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Freaked out...


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Well, this is not going to help my asma (I know, spelled wrong-stress will do that//)


Today, my wife's job was part of a surprise cuts at her job...she expected a cut in hours..but this... :banghead: no job now! :(

Normally, that itself wouln't be a huge issue.

I find out next week if my job is gone, as my job has been cutting back people

at other stores...and my store is next. :(

I get the bad feeling I'm gone...new management isn't thrilled with most of the people I work with.. as some are already gone......

I have some rainy day money...be we haven't yet recovered from damage done

not too long ago...

I've been searching like crazy....but nothing yet... :nono:

How much can one take? I've been laid off four times in the last 5 and a half years..

I'm stressing.. alot.

*sigh* I have to vent..thanks for listening...

Michigan is never going to recover.... :blink::(

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That sucks man... At one point two years ago, me, my wife and my dad were all on unemployment at the same time. It sucked.

It all worked out (for now) - I was layed off - then couldn't find a perm job with benefits for two years (going on and off unemployment) before finding what I have now.

While I'm not in the Auto industry, I'm in computers, so it's just as bad with finding a perm job making what I was making.

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That sucks man... At one point two years ago, me, my wife and my dad were all on unemployment at the same time.  It sucked.

It all worked out (for now) - I was layed off - then couldn't find a perm job with benefits for two years (going on and off unemployment) before finding what I have now. 

While I'm not in the Auto industry, I'm in computers, so it's just as bad with finding a perm job making what I was making.


Ouch..sounds like you have the same problem I do...

A buddy of mine is in computers too...and it has been a struggle. for now,

he's doing ok ...

I think I need a little luck. We've not caught a break yet, so I think we will soon..

I just have to stay positive, which is real tough. How did you deal with it?

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soory to hear about that... hopefully you won't get cut... unless it's works out well quickly....

i'm still in college, don't have job w/ benefits yet... hopefully that may change in the next season....

hope whatever happens works out though. :)

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Man, that sucks. Hope that you and your wife can find a new job soon, even if they decide not to lay you off. I wouldn't stay at a place that's started to downsize, even if they do decide to keep you for now. It may only be a matter of time before they do lay you off anyway. I wish you the best of luck and sucess with looking for a new, more stable place to work.

Other than that, you'll be Fine:

Freaked out


Neurotic and


oh, wait, you're already all of that. that can't help too much. :unsure:

Edited by Turbojett
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Man, that sucks. Hope that you and your wife can find a new job soon, even if they decide not to lay you off. I wouldn't stay at a place that's started to downsize, even if they do decide to keep you for now. It may only be a matter of time before they do lay you off anyway. I wish you the best of luck and sucess with looking for a new, more stable place to work.

Other than that, you'll be Fine:

Freaked out


Neurotic and


oh, wait, you're already all of that. that can't help too much. :unsure:


Yep, that's Me! :hissyfit:

Yeah, I agree wholeheartly on that one. My goal is to get out while thr getting is still good. I just want to have a nice new job lined up when I do... :)

Oh, a nice stable job would make me a happy camper....I've been bounced around so much I get sea sick now.... :dizzy:

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I just have to stay positive, which is real tough. How did you deal with it?

Heh ... sometimes I don't.

I have a lot going on that I haven't told many people ... because if I do, they'll start to think that my "evil twin" is coming back to town. But, the "evil twin" will never come back ... because, in many ways, I'm much better than I was "back then".

Still, I have my days/moments/strings where I just want to give up. But, invaritably, something or someone always reminds me about how precious life is ... regardless of our situation.....


Doubt that helped, but food for thought, anyway, I suppose.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html

"What did I do?" ... Ty Herndon ... 'What Mattered Most'

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Dude, that sucks. If it makes you feel any better, I was let go from my job a week after I started only to have my replacement be fired 3 weeks later. It was great to see my employers beg to have me come back-especially since they are my parents.

Anyway, hope everything starts to get better soon. :)

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Heh ... sometimes I don't.

I have a lot going on that I haven't told many people ... because if I do, they'll start to think that my "evil twin" is coming back to town.  But, the "evil twin" will never come back ... because, in many ways, I'm much better than I was "back then".

Still, I have my days/moments/strings where I just want to give up.  But, invaritably, something or someone always reminds me about how precious life is ... regardless of our situation.....


Doubt that helped, but food for thought, anyway, I suppose.....

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker

MC:family.IL.guide.future = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/

chdQB = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/quilt.html

"What did I do?" ... Ty Herndon ... 'What Mattered Most'


I understand how you feel-trust me on that one...

I think we all have those days....

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Dude, that sucks. If it makes you feel any better, I was let go from my job a week after I started only to have my replacement be fired 3 weeks later. It was great to see my employers beg to have me come back-especially since they are my parents.

Anyway, hope everything starts to get better soon. :)


bahahahahaa! That's priceless. hope you told them no. :P

"Daddy, I love ya, but dammit, you've got a lot to learn about Rock 'n Roll."

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Yup, dave, I was purged at the worst time of year for bodyshops, it's usually slow in the summer time and places aren't hiring. Lucky for me, a former coworker who is the assistant manager at my new location put in a good word (along with a few insurance reps), and I was basically hired on the same day I left my last job. That was a major relief.

If I were you, I'd keep my eyes open for opportunities now, don't wait for the axe to fall like I did. People are dropping like flies at my old shop, they're cleaning house, and we all had a feeling it would happen. Some of us (including me) thought we were immune, haha. No.

Good luck to you and your wife, sir.

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Good luck, man. Michigan is a terrible place to be right now. Kettering University expects me to find a co-op position but nobody is hiring anybody or anything namely because most of the jobs with open positions are outside of Michigan and most of the students want to stay at home while in co-op. It's not working out. The one place that brought me in for an interview, then later brought me in to take an online test, decided they didn't have the funds to support a co-op position. :nono:

I hope the luck gets better for you.

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Good luck, man. Michigan is a terrible place to be right now. Kettering University expects me to find a co-op position but nobody is hiring anybody or anything namely because most of the jobs with open positions are outside of Michigan and most of the students want to stay at home while in co-op. It's not working out. The one place that brought me in for an interview, then later brought me in to take an online test, decided they didn't have the funds to support a co-op position. :nono:

I hope the luck gets better for you.


Yep, michiagn sucks balls right now (and seems to be getting worse)

Many I know are either are/were/going to be laid off...it's crazy...

I guess I was lucky-I got my co-op before michigan took a nosedive..

the irony in it was it went from co-op to a great job-only to be laid off later on..

And I really want to go back to school-but that requires a decent job... :(

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michigan does suck ass right now! Also compare what we pay in car insurance compared to states like ohio. the Caprice on PLPD cost me about 900 a year!

and we have the worst canidates running for office Jennifer doesnt do much but that Dick Devos guy is a backstabbing lieing creep. He wants the power of running a state he doesnt give a $h! about michigan or its economy he just wants to be in charge. how he plans to get jobs is wierd he is getting rid 5000 jobs to get 1500 which is worse right? but anyway...

Its tough out there for people not in a secure job. Which again brings up why people hate unions? (some one please either post or PM me about why they hate unions) But good luck man i hope you find a high paying job with benifits. or a job at all.....

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michigan does suck ass right now! Also compare what we pay in car insurance compared to states like ohio. the Caprice on PLPD cost me about 900 a year!

and we have the worst canidates running for office Jennifer doesnt do much but that Dick Devos guy is a backstabbing lieing creep. He wants the power of running a state he doesnt give a $h! about michigan or its economy he just wants to be in charge. how he plans to get jobs is wierd he is getting rid 5000 jobs to get 1500 which is worse right? but anyway...

Its tough out there for people not in a secure job. Which again brings up why people hate unions? (some one please either post or PM me about why they hate unions) But good luck man i hope you find a high paying job with benifits. or a job at all.....


Don't get me started about our car insurance.... :hissyfit:

Then again, we are a sue happy state... :rolleyes:

Sadly, it seems the only people I see right now are union jobs... :(

I'm not a big fan of Jen there-but after reading DD's website...worried me a bit. :huh:

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Yup, dave, I was purged at the worst time of year for bodyshops, it's usually slow in the summer time and places aren't hiring.  Lucky for me, a former coworker who is the assistant manager at my new location put in a good word (along with a few insurance reps), and I was basically hired on the same day I left my last job.  That was a major relief. 

If I were you, I'd keep my eyes open for opportunities now, don't wait for the axe to fall like I did.  People are dropping like flies at my old shop, they're cleaning house, and we all had a feeling it would happen.  Some of us (including me) thought we were immune, haha.  No.

Good luck to you and your wife, sir.


I'm just glad it worked out for ya. I was a bit worried there... :(

Yep- I'm trying to run from that axe....as fast as I can....

Though I noticed a dealership by me cleaning house...salespeople and all.

I wonder where else this happening... :(

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Sorry to hear that Dave, what was your lines of work if you care to tell ? Michigan does sound bad, it has been for decades hasnt it ? Decent jobs are hard to come by around here, either your starved to death or the better paying jobs (construction) demand 12 hour days + X on Sat. and then life just sucks. Ive been through so many the past 7 years. I have to say, its always me walking though, Ive never had a problem keeping employers satisified. My problem is I also want a life. 68 -72 hour weeks suck ! You cant buy back your live and the years just evaporate when you work like that.

Its sad we allowed our country to get turned upside down the past few decades. Our parents and Grandparents worked hard to make sure work didnt interfer with the quality of life, Now there is no security or boundrys of what an employer can demand of you. Ive told more than one "Im looking for a job not a new area code!" "Last time I checked my address was....................." Sad thing is so many guys love it. They cant stand to be around their wife or children or do work around the house & property so they go to work and stay there. Their idea of a great day off at home is a case of beer and the ridin lawn mower on Sunday. I always saw more for my life than a case of beer and a rider.

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it used to be 500 a year then i had that accident with my truck -_- then they raised it 400 since i have been looking at cars for me to get a 2006 silverado ext cab z71 SLE the insuracne will be 3,589 a year. from my company and every where elses its either a 100 more or less. and i have a clean record except for the not at fault accident

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you either have "Time and no money" or " Money and no time"

in the 70's and early 80's you could walk out of a high school in michigan and be hired in to either of the big three the next day with either the 25 and out or 30 and out and you were in a union so you were set for life. Now you can even even use bleach to clean McD's toliets with out going to college. So i hate to say it if your young in this next generation your screwed.

I have a pretty secure job with a union type deal. i get medical when i retire but no check. but i have a 401K. so i think im set if your young it will be a long haul to seat yourself in a good job

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Sorry to hear that Dave, what was your lines of work if you care to tell ? Michigan does sound bad, it has been for decades hasnt it ? Decent jobs are hard to come by around here, either your starved to death or the better paying jobs (construction) demand 12 hour days + X on Sat. and then life just sucks. Ive been through so many the past 7 years. I have to say, its always me walking though, Ive never had a problem keeping employers satisified. My problem is I also want a life. 68 -72 hour weeks suck ! You cant buy back your live and the years just evaporate when you work like that.

Its sad we allowed our country to get turned upside down the past few decades. Our parents and Grandparents worked hard to make sure work didnt interfer with the quality of life, Now there is no security or boundrys of what an employer can demand of you. Ive told more than one "Im looking for a job not a new area code!" "Last time I checked my address was....................." Sad thing is so many guys love it. They cant stand to be around their wife or children or do work around the house & property so they go to work and stay there. Their idea of a great day off at home is a case of beer and the ridin lawn mower on Sunday. I always saw more for my life than a case of beer and a rider.


Retail, at the moment....(not the field I was supposed to be in.. :angry: )

That's what's surprises me most...even Mickey D's is cutting people around here.

That's just crazy, man. :(

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it used to be 500 a year then i had that accident with my truck  -_- then they raised it 400 since i have been looking at cars for me to get a 2006 silverado ext cab z71 SLE the insuracne will be 3,589 a year. from my company and every where elses its either a 100 more or less. and i have a clean record except for the not at fault accident


Mine's gone up..even with no accidents... :angry:

I've looked at others...and quite a few were more money hungry...I can't

stand when they say you can save money, when most of the time, it's a big lie..

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Don't get me started about our car insurance.... :hissyfit: 

Then again, we are a sue happy state... :rolleyes:

Sadly, it seems the only people I see right now are union jobs... :(

I'm not a big fan of Jen there-but after reading DD's website...worried me a bit. :huh:


Car insurance pisses me the f@#k off. Holy $h!. $200/month for me? That's bull$h!. Although it's fully covered, there are guys my age with SS Camaros paying less per month. :angry:
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Car insurance pisses me the f@#k off. Holy $h!. $200/month for me? That's bull$h!. Although it's fully covered, there are guys my age with SS Camaros paying less per month. :angry:


What's your insurance company, NOS? (If you don't mind me asking)

I hate when the companies mess with people...

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Seriously, I'm not far behind. With a 1997 Mercury Sable wagon and my good grade discount, I still come to $175 a month. This was after the assured me it wouldn't be over $150...

I'll just ask for a few extra hours every week <_<

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Seriously, I'm not far behind.  With a 1997 Mercury Sable wagon and my good grade discount, I still come to $175 a month.  This was after the assured me it wouldn't be over $150...

I'll just ask for a few extra hours every week <_<


I think that they make their money on young people...

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Im not making excuses for the insurance companies but young drivers sure do have alot of accidents. One of the biggest problems with claims is in the inner cities. Where everyone parks in the street and continously back into each other, open doors, smoke crack and do demo derby because "I caught him f'in my sista" that kind of stuff. I saw it first hand in a very short stay at one inner city body shop. I was told "some of these cars have been in here 3 times so far" My agent told me our problem in NY state was the claims in NYC as well as other cities. THey do adjust county by county but they still have an overall idea of how much they need to take in annually and "by God, they are going to get it".

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but with my record for me to insure my car in Alaska its only $167 a year with the same f@#king company!! where is this difference made up? I pay one lump sum a year i dont pay monthly or in 6 month terms.

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