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British thwart plot to blow up jet


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Thursday, August 10, 2006; Posted: 1:58 a.m. EDT (05:58 GMT)

LONDON (CNN) -- British police have disrupted what they believe was a major terrorist plot to blow up aircraft in flight, likely between the United Kingdom and the United States, a statement from Scotland Yard said Thursday.

"It is believed that the aim was to detonate explosive devices smuggled on board the aircraft in hand luggage. It is believed that the attacks would have been particularly targeted at flights from the UK to the USA," the statement said.

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The West is too nice. We need to bring out the guillotine....and place it in a public square in London....and let people see "the results."

Sorry, but if they can do that kind of stuff to innocent people going about their lives, they deserve the worst.

Scotland Yard and the police really can't afford to miss a beat, can they?

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None of us can. And we have to be as harsh with people who attack our friends and families as possible.

I'm in the military. I knew when I raised my hand that I am a legitimate target during a war but all of you not in the military are not combatants and should never be targeted. It always makes me mad that these cowards will attack the innocent and defenseless.

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LONDON - British authorities said Thursday they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up several aircraft heading to the U.S. using explosives smuggled in hand luggage, averting what police described as “mass murder on an unimaginable scale.” Meantime, a U.S. counterterrorism official called the plot "the real deal."

Officials raised security to its highest level in Britain — suggesting a terrorist attack might be imminent — and banned hand-carried luggage on all trans-Atlantic flights. Huge crowds formed at security barriers at London’s Heathrow airport as officials searching for explosives barred nearly every form of liquid outside of baby formula.

The extreme measures at one of the major international aviation hubs sent ripple effects throughout the world. Heathrow airport was closed to most flights from Europe.


Crazy f@#king terrorists should all be turned into shark bait, thank goodness they were caught

Edited by Dodgefan
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let's have the big stand off. 'them' vs. us..the big holy war. let them make their little pipe bombs, we've got nukes.

its never going to go away until we just blow them all up. they are like flies and mosquitos....always nipping at your ankles for attention.

Edited by regfootball
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let's have the big stand off.  'them' vs. us..the big holy war.  let them make their little pipe bombs, we've got nukes.

its never going to go away until we just blow them all up.  they are like flies and mosquitos....always nipping at your ankles for attention.


I bet they've got nukes too....they just haven't used them yet.

One thing is for sure.....if they set something off over here, and from what I've heard it would be nuclear....but much smaller than what we imagine.....not something big enough to destroy L.A./Chicago/NY....but big enough to say kill 100K or so....

....we'll wipe that part of the world clean in a matter of MINUTES.

These guys aren't worried about MAD "mutually assured destruction" like Russia and the USA were back in the Cold War....they actually WANT to die...to accomplish their religious motives.

My parents fly from Miami to London tomorrow morning.....


....I hope everything will be okay for them.

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let's have the big stand off.  'them' vs. us..the big holy war.  let them make their little pipe bombs, we've got nukes.

its never going to go away until we just blow them all up.  they are like flies and mosquitos....always nipping at your ankles for attention.


Yea weve got nukes! plus ive got these little homemade CO2 bombs that will blow your leg off, sweet! :lol: j/k lol

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I have heard that the only fluids aload on flights after this is insulen and baby fluid, which still have to be checked, no hair gels in luggage, mousse, or anything..

Edited by Charger4U
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I flew out of the Atlanta airport this afternoon. I expected a disaster going through security, but I left the hote in midtown Atlanta at 10:30 a.m., rode MARTA to the airport, and was checked in and through security by 11:30 a.m. TSA was very efficient, at least in Atlanta.

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rode MARTA to the airport


Isn't that riskier than going on a plane :lol: ....when I lived there, I always would ride to the airport in the car right behind the conductor. Seriously, MARTA is a great system.

I was in Atlanta once in 2003 on my way to Miami to catch an international flight to Buenos Aires. They had a drill at the airport where they had everybody freeze at the security checkpoint. It was eerie because at first it wasn't known where the directive was coming from.

Innocence lost, to be sure. It wasn't until the new millenium, really, that terrorism touched our lives with any semblance of reality. As much as I travel (for fun), I do think about it but the odds are low, so I keep going. "They" want you to be afraid. I can't cave in.

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ahh still up to their old tricks....thank god for foreign intelligence. if this plot was hatching over here theyd be tied up in litigation for months with 50,000 people bitching about the methods used to aquire this intel.

and people still refuse to accept these cocksuckers have been at us for years. WTC 93, cole, embassy bombings...countless thwarted plots and now another.

this is $h! always hits close to home, literally, and its a goddamn shame these f@#kers havent met the fate they wish for. i hate to say it but they dont care whqt happens, lets kill them all and let Allah sort them out mentality is not the majority vote...even among moslem and arabs. MAD doesnt exist here. like oc said, but if the west did what they want to do to us wed then really be the bad guys. hows that for a double standard...because itd be relatively easy.

caught between a rock and a hard place...no jokes please, i really do believe thats why were over there in the first place.

sorry to go on, but being here for 2001 with the sights sounds and smells of terrorist handywork and the resulting travesty i cant thank the brits and scotland yard enough. no one can, and it wont stop either.

this is all compunded by the 9/11 conspiracy bull$h! that keeps circulating...i dont want to even get started on that. the threats are real, these cowardly dickless sons of btched dont care and wont stop until they cant function any more.

by the by, i really dont think they have nukes at this time. its a lot more complicated than just being able to get one. its not like theres an off and an onn switch. so even if they do have them, theyd more like than not be $h! out of luck on knowing how to use it...thats why we pay close attention to iran and nk.

enough....glad i got that off my chest.

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I took two courses on the history on the Middle East, and I was fascinated that their impressive culture and history in Spain, Northern Africa and the Middle East is being destroyed by these disillusioned terrorists. Iran is singlehandedly destroying the rich past of the Safavid dynasty and it's literary, scientific and philisophical accomplishments.

Much of our philosophy and scientific and mathematical knowledge is in fact from Arabic texts. The Arabs who dominated the North African and Spanish lands were fascinated with the Greek and Roman theories and painstakingly transcribed those texts to their own language and stored copies in many libraries in Iraq, Iran, the Cordoban Caliphate and Egypt. Although Europe lost many of its great texts during the Dark Ages and puritannical tyrants, the Arabs provided European scholars with their versions, thus preserving history.

Jews and Christians were also held in high respect. Although today extremists preach the purging of Judaism and Christianity, back then, many Christians and Jews held high places in the Islamic government. The Islamic rulers knew that they all worshipped the same God, so there was no problem with all three religions co-existing.

...As you can see, I can talk your ear off about Islam's contribution to the world, and how the religion is improperly being portrayed by Islamist extremists, Christian and Jewish Extremists (the ones we SHOULD be afraid of), the media, governments preying on our fear and radical Islamic governments.

The terrorists are scum of the earth. For every verse they quote from the Qu'aran that advocate violence, there are often more than several that advocate peace and humanity. These men deserve to be locked up with a real, pure version of the Holy Book and maybe then they'll realize the error of their ways.

Edited by Captainbooyah
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I think complete inilation (sp) of the species in over due. Ive been watching these idiots fight over that stupid desert for far to many decades. They behaive like complete morons. Then we see the coward acts. The plane hyjackings of the late 60's. Shooting guns in the air like bullets are free and pointless. Chanting "kill America". How quickly people forget. Then some younger people dont even know about this crap they have been pulling for decades and want to be bleeding hearts and politically correct. Give them another chance.

There is something wrong with their heads, something went wrong with the genetic breeding system. They have no soul. Not logical thought process. No compassion. no conscience. I was called a "dirty, lyin, cheating American" by a damn Turk, I got something for them too. Probably didnt belong in this country...........well according to imigration that is, I know he didnt belong in this country. He was on a free ride, unless you consider sitting behind a gas counter ambitious, calling me a cheating, lying dirty American becasue I wouldnt drive a loaded truck across fresh blacktop so he wouldnt need to carry something an extra 20 ft. NO that wasnt it at all, he wanted to jump on the insurance lottery by getting me to destroy the blacktop. I think it should be open season at home and in the middle east. When our garage gets a little too cluttered we clean house. Its high time to clean house !


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Todays's hard-core Jihad obsessed Arabs share little wiht the scholars

and mathematicians that are being mentioned here.

Much of our philosophy and scientific and mathematical knowledge is in fact from Arabic texts. The Arabs who dominated the North African and Spanish lands were fascinated with the Greek and Roman theories and painstakingly transcribed those texts to their own language and stored copies in many libraries in Iraq, Iran, the Cordoban Caliphate and Egypt. Although Europe lost many of its great texts during the Dark Ages and puritannical tyrants, the Arabs provided European scholars with their versions, thus preserving history.


Yes... the Arabs gave us the concept fo the ZERO wich was a quantum

leap in thinking at the time. Without the concept of zero modern math,

physics, science, engineering etc. would not be possioble. They also

mapped the stars to an incredible degree.

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True...the message in Islam is not hateful. It is this subset of that religious sect that is "a problem."

While not all Middle Easterners and Moslems are terrorists, the majority of most current terrorists are Middle Eastern and Moslem. Sorry, but to save our ass, we have to do some "profiling."

A couple of observations:

- this is so much like hating the popular people in school or "Revenge of the Nerds" on another level. Regardless of what they get from living in the US, Canada or Europe, the fact that they feel "marginalized" or that they don't fit into the Western set of standards causes them to lash out. Even most European immigrants have a sense that there isn't a complete fit.

- terrorist movements don't last forever - they seem to be generational. Heck, in Italy in the 80s, there were the "Red Brigades" who carried out terrorist acts. That went away as it didn't take hold and pass on to another generation.

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IMHO Islam is now going thru what Christianity went thru a few hundred years ago. A few extremists have managed to captivate the flock and are taking all of the publicity. They are perverting the religion to suit their needs to enslave people and fullfill their own deviant needs. Every day they corrupt the message of Islam and spread the pain and suffering amongst their own people in the name of Jihad.

History repeats itself. All one has to do is look back at the corruption of Christianity by the young Catholic church and earlier protestant sects of the religion. We had inquisition, witch burnings, holy war waged against what they called Infidels, and even condemnation of the Jews.

Woe are we when we forget our mistakes in the past and fail to learn and help prevent them from being prevented. Also woe are we to condemn one unit of people as a whole because some tyranical monsters have managed to take hold. The solution to the problem is complex, and IMO the solution has yet to even be conceived.

We can bomb buildings, hunt down certain people, thwart attacks for so long. However, until we find the root cause and nip it in the bud there will be no end. We are in for a long, long roadtrip to peace in this.

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This isn't going to be an easy subject for me to comment on. I've got enough family and friends in the military to know the dangers that lie in their service. I've also done my fair share of service wiht ROTC, and also with my plans to rejoin in the Reserves. I also agree with what Booyah said. In a general subject, Islam, as a religion is, at heart, a peaceful religion. Although there are a few extremists that cause what's happened in the world today because they only see the violent side of the religion and its teachings. There are also Christian extremists out there too, but they aren't blowing up buildings and killing people just for $h!s and giggles like this scumballs are. Iran is a hellhole as compared to what it was like when the Shah was in power. I also hate to say it that the extremists have probably gotten nuclear weapons from either Pakistan, North Korea, or Iran, if not all three. They might not be the city levelers like what we've got here in the US, but they are damned sure going to be "dirty" bombs, designed to kill through enormous amounts of radioactivity. I don't know if they are going to use them, but considering that countries like North Korea are building long-range ICBM's, then there's always the chance that the technology could be purchased and they strap one onto a missile and send it inbound. I also wish that the bleeding heart, tree hugging hippie slackers that dodged the draft during the Vietnam era would stop bitching about the troops we have abroad, all that does is present to the enemy (that is ANY enemy of the US, not just Islamic radicals), a fractured front in which they can make inroads and spread. The bad guys are everywhere in this world today and I'm glad that the British were able to stop them. Now lets really get the world's attention and behead the little f@#kers just like those ragheads do on Al-Jazzera to our contractors, soldiers and non-combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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This isn't going to be an easy subject for me to comment on.  I've got enough family and friends in the military to know the dangers that lie in their service.  I've also done my fair share of service wiht ROTC, and also with my plans to rejoin in the Reserves.  I also agree with what Booyah said.  In a general subject, Islam, as a religion is, at heart, a peaceful religion.  Although there are a few extremists that cause what's happened in the world today because they only see the violent side of the religion and its teachings.  There are also Christian extremists out there too, but they aren't blowing up buildings and killing people just for $h!s and giggles like this scumballs are.  Iran is a hellhole as compared to what it was like when the Shah was in power.  I also hate to say it that the extremists have probably gotten nuclear weapons from either Pakistan, North Korea, or Iran, if not all three.  They might not be the city levelers like what we've got here in the US, but they are damned sure going to be "dirty" bombs, designed to kill through enormous amounts of radioactivity.  I don't know if they are going to use them, but considering that countries like North Korea are building long-range ICBM's, then there's always the chance that the technology could be purchased and they strap one onto a missile and send it inbound.  I also wish that the bleeding heart, tree hugging hippie slackers that dodged the draft during the Vietnam era would stop bitching about the troops we have abroad, all that does is present to the enemy (that is ANY enemy of the US, not just Islamic radicals), a fractured front in which they can make inroads and spread.  The bad guys are everywhere in this world today and I'm glad that the British were able to stop them.  Now lets really get the world's attention and behead the little f@#kers just like those ragheads do on Al-Jazzera to our contractors, soldiers and non-combatants in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Actually.....my understanding, as I've been told, is that the Book of Koran states explicitely that Islam is to be accepted as the sole religion....anywhere.....and those that don't convert to Islam or live in it's beliefs, are to be "wiped off the face of the earth."

THAT is what the Book says....

SO you could argue that the muslims, over here for example, that are relatively peaceful are the ACTUAL extremists....because they are ignoring the basic belief and principle of Islam as spelled out in the Koran......

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Well, yes and no. Time for another one of Cap'n's history lessons!!!Ok. Back in the day, Muhammad was a prominent businessman in the city of Mecca. However, like everyone else, he often sought refuge from the city and ventured into the mountains to relax. Muhammad was becoming more and more disillusioned with the greed of the local trading oligarchy who valued profits and status over caring for the impoverished and less fortunate.In around 610 AD, while in the mountains, Muhammad was visited by the angel Gabriel. Gabriel gave Muhammad something of an ultimatum... he must write the third and last "bible." God became tired of humanity because ...The people who inscribed the first Bible, the Jewish people, killed Gods son.The people who wrote the second Bible, the Catholics, went on to mainly worship the SON of God, not God himself. Thus, this was our last chance at bat, our third strike so to speak. Muhammad was to write the purest form of Gods word... told to him by God himself, thus implying that Islam is the real, true religion. [/end snorefest]Now only extremists believe that we all must submit to Islam or burn. In fact, the ruling Islamic empires in the late 600's- mid first century were very tolerant of their Catholic and Jewish brothers. Why? Because we all worship the same God (athiests bear with me). Moderate Muslim's accept our different (yet similar religions) as much as moderate Jews and Catholics accept theirs. Keep in mind there are Catholics who want nothing more than the Jews fried for killing Jesus (did somebody say "rapture"), and there are Jewish people who despise Catholicism. Also, extremists use religion as a mask. For every Qu'aranic verse that advocates violence, there are at least several that promote peace with all of mankind. Moderate Muslims DO have a duty to repel and humiliate extremists in their community by quoting the Qu'aran's verses of peace.

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Am I the only person here who thinks ALL this religious stuff is just whack? My God is better than your God - phhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! The root of all this is nationalism and power. Religion is just a tool. The Tigris/Eurphrates rivers are the cradle of civilization and the winds of history have blown across that area for 5,000 years. While the Christians were slaughtering each other in Europe, Persia was a civilized, educated society. Then they tried to expand into Europe and the Christians finally got organized. The Crusades. There has been hatred ever since. Enter the 20th Century and the Brits made a mess over there, which the Americans have mostly gotten the blame for. Tribal rivalry has spilled over into blaming the West for everything bad that has ever happened in the Middle East. As the evolution of society goes, the Western world (read: white, northern European, Christian) has far surpassed anything the Muslim world ever did. Are they merely jealous? Do they have real grievances? Yes, to both counts. Unfortunately, they were blessed with half the world's oil; otherwise, nobody would have ever given a damn what happened over there (Darfur, anyone?) Let's face it, from the Suez crisis to the redrawing of national boundaries that ignore religious lines to the support of the Shah in the 1950s, the West has its fair share of guilt to go around. It is a mess that I don't think anybody knows how to clean up. Besides, it is just so damned hot over there.................

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