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It's official: Toyota drivers are @$$holes!!!


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So as some of you now know, and most probably do not, I have moved recently.

I now live right at the intersection of Rt.3 & I-495 just outside of Lowell Mass.

It's been a nerve wracking experience and I'm glad it's over. Now Sofia has more

room to play and a much nicer back yard and the Super 88 & Datsun have semi-

indoor storage. The Super will soon enough be sleeping in a barn when not driven.

The only bad news is that we're renting again and didn't buy a house, but all good

things come to those who wait. Now on with the show:

I went to a car show again today with the Super 88. Kimbal's Ice Cream &

Miniature Golf in Westford, MA. Just a few minutes away from me. It's a great

show & there was somewhere around 300 cars there... well 250 minimum.

There's two lawns: one for parking and one for "Show Cars" it's up to the public's

discretion to pick the appropriate one. This is usually not a problem but there's

always a few jackasses who are too lazy to walk and park a non-show car on the

lawn with the show cars.

There was a Saturn Sky there for instance with 1500 miles on it. That's okay since

it's a rare car that just came out, and it's a sports car of low production volume.

Same for an SSR or 911 Targa. It was actually the first Sky I have ever seen

standing still outside of a dealership. It was very nice.

On the other hand there was three blatant violations of the "show car" rule.

And guess what? All three were TOYOTAS! <_<:nono::angry:

As soon as I parked my Super 88 I got out and admired the '68 Camaro SS &

'57 Corvette I was parked between. Then I notice a few rows over there's a

100% stock yellow Toyota Matrix. WTF right? It gets better.

Several rows over there later turned up a brand new 100% stock blue 06 Corolla.

Mind you it's parked amongst vehicles like '66 Corvette Sting Ray Roadsters,

'44 Willys Military GPs and '55 Pontiac Starchief convertibles.

And now the icing on the proverbial cake.

Parked between a C5 ragtop with a custom hood, paint job, rims and Z06 motor

transplant and a riced out SRT-4 Neon is a Camry.

100% stock Camry LE.

Tan exterior.

Tan interior.

Same ugly f@%$#ng wheel covers it left the factory with.

2002-06 vintage.

Yes... a silver-brown metallic :censored: Camry.

I walked back to the Super 88... (Sofia still in my arms) took a paper wrapper

from a 6 pack of Jewel Tipparillos and wrote in block letters:









When I pulled out of the car show at 8:00pm tonight, the sun dipping below

the trees and Sofia resting in her tired head in the car seat, that note was

below the windshield wiper of that gross Toyota pile of $hit.

What a blatant sign of disrespect: to park the car that is regarded by 99%

of the population to be the most boring and unexciting vehicle ever made

in a row of cars like a '58 Fuelie Corvette & a flat black '49 Ford rat rod.


Edited by Sixty8panther
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Um. So sue me for my ignorance, but "official show car rules" and "Kimbal's Ice Cream & MiniGolf" don't quite go together.

Its not the Concourse or even Woodward. I was honestly expecting to read an intriguing tale of unabated road rage between some Sienna driver and you in your 88 or perhaps a touch of irony if you were to call someone a "yuppie asshole" while driving your Q45.

Now, if a group of ricers showed up at a classic car show, opened up their 45hp half liter wonders, and acted obnoxious, foolish, and childish, I would agree...assholes. But, man. This was just a waste of my time to read.

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perhaps a touch of irony if you were to call someone a "yuppie asshole" while driving your Q45.


Just driving a luxury car DOES NOT make one a yuppie @$$hole.

Driving a Lexus RX330 while talking on a phone and cutting off 3

cars at a time and parking at the handicap spot at Starbucks to

go grab a quick Mocca-Frappachino-Double-Non-Fat-Skim-Latte

on the other hand is one sign of "yuppie-@sshole-dom".

I would not ever call you a yuppie a$$hole just becasue your

Aurora's MSRP was $42,999 or whatever when new.

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I would not ever call you a yuppie a$$hole just becasue your

Aurora's MSRP was $42,999 or whatever when new.


$32,595, offering more than - and undercutting the imports by - several thousand dollars.


Anyway, my real point is I don't understand how these people are anymore "assholes" than someone who parks a non-stockcar Lumina or rental Ford Explorer in this allegedly designated space. Disrespectful? How about just clueless about parking at worst?

As said, a group of people pulling up and acting obnoxious with the intent of crashing a well-meaning assembly of car enthusiasts are very much assholes. Some guy who parked "incorrectly" at a clearly informal event is not. In fact, if the '06 Corolla had its hood propped up with a factory brochure opened to the spec sheet, I'd say that guy has one hell of a sense of humor. And leaving notes like that? C'mon. Yeah, I've left notes, too - on cars that park so goddamn close I can't open my door - import and domestic.

I'll contrast your story with one of my own. Last Saturday, I took my girlfriend out for a date and we stopped at a Sonic afterwards. For those who don't know Sonics are throwbacks to the carhop era and often gladly host local car shows. On this one night at one location alone, I saw riced out Hondas, lowrider trucks, pristine vintage American cars, high-performance 70s muscle, and some simply nice mildly tricked-out modern cars all mixed together. One big happy family of car enthusiasts.

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Guess they weren't car people then. :banghead:

Though I have to agree with 68 about the parking-what kind of moron parks

a commuter car next to a classic car?(regardless whether it was a real show

or not..)

About the toyota part-you might want to get used to that part-I've noticed quite

a few 80s Toyotas making their way to the car shows...and 70s Hondas...

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Recap from this past March.

I share the Q45 with my G/F... it's our newest and most often driven car.

She wanted to get something luxurious and comfortable... I wanted a

domestic, V8 powered and MOST importantly RWD car. After she looked

at a few Buick Roadmasters, Caprice Classics & Fleetwood Broughams

on ebay & the used car lots she decided that they were all either too

expensive or too "grandma-ish" for her tastes... Sucks to be me.

She does not like Fords so the Panther cars were out and the Chrysler

300C and Dodge Charger were out of our price range... esp. with the V8.

So that left very little. I found a nice '95 Impala SS but it was too much

money and the seller was a weirdo.

Then I asked the C&G community to help me think of any good RWD cars

I might have forgot about... & out came Variance wiht the Q45 suggestion.

To be honest I think after trying to please Marcia and always getting told

my tastes in cars were too "conservative" I might have even bought a used

Lexus GS400 out of desperation. It's got a V8 and RWD. :ph34r:

Plus I consider Nissan to be the LEAST offensive Japanese manufacturer.

So yes, the Q45 is a Nissan (Datsun Q as I call it) but the heck with you

guys questioning my judgement or devotion to GM. How many 4dr

hardtops are there out there from the late 90s early 2000s? And how many

domestic cars are there with RWD and a V8 for less than $8000 in great

shape with that much curb appeal? The Q45 is slow compared to the Cadillac

STS it replaced and I miss the DIC but otherwise I think the Q45 is MUCH

more enjoyable to drive and better laid out, esp. the back seat... you know

where I put my 2-1/2 year old daughter.

To each his own.

I'd rather drive a RWD import anyday than some FWD abortion from GM. :mellow:

About the toyota part-you might want to get used to that part-I've noticed quite

a few 80s Toyotas making their way to the car shows...and 70s Hondas...


There was also a 1980s RWD Celica there as well as a Honda S2000.

Both acceptable as "show cars". And Fly: if there had been any rental

Ford Explorers or non-stock-car Luminas there they'd have gotten a

dirty note too... but there were NOT. It was three Toyotas and three

Toyotas only that broke this rule. Very typical of the morons who

drive this brand, if you ask me.

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To paraphrase a few C&Gers:

"FWD is alright for econo-boxes & hatchbacks"

Key word Alright. If I had enough money to buy a brand new

Cobalt SS/SC I'd have enough to buy a nice used Camaro

or, to suit your example, a used 2004 Infiniti G35 coupe.

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My IQ just dropped 6 points and the baby Jesus that goes with the nativity scene thats in the attic just started BAWLING.



You can get an '04 G35 coupe for $20k? Sorry buddy, don't think so.

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You can get one, but its going to have a lot of miles and the seats have probably been raped more than NOS' Love Ewe.


:lol: It's not rape! I could've sworn it muttered "Do me" just the other night while I was trying to sleep!
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I'm not afraid to buy a car with 70,000 miles. Maybe it's

because unlike most people on C&G I like turning

wrenches and don't measure my happiness according to

how much "new car smell" my vehicle has.


everyone knows KBB is WAY high on retail: $25K on KBB

means $22,000 (Cobalt SS/SC with the LSD) is well within

reach at the same price.

I hate having to explain techicalities. <_<

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I'm not afraid to buy a car with 70,000 miles. Maybe it's

because unlike most people on C&G I like turning

wrenches and don't measure my happiness according to

how much "new car smell" my vehicle has.

I measure my happiness by how happy I am. And usually I'm not happy when I'm fixing something on my car that shouldn't need to be fixed, or shelling out $$ to get something fixed that I am unable to fix, for whatever reason, or when I change my own oil and realize that I spent as much to get oil and filters as I would have spent at Jiffy lube, except it took me twice as long because the freaking oil filter on the EcoTec is a pain in the ass to replace due to it just being the paper element that is attached to a cap that its really hard to get out of the engine block due to all the &#036;h&#33; in the way.
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And after incentives, Sixty8? I was quoted for an '06 SS SC with the G85 Performance Package (Recaro seats and LSD) and sunroof for $20,420 + tax. That obviously doesn't include a downpayment. And that's with, what, $2k in extras?

So after searching all of cars.com, the two cheapest 2004 G35 Coupes are $21900 and $22990. Each respectively is $1480 and $2570 more than the Cobalt and respectively have 22k and 48k miles more than it. I'd rather have a brand new car for cheaper with many less miles, but maybe that's just me. :AH-HA_wink:

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If it was an open show then I would not be surprised to find about anything there. We've had a bunch of those kinds of shows here and I know a guy who drove a Kia in just days after he bought it. Hey, he really liked what he had and was proud to have a car.

Most of the guys I work with are very cool about different cars and being open to what other people like. One coworker is into classic lowriders, I am into muscle and pony cars (plus trucks), another loves motorcycles, a few enjoy the AWD Subarus, some like small FWD cars. We joke with each other but usually are supportive of each others section of automotive enthusiasm.

I had to add to this.

Panther, its unfortunate that you cannot see the positives in a well designed and executed FWD car. There's plenty to enjoy there. You can look at my signature to see how much I enjoy RWD vehicles, but I've also driven and enjoyed a bunch of FWD as well.

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Gee dude... I love V8, RWD as much as the next guy and really dislike Toyota, but I gotta say, if that's what you wrote, you may have ruined somebody's time.

I have gotten messages from Enviro groups on my windshield lecturing me on my truck and how it singlehandedly is dooming us to death... (here's my advance apology by the way: Sorry! :P ) and it pissed me off.

People don't like to get made fun of, and they probably don't want their car to be made fun of either. Maybe the beige Toyota with stock hubcaps was the only vehicle in their price range... maybe they scrounged extra cash just to get a car to fit the kids... who knows...

Point is, maybe thinking things through would've been a good idea. Your note wouldn't make anyone happy, and would likely cause the folks driving the Toyota to question whether humanities kindness still exists...

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I don't see why everybody's crawling all over Sixty-8 for this. While I might not have left a note, I certainly would have thought about it. I mean, I like my Civic, but I certainly wouldn't park it in a sea of classics and hot rods as if it had a right to be there. If it were a pristine, cherry '77 then it might have a place there. A stock 2004 doesn't, and my '93 doesn't either.

Now if you want to get on him for the "Park you car", that's fair game. People who lecture on etiquette should be able to spell...


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I don't see why everybody's crawling all over Sixty-8 for this.  While I might not have left a note, I certainly would have thought about it.  I mean, I like my Civic, but I certainly wouldn't park it in a sea of classics and hot rods as if it had a right to be there.  If it were a pristine, cherry '77 then it might have a place there.  A stock 2004 doesn't, and my '93 doesn't either.


Honestly, though, there's absolutely no reason to get completely pissed off over one car parking there. I can see if it were a few cars, all friends of each other, parking there. And I can see if it's a real big cruise or something, but maybe this &#036;h&#33;ty car parking there was a way to show them it was in no way a huge cruise or show. In fact, it took place at a damn ice cream stand.
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Maybe the beige Toyota with stock hubcaps was the only vehicle in their price range...


That's a cop-out dude... a new Camry is the absolute epitome of the

anti-entusiast car. That I will not back down on... I can not think of

one car on God's green earth that belonmged there less.

Even a part time "enthisiast" would have bought a Maxima or Mazda 6

instead of the most boring and plentiful appliacnce of a car ever made.

That's not the point though... a 2004/5/6 anything has no place being

there unless it's a sports car with a super-low production run or some

other rare bird like an exotic.

It's a BEIGE CAMRY. Have you people gone senile? It's the most plentiful

car on today's roads. There's MILLIONS of them. Any street corner has

one, esp. a beige one.

It may be an ice cream /mini golf place but any carshow that's crowded

enough to fill up several acres of grass with 200-400 cars does not need

some prick in a Toyota to take up space in the show section. Space is

a comodity here.

Google is a great tool:

Location: Kimball's Farm - Westford, MA

Again I would like to say that even if you don’t have a rotary powered vehicle to bring come on down. Participation is encouraged. Family, friends and kids are welcome. At this time I would like to only have Rotary cars in the field. If you come with a "non show car" then please park in the lot across from the ice cream stand. There is a path leading to the event area (approx. 200 feet away)


BMW show later this year:


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(Speedingpenguin posting on Sixty8's name)


If this show was just in the parking lot or something, i could understand a toyota getting mixed into the show cars and stuff.... but there is a huge sign at the enterance to the field that says "SHOW CARS ONLY"

The location of the Toyota was way past the "halfway full" point, so he couldnt have just been "confused" and accidentally parked with the show cars. The other parking field is literally a 30 second walk from the show car field, and with 300+ show cars there, theres no way it was a mistake... it was laziness.

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It sounds like there were a lot of non-rotary cars at this show so the show description you have there, panther, doesn't apply.

I'm not jumping your case here, I just think it isn't a big deal in a completely open show. Now, if they were having a show with specified entries (like only Chevies, or pre 72 cars) that would be different.

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Its not about 'turning wrenches.' Buying a late-model Infiniti with high-mileage is a ticket to a pain in the ass. You're talking a kind of car people your age who are cubicle stiffs with some $$$ buy. These are magazine enthusiasts who buy an Infiniti because "It f@#kin' PWND teh LexASS in last months motortrend, dawg", beat the hell out of them, and run it through an Amoco car wash every quarter. Plus, pop the bonnet of a G35 (don't forget the hood prop!) and see what one can actually fix underneath it. Think your STS was bad?

As far as this parking thing, I think what everyone's trying to convey is that its an informal gathering at a car rally and also that a note like that is inappropriate. You have no idea who they were, why they were there, what reason they had to park there. Again, you're acting like this guy came to wreck up the place. How would you like to have walked out to your Infiniti after enjoying a day at a classic car show and read a note saying "HEY ASSHOLE JAP CARS SUCK ASS BLOW NUTS AND YOU DO TOO" because I can make some blanket judgement about you being some yuppie asshole, incorrect as it may be.

Furthermore, it gives domestic drivers/enthusiasts a bad name - as if we're all ignorant idiots who leave notes on foreign cars to make people feel bad. There's a fine line between here and the outside world. Its also just plain not nice to do - and I know you consider yourself a nice guy - especially for something that's so insignificant.

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Guest YellowJacket894

Regarding the whole "rear-drive for less than twenty-something-thousand" arguement: a Charger in base trim is going for $21,000 after discounts.

And, for some reason, I've got the Enthusiast's Itch for the Charger. I like a nice, roomy rear-drive car and I like the Charger. I guess it's my target right now since I've given up on finding a B-Body and need something cheaper on insurance until Allstate and friends decide to quit treating me like an asshole if I want to buy a Camaro.

Anyway, back on topic...

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Ever think that the Toyota drivers parked there hours, or possibly days before any of the show cars? Or that there was a reason that they left the car there, like some sort of emergancy that required them to park the car and bolt with someone else? No, you didn't. I say we re-name this thread Infiniti drivers are @$$holes.

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Sixty8Panther again. :P

Cars that belong less than a Camry:

Yaris, Prius, Fit, help me out guys.


All those, for better or worse are much more "rare" than a last gen. Camry.

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My IQ just dropped 6 points


:lol: mine just dropped 6% and I afraid that left me with little to work with.

I just went to a open car show with my buddy and his family. Had I gotten there with him we wanted to park my white 06 GTP next to his white 65 GTO, they also took the (68 SS convertable and 69 Camaro). But I arrived later and parked outside the area. Later a Colbalt SS pulled in and was very close to the old cars, I had been wishing we could have parked side by side.

Besides his Camaros and GTO the only cars of interest there were few. One Skylark and one Cutlass, the rest were typical Chevies and Fords, the Camrys of the past......................................... :scratchchin:

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the rest were typical Chevies and Fords, the Camrys of the past......................................... :scratchchin:


I'll admit there's some truth to that.

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Its not about 'turning wrenches.' Buying a late-model Infiniti with high-mileage is a ticket to a pain in the ass. You're talking a kind of car people your age who are cubicle stiffs with some $$$ buy. These are magazine enthusiasts who buy an Infiniti because "It f@#kin' PWND teh LexASS in last months motortrend, dawg", beat the hell out of them, and run it through an Amoco car wash every quarter. Plus, pop the bonnet of a G35 (don't forget the hood prop!) and see what one can actually fix underneath it. Think your STS was bad?

As far as this parking thing, I think what everyone's trying to convey is that its an informal gathering at a car rally and also that a note like that is inappropriate. You have no idea who they were, why they were there, what reason they had to park there. Again, you're acting like this guy came to wreck up the place. How would you like to have walked out to your Infiniti after enjoying a day at a classic car show and read a note saying "HEY ASSHOLE JAP CARS SUCK ASS BLOW NUTS AND YOU DO TOO" because I can make some blanket judgement about you being some yuppie asshole, incorrect as it may be.

Furthermore, it gives domestic drivers/enthusiasts a bad name - as if we're all ignorant idiots who leave notes on foreign cars to make people feel bad. There's a fine line between here and the outside world. Its also just plain not nice to do - and I know you consider yourself a nice guy - especially for something that's so insignificant.


Very True, Fly. Couldn't have said it better myself. :)

BUT, I cannot fault 68 for being passionate-regardless whether it was wrong or

right. (After all, it was just a note-it might have just blown away...)

He's strong willed about it-As long as he's open minded.... :yes:

I have to find it funny the bashing that 68 got-because at some point we all do

something that crazy.... :rolleyes:

Even if he doesn't like my FWD Cobalt..... :(

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Ever think that the Toyota drivers parked there hours, or possibly days before any of the show cars?  Or that there was a reason that they left the car there, like some sort of emergancy that required them to park the car and bolt with someone else?  No, you didn't.  I say we re-name this thread Infiniti drivers are @$$holes.


It was a Tempo...I could believe it.... :lol:

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Ever think that the Toyota drivers parked there hours, or possibly days before any of the show cars?  Or that there was a reason that they left the car there, like some sort of emergancy that required them to park the car and bolt with someone else?  No, you didn't.  I say we re-name this thread Infiniti drivers are @$$holes.


You obviously did not read most of the thread...

If you're going to contribute to the conversation

don't say something that asinine, no offense but

people don't leave a Camry parked in the

middle of a huge field and then happen to get in

perfect alignment to a bunch of hot rods &

Vettes. The car was NOT there, it was driven in

& parked parallel to the SRT4 beihnd a Sting Ray

and then the next person to arrive parked their

"Z06 Convertible" show car nextr to the Camry.

The location of the Toyota was way past the "halfway full" point, so he couldnt have just been "confused" and accidentally parked with the show cars. The other parking field is literally a 30 second walk from the show car field, and with 300+ show cars there, theres no way it was a mistake... it was laziness.

That's a quote from SP, ask him yourself through PM if

you wish... he was at my house and jumped on with my

log-in still up just top throw in his $0.02.

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Again, I'll admit to having left notes on strangers' cars in the past, but those times were to kindly let them know what a piss-poor parking job they did. I could really care less if a Camry parks next to an Impala if I'm at a car show because I'm going to be checking out the cars, not irrationally bugged by somebody's car.

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I must be the only one here who completely agrees with 68 on the Camry issue. If I were to go to a car show featuring cars of American descent, either muscle, hot rod, rat rod or any other...I would not want to see mom's Camry sitting between a couple of Vette's. C'mon guys lets get real, the people at these cars shows are there for their love of those types of cars ( in this case classic AMERICAN cars) seeing a Camry is not only a buzz kill, but IMO is disrepectful, there are plenty of import car meets these days, drive that POS Camry to one of those.

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Okay, I did not bring into it that the CAmry has a B-pillar, transversely

mounted four banger of that it's FWD... this was about the laziness of

a dirt bag to park something that appliance like amongst cars like '50s

and '60s muscle cars, rare modern sports cars & hot rods.

seeing a Camry is not only a buzz kill, but IMO is disrespectful, there are plenty of import car meets these days, drive that POS Camry to one of those.


Thanks Delta: key word: disrespectful. Well said.


Satty: can you make a few more consecutive posts? :rolleyes:

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