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Front Drive Mafia of C&G - Official Thread

Cory Wolfe

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I, Mr. Cory Wolfe (blackviper8891) of Brookville, hereby start the Front Drive Mafia of C&G.

For starters, anyone involved with RDM will be denied membership. Should you choose to support and endorse FDM over RDM, if involved with it, I may give you consideration. Otherwise, to gain membership, you must own a vehicle with front wheel drive. You must have a clean history of not bad-mouthing fwd. You can prefer rwd over fwd, if that appears to be the case. You are obliged to support this club in any way possible. You are also obliged to endorse this club with our seal integrated to your signature. Further commitment to this club is not necessary, but will be rewarded.

There are no other requirements for joining and we do not discriminate towards select manufacturers.

With that said, if you are interested in joining, please post below saying so with naming the fwd vehicle you own. I will accept a total of 35 members. After reviewing each request I will either deny or approve it until that number is met. Thank you for your time and please join today!

Cory Wolfe (blackviper8891), FDM Father. :D

*Disclaimer: This is meant as a harmful rival to the Rear Drive Mafia. Any acts of voilence towards each other is not recommended and is not by fault of FDM, or its Father. Such actions will not be tolerated unless no harm is done. In the case of such happening, a secretive punishment will be carried out. That punishment shall only be discussed amongst FDM members and is very harsh, not a lie.

1. FDM Father, Blackviper8891

2. FDM Consigliere, Flybrian

3. FDM Caporegime, Mute

4. FDM Caporegime, Farkas

5. FDM Caporegime, Speedy_2

6. FDM Caporegime, ToniCipriani

7. FDM Picciotto, Hudson

8. FDM Picciotto, Evok

9. FDM Picciotto, CadillacFan

10. FDM Picciotto,

11. FDM Soldati,

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Edited by blackviper8891
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Brian Dreggors (1996 Olds Aurora/2000 Pontiac Bonneville), FDM Consigliere.

Front-wheel drivers do it with more grip.


and understeer...and torquesteer...and axle hop...ooohhh the axle hop! :dizzy: Edited by Turbojett
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I knew this was going to happen... now we're going to have front wheel drive fanatics squaring off against those who stand by rear wheel drive...

Soon, there'll be an AWD/4WD mafia because there isn't enough C&G members that stand by either system, but then they'll soon split and the front biased AWD lovers will side with the FWD mafia, the rear biased AWD members will head to the RWD mafia and the 50/50 AWD Subaru lover (s) will be shunned by every group, and will just eventually sell their cars just to fit in.

Soon, C&G will be torn into two and the FWD fanatics will take the RWD mafia to court and win the "CheersandGears" name because the RWD crew was too busy showing off each others burnouts outside the courthouse and subsequently getting fined.

The Rear Wheel Drive mafia will then try to create their own site called FWDistehsux0r.com, but then it'll have been registered by some Mopar devotees, so instead, they register FWDistehsux0r.ca thus making it only searchable on Google Canada.

This is the beginning of the end...

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Tony Hogan - 1997 dodge grand caravan . . . i figure it cant hurt and its good encouragement for me to make a new signature . . . im in

and as for preferences . . . the cap. booyahs got it . . . AWD is the future :deadhorse:

Edited by mute
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Sam "The Farkas"

1997 Mercury Sable Wagon.

You know you wanna 8)

Because FWD doesn't have to just be used to economical, you can haul ass as well [eight of them to be exact] :AH-HA_wink:

Edited by Farkas
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Im with booyah ! I prefer to keep my head out of my ass, at my age any loss of circulation to the brain could cause me to regress and begin acting like an ignorant know it all punk, insulting fellow board members and their personal taste and worse yet their automobiles. My automobiles are to me as my wife and daughter, one would not want to insult either to my face and only pussys hide behind a computor screen and throw insults at fellow enthousiasts.

So by that I would like to suggest to the rude people that throw insults for no apparent reason other than self gratification to grow the f@#k Up. I dont come here to be told any of my cars are a piece of $h!..................mmk child ! This is a GM site and there is nothing in my driveway or garage that is not a General Motors Vehical...............well except for Klyde the Fordson/County Super Six............that has the ability to turn every and any car including mine into a honest POS..............

* I hear ya VIps and I know where your comming from. but sorry I still cant join, I am above such nonsence and have no hyper ADD syndrome that I need to inflict on others..............ya know where Im commin from ?

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Im with booyah ! I prefer to keep my head out of my ass, at my age any loss of circulation to the brain could cause me to regress and begin acting like an ignorant know it all punk, insulting fellow board members and their personal taste and worse yet their automobiles. My automobiles are to me as my wife and daughter, one would not want to insult either to my face and only pussys hide behind a computor screen and throw insults at fellow enthousiasts.

So by that I would like to suggest to the rude people that throw insults for no apparent reason other than self gratification to grow the f@#k Up. I dont come here to be told any of my cars are a piece of $h!..................mmk child ! This is a GM site and there is nothing in my driveway or garage that is not a General Motors Vehical...............well except for Klyde the Fordson/County Super Six............that has the ability to turn every and any car including mine into a honest POS..............

* I hear ya VIps and I know where your comming from. but sorry I still cant join, I am above such nonsence and have no hyper ADD syndrome that I need to inflict on others..............ya know where Im commin from ?


Whoa . . . Am I the only one who has no idea where this came from? Razoredge . . . I am very sure your vehicles are awesome i dont know why anyone would insult either or any. I beleive that every automobile or otherwise is worth as much pride and work as someone puts into the making or maintianing of such an automobile . . . I have a minivan. I take car of that minivan by changing the oil every 5k miles and washing it inside and out once a week as well as checking the tires for air and cleaning the air filter. It has lasted 140k miles over 9 yrs and i plan on maintaining it for as long as possible . . . the only reason i should give it up is if it were to be totalled in an automobile accident . . . i took it off of my comprehensive insurance. . .

so whatever car you own sir its yours and it undoubtedly has more worth than 90% of americas automobiles . . . but to make a joke out of ADD is ridiculous . . . or children for that matter . . . and to say that you are "above such nonsense" to me sounds if kind of snide and disrespectful to many people on this board . . . lighten up k?

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Razor, I understand, but this is just for fun between us friends. It's not an actual rivalry. CaptainBooyah was being sarcastic. As Mute said, you should lighten up. Whatever grudges you may hold, take them elsewhere, please. This is not the place and I dont want you to ruin something so harmless created for fun.

Edited by blackviper8891
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Razor, I understand, but this is just for fun between us friends. It's an actual rivalry. CaptainBooyah was being sarcastic. As Mute, you should lighten up. Whatever grudges you may hold, take them elsewhere, please. This is not the place and I dont want you to ruin something so harmful created for fun.


:unsure: im lost? i thought i was telling him to lighten up? grudges?
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This is what happens when you put just a few FWD drivers in a room.

O the chaos! :o


hah thats . . . thats . . . funny . . . your good im laughing now i really am . . . tell me? is that dual exhaust on your camaro in your sig or is that the holes left behind when it lost its balls? :pokeowned:


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hah thats . . .  thats . . . funny . . . your good im laughing now i really am . . . tell me? is that dual exhaust on your camaro in your sig or is that the holes left behind when it lost its balls?  :pokeowned:



Oh no, those are two stainless steel exhaust pipes that whisper the sweet tune of some 280+ HP, which comes from the back wheels to push, not pull. Sleds get pulled.
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Oh no, those are two stainless steel exhaust pipes that whisper the sweet tune of some 280+ HP, which comes from the back wheels to push, not pull. Sleds get pulled.


oh? well the human body has found that muscles pulling are more efficient but if thats the case. . . i pulled my buddies V6 camaro yesterday when it overheated . . . that must make it a . . . . wait . . . i had the answer just a second ago . . . no i lost it damn

well . . . . SHUT UP POOFACE NOONE LIKES STEEL ANYWAYS . . . ill stick to my stpid underpowered blood red van of doom . . . at least in a fight i have more airbags!?!?!?!

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the people involved know where that came from..............remember "true colors" brothers dont down brothers, I had something to say so I said it. Im sure I had the right, considering what I have had thrown at me. Its that simple. Sorry Mute that you are not up to speed on a few topics that took place and left me feeling like a POS but it really did happen and I was trying to have fun and contribute positive or interesting subjects, only to be left standing empty. I said my piece, that is all, hopefull it can be absorbed and understood by those involved.

As for the thred have fun but I personally cant see excitement in either that is why I said count me out. Fair enough ?

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thats right nos ill sumo your little steel tips with my honkin steel body . . . what now?!?!!? oooohhhh . . . and guess what?!? i could prolly pull your ass and mine down the street and still make my standard 16 mpg biaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatch

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actually . . . no . . . if i hooked you up to the back of my van and you pointed your nose the other way and accelerated to pull me efficently and i floored it . . . id prolly rip your car in half . . . and id get the half with the steel tips homie . . . more steel for me its like twix

and yah i said it . . . FWD doesnt do $h!e for economy . . . but!!!! it does sound better to say "foowed" then "roowed" yah our acronym sounds better

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actually . . . no . . . if i hooked you up to the back of my van and you pointed your nose the other way and accelerated to pull me efficently and i floored it . . . id prolly rip your car in half . . . and id get the half with the steel tips homie . . . more steel for me its like twix


You shouldn't have steel in your twix.. it's either the plastic wrapper or you're wearing braces.

Unless you FWD drivers find it a fad to get "dem grillzzzz!"

PS, BV.. us RDM members aren't associates.. we mobsters.

Edited by NOS2006
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Two wheels pulling you off to the side. Yeah, I get it.

I'm just waiting for BV to say something on the lines of "I have a dream that some day RDM and FDClub will come together as one so we won't look so dumb being a Club." Just say it, BV!

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Two wheels pulling you off to the side. Yeah, I get it.

I'm just waiting for BV to say something on the lines of "I have a dream that some day RDM and FDClub will come together as one so we won't look so dumb being a Club." Just say it, BV!


im lost? a club . . . is that like the FWD mafioso group or is it differnt . . . whatever im a G i holla at whatever playas want to some twix i gots a whole box playyaaaaaa

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sry . . . . . ill make it up to you later tonite baby

on a lighter note . . . my FWD has seen more ass than our last president (not bush) . . . and thats saying a lot . . . whoops i guess since that has to do with my exgirlfriend . . . it has to do with whores right?

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Did one of you FDM members lose a Hilary Duff CD? 'Cause I found one on the street, and I can't think of anyone else it might belong to.

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:censored: Jesus Christ :censored: - which one do I join then????

'04 Malibu - FWD

'05 Envoy - 4WD

'97 SKY - RWD

:dizzy: I'm so totally lost!!!! :dizzy:

j/k! :lol:

I agree with Camino... this is some funny sh%t right here! :P:lol::P

I knew this was going to happen... now we're going to have front wheel drive fanatics squaring off against those who stand by rear wheel drive...

Soon, there'll be an AWD/4WD mafia because there isn't enough C&G members that stand by either system, but then they'll soon split and the front biased AWD lovers will side with the FWD mafia, the rear biased AWD members will head to the RWD mafia and the 50/50 AWD Subaru lover (s) will be shunned by every group, and will just eventually sell their cars just to fit in.

Soon, C&G will be torn into two and the FWD fanatics will take the RWD mafia to court and win the "CheersandGears" name because the RWD crew was too busy showing off each others burnouts outside the courthouse and subsequently getting fined.

The Rear Wheel Drive mafia will then try to create their own site called FWDistehsux0r.com, but then it'll have been registered by some Mopar devotees, so instead, they register FWDistehsux0r.ca thus making it only searchable on Google Canada.

This is the beginning of the end...


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Aww look at all these lost puppies.. wandering, trying to find a place to call home in this big, bad world. Poor things. They set their standards so low settling here.


Overcompensation is such a common problem among these Camaro boys.

"Fat tailpipes are NOT compensating for anything! Shut up!"


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Did one of you FDM members lose a Hilary Duff CD? 'Cause I found one on the street, and I can't think of anyone else it might belong to.


yah that was my CD sorry . . . hilary duff is teh hizzle for shizzle

man its a good thing us FWDer are the puppies cuz it looks like all the guys in RDM are a bunch of pussies!!!!!

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