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Bad drivers tend to own... Honda? Toyota? VW?


When you're in an "awkward driving situation", what vehicle is responsible most often?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. When you're in an "awkward driving situation", what vehicle is responsible most often?

    • - Toyota Camry, Camry Solara, Avalon or Corolla
    • - VolksWagen Golf, Jetta &/or Passat
    • - BMW of some sort
    • - Ford Truck, esp. F150, Explorer & Expedition
    • - Honda Civic, Accord &/or Integra
    • - Lincoln Town Car, Cadillac Deville or other Senior Citizen Special
    • - Riceburners with coffee can exhausts &/or 4 foot tall wings
    • - Other (explain)

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Past few days I've had a few Camrys piss me off... one particular

97/98 was driven by a blind moron, I swear.

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Well... in little ol' redneckville, I find, driving an import myself, that any import gives me more respect than any domestic vehicle. Yes, this is actually possible. For those of you stuck in your dream lands, you're probably amazed right now. I hate asses who don't give me respect because of what I drive.

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well just last night some idiot in a GMC decides to cut me off as two lanes merge. I let it slide

I nearly got into a fight w/some urban wannabe hick in a Silverado. He cut me off for no reason. He also thought his V8 truck was faster than my car. It wasn't, I proved it to him a couple times. I would have kicked his ass too if he wanted. Dip$h! was on his cell phone yacking away.

Some clown in a Gran Prix decided his car was faster than me and attempted to cut me off, his car was too slow.

Someone in an older Prelude cut me off, he learned his car isn't faster than mine when I returned the favor.

Some bitch in a Corolla decided not to let me in her lane (after signalling) by speeding up. I got in anyways.

A Prius decided he wasn't going to let me merge at a stop light. wtf a Prius? I look over and the dude stared back saying your not getting in. I got in easily.

At the same stoplight an Ion quad cpe decided I wasn't going to merge, I merged anyways. Those f@#kers are quicker than I thought.

A Grand Cherokee V8 wants to cut me off on the freeway, that sure as hell didn't happen.

Those are the most recent ones in memory.

I just remember these for some reason.

In NYC I was in a TL and some black dude in a Taurus jumps onto the otherside of a boulevard in oncoming traffic to cut us off. We got to the light flicked him off and laughed at him. Luckily there was an NYPD in front of us. Don't want to get shot, he might be mad gangsta.

In Philly some Caravan dude was riding this guys ass for some reason, not sure why? People who try to ride my ass usually learn I can drive really slow, then really fast.

In Washington DC some dude in a GMC Yukon comes cutting through traffic at 90mph. What a nut.

Back in Houston some gansta guy, nearly side swipes me in a Cadillac. Check your blindspots people!

I saw some gansta thug in a Mitsubishi Gallant, complete w/a mounted spare run a light that turned red by what must have turned 10seconds ago.


The best show I've seen is some Spanish chic in a GS300. She comes racing down a blvd in Philly. :cool: This bitch is speeding a 100mph to lights that are red. She proceeds to race a bunch of guys in trucks for the next couple lights. One of the guys gets out and starts yelling at her. He tells her drunk ass to switch seats w/some white passenger male friend. The whole convey of trucks were actually police officers. I wish they arrested her, but arresting minorities is probably illegal in liberal states.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

In the past 3 months of commuting to my new job through

al different kinds of traffic I have solidified my theory on

this topic.

The Camry IS by far the most likely car on Massachusetts'

roads to be driven by idiots/morons/a$$holes. It wins by a

very wide margin and the irony is from my experience the

runner's up are the honda Odyssey & toyota Sienna.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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A-holes are EVERYWHERE these days. I had a guy in an older F-150 cut me off on the freeway yesterday. He deliberately swung in front of me. We would've touched if I hadn't slammed my brakes on. I think he was mad at me for merging in front of him ( I signalled) and then slowing down (I had to - I was tailgating the guy in front of me who WAS slowing down).

An older woman woman (about 4' tall - she could hardly see over the dash) in a student driver Corolla was weaving all over the place on the street. Student or not, the instructor shouldn't allow her on the road.

What I have noticed is that when drivers get pissed these days, they get violent and will chase you! I have not mellowed with age and I tend to honk the horn or give the finger when someone cuts me off, doesn't signal, pulls a U-turn in the middle of a busy street, etc. But that is a dangerous habit, because I have been chased, had my car kicked ($300 damage to an Optra I was driving) and I've had to call 911 on another driver.

The amazing part is that I am a BIG guy - 6'2" and I work out. These people are nuts to want to take me on.

The biggest problem on the roads today (other than the serious over crowding) is rudenss. If people would just consider the guy beside/behind them before they make their move, we would all get along better.

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I can't tell you how many times I've had morons ride my ass, and seen them ride other people's asses. I hate people who do that. It happens all the time on 110. There's people who can't stay in the lane, peopel who try to pass in the OPPOSING lane, and wer have idiots who can't signal or stop at sign or lights. People who race to get ahead of you only to slow down, and morons who go 10 miles UNDER the speed limit. It's not just Camries...it's any car...it al depends on the f@#ktard inside it!

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Minivan drivers...

'nuff said.


thats half the right answer... what you meant to say was "My minivan is actually a Blue Devil mule" drivers

they are EVERYWHERE in North NJ, last night im driving down the Parkway at 75 and some idiot is tailgating me, so i move to the left middle lane and let him pass... what was he driving? a Honda Odyssey

not 10 minutes later i see in my rearview mirror some idiot weaving around cars and generally just driving like an ass... when the car passes me... Chrysler Town& Country

literally the most annoying kind of drivers ever... as well as potentially the most dangerous... minivans arent built to weave through traffic and act like a performance car... driving them like that has got to creat an extreme risk of roll-over and/or spin out

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Duh, its usually the SUV drivers (and especially those with Hummers) that are the worst and most ignorant all around.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So this morning I'm driving down the road (35mph speed limit) at about 40mph when an Expedition pulls out of a neighborhood and proceeds to tailgate me all the way to the stop sign at the end of the road, where I make a right hand turn (on to a road with a 45mph speed limit) and proceed to go about 55mph, the woman in the Expedition wound up riding my ass again, all the way to the stop light before the highway. We both turn left and head north on the (60mph) highway, I was going just under 70 in the right lane, the left lane was empty and the woman in the Expedition continued tailgating me. I had to turn off onto a side road to go to the bank, she turned off at the same place and continued tailgating me until I turned and she just came within inches of hitting me while I was turning. I'm not one of those people who comes to a complete stop in the middle of the road to make a right hand turn either, I was going about 20 making my turn, and she stayed on my ass the entire time. Bitch.

Also there is some jackass in a 3rd gen Camaro that has what sounds like a horrible exhause leak who drives up and down my street (speed limit 30mph) at about 50 with his $h!ty sounding exhaust making $h!ty noise.

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So this morning I'm driving down the road (35mph speed limit) at about 40mph when an Expedition pulls out of a neighborhood and proceeds to tailgate me all the way to the stop sign at the end of the road, where I make a right hand turn (on to a road with a 45mph speed limit) and proceed to go about 55mph, the woman in the Expedition wound up riding my ass again, all the way to the stop light before the highway. We both turn left and head north on the (60mph) highway, I was going just under 70 in the right lane, the left lane was empty and the woman in the Expedition continued tailgating me. I had to turn off onto a side road to go to the bank, she turned off at the same place and continued tailgating me until I turned and she just came within inches of hitting me while I was turning. I'm not one of those people who comes to a complete stop in the middle of the road to make a right hand turn either, I was going about 20 making my turn, and she stayed on my ass the entire time. Bitch.

Also there is some jackass in a 3rd gen Camaro that has what sounds like a horrible exhause leak who drives up and down my street (speed limit 30mph) at about 50 with his $h!ty sounding exhaust making $h!ty noise.

Shoulda flipped that bitch off...she was probably close enough that she could see.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I flipped of a woman in an Acura MDX who blatantly tried to t-bone us, or make it look

like she was not going to stop. Dumba$$ did not get the concept of "yield on left turn!"

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There was some bitch driving her old, beat, brown, ugly japanese car of some sort on my way home from school on the freeway. My buddy and I were on our way home from just getting lunch on a 2 lane highway (which is currently under expansion) and traffic is moving, but there are still close quarters...this bitch starts speeding up on the right, and there is clearly a car directly in front of me and directly in front of her and cars lined up behind me as well. I can tell what she was trying to do (it has happened to me way too many times on that specific highway on that specific stretch for some reason). She tries to cut me off but i anticipate her move and speed up and close the gap. She ends up falling back, does a couple lane changes back and forth, and then we get to a point where traffic begins to slow a bit and the traffic pattern changes...We end up in the same situation again with this bitch still on her phone speeding up on the right. She is right on the ass of the guy in front of her and I have closed the gap, but clearly the gap was big enough for this bitch and she cuts over quickly and I have to slam on my brakes to avoid her clipping my front end (and she nearly hit the guy in front of me).

My buddy and I are like "wtf is up with this bitch?" She clearly can't read traffic very well and we ended up changing lanes and passing her up...she eventually got next to us which is exactly where we wanted her...not surprisingly she still wasn't paying attention as she didn't even look over. It was time to put our plan into action. My buddy had a large cup full of coke from where we got food and he proceeded to roll down the window and dump the entire thing on her car and windshield. I could see her flipping out in my rear view mirror with her phone still attached to her f@#king skull. It was so worth it. I would've loved for her to catch back up with us just to see the look on her face, but I think she finally got the picture and started driving somewhat normal and we eventually got off the freeway.

God, I hate the combination of girls, cell phones, and cars. Hell, the other day on the freeway there was this bitch driving a minivan in on of the middle lanes going 55 talking on her damn cell phone when the traffic around her was congested and moving in excess of 75.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Satty: What the hell is it with you and 3rd gen. F-bodys... you seem to despise them

more than I do Hondas. I mean c'mon, you mean to tell me that a 3rd gen. Camaro

with an exhaust leak bothers you more than the 10,000 Hondas with Fart Cans that

drive up and down every damn street in the USA these days?

I'll take exhaust leak on a V6 or V8 ANY DAY over rice rocket queefs. :blink:

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Ironically it's been Toyota driver's who have been nice. Recently several people in have done nice things such as lt me go, warm me of a cop looking for speeders, and so on. On the other hand people in various Ford and GMs have been the slow/can't keep constant speed/cut you off SOBs.

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I'v never been in a accident but a few months back I almost taged me a Honda Element (the older plastic covered kind).

I was diving down Van Dyke in Utica, Michigan anyone who lives here knows Van Dyke at about 4:00 is a death trap.

Van Dyke is a divided highway full of the ever popular "Michigan lefts" i'm in the left lane going 45mph,

in front of me is a Honda Element going same speed we are coming up on a Michigan left when the Honda slams on her brakes.

I slam on mine, knowing im going to hit her I jump the curb into the median and the Honda moves over into the lane for the turn around right in front of me.

I finally stop in the lane for the turn around, the woman in the Honda OBLIVIOUS to me calmly drives through the turn around ON HER PHONE!

Now I have to try to get back into traffic at rush hour, it took me a good 5 min to get back into traffic the whole time im blocking the turn around lane looking like an @$$hole.

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Satty: What the hell is it with you and 3rd gen. F-bodys... you seem to despise them

more than I do Hondas. I mean c'mon, you mean to tell me that a 3rd gen. Camaro

with an exhaust leak bothers you more than the 10,000 Hondas with Fart Cans that

drive up and down every damn street in the USA these days?

I'll take exhaust leak on a V6 or V8 ANY DAY over rice rocket queefs. :blink:

Old, $h!ty running V8s with exhaust leaks outnumber rice burners with fart cans 100-1 around here. Its redneck country, so the 30 year old pick-em-ups and 3rd gens are very popular because they're "cool" but in reality they're driven by morons who cannot follow simple traffic laws like stopping at red lights and going 30mph in residential areas.
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In the past 3 months of commuting to my new job through

al different kinds of traffic I have solidified my theory on

this topic.

The Camry IS by far the most likely car on Massachusetts'

roads to be driven by idiots/morons/a$$holes. It wins by a

very wide margin and the irony is from my experience the

runner's up are the honda Odyssey & toyota Sienna.

I don't know the regional sales figures, but those are probably the three most common cars in Massachusetts.
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in front of me is a Honda Element going same speed we are coming up on a Michigan left when the Honda slams on her brakes. I slam on mine, knowing im going to hit her

Following too close?

Them Element's got good brakes! :AH-HA_wink:

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Acura still head & shoulders above the rest of the brands around here as far as housing terrible drivers- mostly by driving maddingly-well below the flow of traffic. Must be dozing off.

Still 2nd on my observation list- BMW drivers who daydream they're in F1. If you could only add the 2 brands and divide by 2- you'd get tolerable drivers.

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Some of the biggest assholes on the road that I've seen have been driving Audis.

I was driving to school about 5:30 in the afternoon, on the expressway going about 85, and about a quarter mile behind me is this bitch driving an Audi who FLASHES HER BRIGHTS AT ME as she's getting closer and closer, not bothering to change lanes until the very last second.

Edited by AxelTheRed
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  • 5 months later...

Hehehe...guy in 3rd gen just got pulled over and arrested in front of my house. I hope they crush his car.

And the Hummer H2 is my new choice for assholemobile, had one today tell me that I need to take off the parking brake because I was going 35 in a 30mph, heavily patrolled, residential area. Jerk.

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Never understand you... why would you get joy from his car being destroyed...?

wft do you have against f-bodys?

Edited by Sixty8panther
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So take it out on his car? WTF?!

I think its funy that you bought a new Fusion and you think 3rd gen. F-bodys are junk.

Your tase in cars preplexes me, I'd never wish an F-body harm for no good reason.

It's a car, you're holding a personal grudge against a CAR.

If you're going to pick on a subculture let's get real, your typical Honda/Toyota/VW

drivers are the ones that drive like pricks & deuchebags with theior little riced out

garbage-for-brains modifications and day-glo special ricer-econoboxes.

Oh and BTW: you come off as pretty racist.

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Yep, thats me, with my little half-Mexican son, Cameroonian assistant and uber-W.A.S.P. best friend, totally racist. You on the other hand, with your repeated anti-Asian comments on this site, have never shown any predilection for racism. White trash can be any race, its a mindset and lifestyle, not a physical characteristic, and yes, part of that lifestyle is doing dumb $h! because you have a "cool" car like a 1986 Camaro with mismatched body panels and no exhaust.

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To add to the original topic...Bro's and their f@#kin trucks...unfortunately it seems the worst culprits drive Silverados...Douchebags weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds whipping their trucks around like they're in some race car, passing on the shoulder, cutting people off in near misses, cutting across the entire freeway in one fell swoop...it's bull$h!, and I nearly saw an accident occur last night because of it...not the first time I have witnessed this happened.

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Most common? Camry without a doubt,

Close second? Women on cell phones in SUVs

Other common troublemakers?

Buick sedans (old folks)

Subarus (especially wagons)

Older asian sedans ( like to hang out in the fast lane and block traffic)

Main gripes:

Slow drivers in the fast lane

Fools that think "safety in numbers" applies to driving (they all hang together like a rolling roadblock)

Rolling through stop signs

not signalling a turn

HESITATION! Don't freakin' do this you bloody fool!

Not using mirrors

Blocking a parking lot entrance unnecessarily

HIGH beams

Leaving the turn signal on

Getting into the left lane because you have to make a left 8 miles up the road and slowing down to do so as soon as you get there.

inability to merge/ stopping on an on ramp



applying makeup (and using that rearview mirror to do it while in traffic)

talking on a cell phone (only really applies to the "can't walk and chew gum at the same time crowd)

Intentionally slowing traffic (Prius drivers are most guilty)

EDIT: How could i forget the worst of all? Pacing the car in the lane beside you!

What are you, lonely or something?

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I had a woman in a Bonneville switch lanes at a red light to get next to me, try to keep up with me for about a quarter of a mile (I wasn't exactly burning it up) then jerk back over into my lane, follow me through two lights then jerk back over into the other lane to make a right turn onto a side street. Someone from Iowa driving a Taurus managed to take up two parking spots (nose-to-curb) on a pretty busy downtown street.

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I just think that maybe you were not hugged as a child. :P

One of my best friends is a South Korean.... and he despises Japanese cars too!!!

Seriously how can you dislike Camaros more than ricers? :huh:

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To add to the original topic...Bro's and their f@#kin trucks...unfortunately it seems the worst culprits drive Silverados...Douchebags weaving in and out of traffic at high speeds whipping their trucks around like they're in some race car, passing on the shoulder, cutting people off in near misses, cutting across the entire freeway in one fell swoop...it's bull$h!, and I nearly saw an accident occur last night because of it...not the first time I have witnessed this happened.

That sounds like what I saw Friday night...busy surface street--6 lanes, no median..two asstards in crew cab diesels (Ford Super Duty, GMC) were cutting in and out of traffic, speeding, drag racing each other away from the lights, etc..this went on for miles... and they had those stupid NRA and W04 stickers that seem mandatory on monster trucks...

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Camaros are a bigger problem around here than ricers. Plus the 3rd gens are ugly. There were like 6 attractive models in the 80's, the Camaro wasn't one of them.

That's odd, Camaro has mostly moved to the older and able crowd rather than the younger and irresponsible crowd. Must be a local phenomenon.

As to the looks of a third gen, many would disagree. In fact, many fourth gen owners love the looks of the third gen over their own cars. The fourth gen is a much more capable car in stock form, but the looks aren't nearly as accesible to many as the third gens were. The sales figures tell that story quite well.

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Agreed, Camino.

Around here (and this poll backs me up on this ) there are 30 ricers and 50 horrible

toyota "drivers" to every one kid in a 5.0 Mustang or IROC-Z that causes mischief.

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