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I Am Now A Collar Popper!

Cory Wolfe

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So yeah... after all the years of joking and making fun of Frank for popping his collar, I finally feel bad for it since I see the logic in it. You see... popped collars not only keep youre neck warm... they hide hickeys well. :lol:

Ah... for those nonexistant few that noticed my own nonexistance this weekend, it was because I travelled down to Somerset, Pa to meet a cool boy I've been chatting with. For having only chatted with him online, I unusually liked him alot. So, in my search for love and wanting to finally be in a relationship with a guy, I went down to meet him. Needless to say, we hit it off pretty well, as I had hoped. We're very similar and get along great. So yeah, I miss him already. I miss looking into his eyes... rubbing his chest... kissing him... cuddling... talking... being next to him... I think I've finally found what I've been looking for. I think I love him, but IDK... I don't want to rush it. But he motivates me in so many ways and really makes me feel good about myself. I just wish we lived closer, but like me, he's an internet addict so I'm always talking to him.

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Could've went without one of those lines, but yeah.

I was going to post a new thread, but I'll just post it here...

At Kettering, they had this overnight event called Prep for Success to meet current students, possible incoming freshmen (like myself), and find your way around the school. This was a few months ago and I had a good time. During the course of the night, after "settling down" around probably 9 (as a guess), I started playing cards with two girls and a guy. Well, I ended up continuing, after playing cards, to play pool with these people, too. Well, one of the two girls' names was Katie. After sitting around shooting pool and BSing a little (I'd say around 2-3 AM), we all went upstairs to some lounge where a bunch of us sat in a circle talking and doing this "You can ask yes/no questions.. here's your hint" type mystery things. Well, while on the one "sofa" type thing, Katie and I got to sitting together, eventually getting pretty close together and in each others arms. The night ended around 6:45 AM.

Well, we were all supposed to meet the next morning, but I never saw any of them before leaving. So, just tonight Katie ran by my facebook account and we talked all night online. It's sweet, too, because she lives in Lansing, which is just less than a 2 hour drive lol. But, get this, she's much like me: she loves GM, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, and is definitely cute. What! Yeah, I said it! And I'm going to be going to Kettering with her for about 4-4.5 years. And she texted me later tonight saying, "I wanna see you. It's like 7 weeks though, you know? What are we gonna do?" Well, she wants to get together sometime between now and when we get to Kettering, so I told her about Woodward before she went to bed. So I'll find out if I've got "a date" to go out to Woodward with this Saturday! :smilewide:

EDIT: haha, this is weird as hell. Pure coincidence, though. I was just looking at her last name and saying, "Damn that's long." Well, I saw my name underneath it and thought of my dad (shared first name). Then I realized my mom's maiden name has the same number of letters as Katie's last name.. and my mom's first name has the same number of letters as Katie's. Then, get this, I was thinking their two last names shared quite a few letters; well, they only share four. In order: E, S, N, I. Re-arranged, we've got SINE (sine, sign. Get it?), and we're going to college to be engineering majors (*cough* sine... calculus). Just a weird coincidence, that's all.

Edited by NOS2006
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NOS - sounds like freshman year all over again *sighing - memories that have been shelved*

BV - sounds like you popped more than the collar :lol: (sheez, and I was expecting a fashion statement)

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Anything you regret from that beloved freshman year?


yeah, that I didn't get any...that would have been toward the end of college.

Now, Frank, remember:

raincoat....raincoat...raincoat....I wanna see you walk out with a B.S.M.E. from Kettering without any complications. Got it?

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...the premium placed on alcohol still astounds me...

...I think I have had FEWER alcoholic drinks in my ENTIRE life than some of you have had in a wild college weekend (no, my religion does not forbid alcohol consumption, just a personal choice to stay in control and keep $ in my wallet)

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BV: DON'T rush telling him that. A female roommate of mine fell in love very easily and told guys way too quickly. I watched her ruin quite a few relationships that way. Most guys seem to think that a girl who says "I love you" too fast is somehow damaged. Personally I don't see it, and if a girl made up her mind quickly and told me that I'd be flattered. Not sure if gay guys work the same way as straight guys in how they deal with the big "I love you", but I thought I should give you a heads up nonetheless.

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Yeah you little perv. Put a parka on your pecker. I hear the hiv' sucks.

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Guest YellowJacket894

I need a beer.

I think I'll use the old Employee Pricing tactic here. Maybe then someone will pick me up off the lot. (But no fat chicks. I can't stand sagging upholstery.)

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Ah... for those nonexistant few that noticed my own nonexistance this weekend, it was because I travelled down to Somerset, Pa

*raises eyebrow*


I suspect you traveled down RT 219 at some point to Somerset. In which case, you were just a few seconds away from me, as I was just off RT 219 in the Holsopple PA area.....

Ah, well.

And NOS, regarding those names ... I thought I was thinking too much ... he he he.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"Do you know what it feels like being alone?" ... All American Rejects ... 'Swing Swing Swing'

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Oh God, he used that old line... "I'm a virgin"...

He needs to wrap it before he taps it.


Oh... yeah, that's right... I forgot that virgins no longer exist.

*raises eyebrow*


I suspect you traveled down RT 219 at some point to Somerset.  In which case, you were just a few seconds away from me, as I was just off RT 219 in the Holsopple PA area.....

Ah, well.

And NOS, regarding those names ... I thought I was thinking too much ... he he he.

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

Models.HO = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/trainroom.html

"Do you know what it feels like being alone?" ... All American Rejects ... 'Swing Swing Swing'


Hmm... never thought of that, heh. Did any Mazda Millenias ever go zooming by? :P
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a cool boy I've been chatting with. For having only chatted with him online


aka, random guy you met on the internet

So, in my search for love and wanting to finally be in a relationship with a guy, I went down to meet him.


aka you drove to meet him for...sex

Yea, I'm sooo off base. :rolleyes:

Sorry you don't like how it sounds in the Cliff Notes version, but you should still always use a condom. Romantic feelings and promises of virginity don't make STDs disappear. Seriously BV...we don't want you to act retarded.

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Hah, nice. Random guy would be someone I didn't know, didn't have feelings for. Driving for sex would for the sole purpose of sex. Aka, no and no. I don't meet just anyone. I don't meet for sex. I'm not a slut. And it's not promises of virginity, it's he was a virgin. You sure are playing heavily on stereotypes... I forgot that every gay guy is plagued with STDs and are big time sluts who lie about their virginity.

So yeah, you obviously don't know me enough, don't know him enough, and don't know the situation enough to accurately say a goddamn thing. So, if you will, get off my back and go back to your cave, please. You're not wise, you're not better than me, you don't know everything, and you are quite the ass. I'm sick of you, your posts, and your degrading comments. I've tried to let it go, but you never let off. So f@#k off, for once and for all.

Oh and btw, to everyone, I'm done defending the guy I love.

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BV, not every gay guy has STDs...but the thing is that you almost need to protect yourself as if they do. STDs get passed around because of the whole "it can't happen to me" mentality. Same thing with girls...gotta assume they all are human petri dishes until you get into a committed relationship with one of them...and even then you still don't know for sure.

Go ahead and get all pissy about it...doesn't surprise me in the least since no one has ever been able to tell you anything on here.

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Cory. For once, just listen to all of us....heh yes Croc too. Do you honestly think that all of us are wrong and you are right? The stubborn, know it all teenager response of "yes" would be the inncorrect answer to that question. Everyone here is just trying to keep you safe and trying to keep you from making some of the mistakes we made when we were your age. *That* is the point you are missing. You seem to be viewing all this as nothing more than attacks. There is something to be said for life experience...and...well...what can I say. We're older and have more of it.

It was not too many months ago that a friend who is only 20 years old IM'ed me one day in shock telling me that he had just tested positive for HIV. He was so upset about it at the on set and so worried about the cost of HIV meds that he was telling me he was just going to refuse treatment and let it kill him. Honestly it was like one of those TV commercials as he was telling me "I only had unprotected sex once..." Needless to say his life is now forever changed and he's still just a kid.

Just listen...OK? Don't come up with another long list of excuses....just listen. You can tell me to go to hell on any other advice if you want, but just humor me on this one. Heh and how can Croc be a stereotyping, anti-gay person when he is a HUGE CLOSET CASE himself! :lol:

Now if you'll excuse me I have some spying to do and I just got some email from abercromie.com with the subject line that says "Effortlessly Sexy" so thats gotta be good.

(Easy Croc! Easy....just kidding)

Edited by CD/BP
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Chris, I completely understand. I don't know what else to tell you. I'm not pissed at you, just Croc. I've had enough of him. The day he goes away, is the day I celebrate. For him to tell me Erik is just some random guy and I drove to him for sex... grr... angered me more than anything. It's not about using condoms. I know I should and all... I'm not that retarded. However, I don't regret not using one with Erik. As I've said, two std free guys, one being a virgin whome I trust. I'm going to be stubborn here. When the possibility of contracting any stds is zip... the condoms will stay in the hidden storage thing in my car and I will enjoy sex to the fullest. Stupid, immature, wrong? Sure, but I'll risk it.

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Aye...BV, I was breaking it down to make a point about risky behavior. The only time the possibility of contracting any STDs is zip is when you aren't having sex, are avoiding public restrooms, blood transfusions, tanning beds, etc. Now, I'm glad you hit it off with this guy, but the fact remains he was a random person you met on the internet and drove to meet. And then you had sex. Go ahead and be all pissed off at me because you don't like how it sounds when I tell it as it is. It won't bother me all that much. You can always choose to ignore my posts if they bother you that much. I wouldn't be posting in this thread or giving you a hard time if I weren't concerned with your health and safety on some level. The choice to use condoms and insist on condoms being used is yours...but if you are going to roll the dice, you should be getting yourself tested regularly. You owe it to yourself and any of your future sexual partners.

ETA CD/BP: I will let that one slide...this time. :P

Edited by Croc
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Sorry for going off on you, Croc. I understand how all of you guys just want to help and make sure I'm safe, I just feel what you said about Erik was unjustified. I trust him and believe he was virgin. Actually, it was quite obvious... like my first time, he was clueless on what to do other than what he seen in Porn. Haha... But yeah, you do get on my nerves sometimes, Croc, so I don't always see your true intentions. I apologize.

As for getting testing... I did so about two weeks ago. I never really posted about losing my virginity to an actual random guy (regret it) and was without a condom (regret it), so I was sorta worried. But as I've said, I trust Erik enough to not use a condom with him.


Speaking of him, I'm going down to see him tomorrow. This time, he's in Pittsburgh (well, Beaver Falls) with his aunt. I actually think it might be closer than Somerset. So yeah, I miss him like crazy and can't wait to see him again.

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Alright... amidst my stubbornness, there is still a reason for this thread to be alive!!! While I don't need to pop my collar any further, I still have Erik!!! So yeah... Got back from seeing him down in Beaver Falls for the weekend. T'was great, needless to say. His sister (not his aunt *slaps himself*) was cool... a lil' bitchy (his words, haha), but alright really. I was hoping to stay tonight as well, but his sister (which was 9 months pregnant, btw) was stressed, so it was best that I not. Anyways... I got some pictures of us together so that you can see the wonderful Erik, heh... They'll be up sometime tonight. Yay. I'm happy. :P

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