother me about it. They went on and on about how nothing is grey, and I countered that with an overcast sky. Like today. It's very grey out.

And, by the way, my cookies turned out excellently. A bit crisp for my preferences, but delicious nonetheless.
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I have to be very delicate here as it is extremely personal for you.

Let's think out loud.
You grew up with your two most important influences being racist and homophobic in your own words. Your generation has been incessantly programmed on acceptance, universal acceptance. This started with the cartoons you watched when you were 3 and continued on through every year of school until now. These very ideas were at conflict with the role models you cherished. As you matured, could it be that you subconsciously chose to become one of the groups that fall into the "acceptance required" category? I don't know, but this could help explain things. What if this were a psychological defense mechanism that you subconsiously put into place to ensure that you would not become racist or homophobic. What if you had a friend, teacher, coach, or scout leader who was effeminate? Maybe you had a female that you identified with more and as that doesn't fall into defined traditional roles, the seed was planted into your mind.

Again, I don't know, but I do feel for your tough position. I will accept my son no matter what, even if I don't agree with his choices.


Well, I remember having homosexual feelings before I realized what they were and that they were... not normal, so to say. That's before I realized my parent's and 85% of the people I go to school with were homophobic. I mean, I didn't know what it was. This goes back well before High School, like around 4th grade. I always had a fascination with guys. I didn't think much of it until puberty and seeing that most boys around me had sexual feelings towards girls and, well, I didn't. Sometime after that, I made the observation that my parent's were against that and that's when denial set in. I denied it enough that I acted like them around them and tried to act as straight as I thought I knew how. Still do it in some ways... if anything is planted into my mind, it's that.
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In the end, the only answers can come from within. A therapist can help with that, but only for the purpose of seeking out answers, not for fixing it because it isn't something that is necessarily broken. As you age, wisdom grants this wonderful self-awareness and introspection so hopefully someday you'll better understand what makes you who you are in every way. I know things now about myself that I had no idea of when I was 25.
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