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Bad drivers tend to own... Honda? Toyota? VW?


When you're in an "awkward driving situation", what vehicle is responsible most often?  

72 members have voted

  1. 1. When you're in an "awkward driving situation", what vehicle is responsible most often?

    • - Toyota Camry, Camry Solara, Avalon or Corolla
    • - VolksWagen Golf, Jetta &/or Passat
    • - BMW of some sort
    • - Ford Truck, esp. F150, Explorer & Expedition
    • - Honda Civic, Accord &/or Integra
    • - Lincoln Town Car, Cadillac Deville or other Senior Citizen Special
    • - Riceburners with coffee can exhausts &/or 4 foot tall wings
    • - Other (explain)

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I say Toyota Camry/Avalon or some other non-exciting Toyota.

Not saying that Supra, Celica & MR2 drivers are angels but they

tend to be about average... not better or worse than most.

Me and XP had this conversation after we noticed on a few road

trips that about 60-70% of all awkward driving situations were

caused by drivers in Toyota cars.

They cut people off, have no concept of the blind spot & to make

matters worse in some cases they're clueless & jerks. A very

bad combination on today's roads.

Your feelings on this matter?

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I see all sorts of clueless women, old geysers, and 'first time car owners' drivng Toyota products. Also, car hating urban liberals that were forced to get a car because their job moved away from the treasured inner city so now they had to get a license and learn how to drive, so they suck at it. And, let's not forget the Asian drivers who haven't driven much in their lifetime or are too short to see over the dash or can't decode road signs. Don't forget the poseur Lexus owners who are clueless about everything in their path.

Toyota products all the way. Usually driven badly.

Edited by regfootball
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In NJ, the king of the MOST Annoying SLOW, swing WAY left to make a right, crappy-ass driver are Toyota Corollas.

Closely behind the Corolla is the Grand Marquis.

Biggest asshole drivers are Bimmers. Most of them a little twits that were able to get mommy and daddy to buy them the last-gen 3 series and think they own the road.

Also the last-gen Lexus IS must be on the cheap-side now and all the little punks are buying them.

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I tend to identify each car on the road, but I've never kept a tally of what percent were of a specific brand...

And unless their obnoxiousness is influenced by the car they drive (or perhaps indicates what car they choose to drive), I don't see any direct connecion between someone's ability to drive and the car that they drive.

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Toyota Corolla...stripped down.

One fine day, I am driving into the SF area on the Bay Bridge. After passing the toll booths in Oakland, I start picking up speed to make it up the east span of the bridge. There are 5 lanes on top and 5 lanes going the other way below.

I am going about 62 and, at mid-span, I have to brake for the Toyota Corolla in the MIDDLE lane going 47. I go around and it is a tiny Asian girl who CANNOT see over the dash and is clinging to the steering wheel as if it's going to fall off. I honk and gesture at her and she is still hanging onto the wheel for dear life, trying desperately to look straight ahead over the dash.


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Also the last-gen Lexus IS must be on the cheap-side now and all the little punks are buying them.


Speaking of the IS, a few months ago I saw a brand new IS parked on a lot with a bumper sticker on it. It read, "Daddy's Little Princess".

I think that says it all... <_<

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I always see Toyota owners as the worst drivers. VW owners are too such as my cousin. He decided to do 90 in a 60 on a winding country road. I guess he didn't hear about the 65 Corvette that went flying down a 40-foot embankment after doing 80. He just got is licence and will probably get himself killed.

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All of the above plus: most SUV drivers. Jeep Grand Cherokee drivers are the worst, followed by Expedition/Explorer drivers. A soccer mom in a Tahoe/Suburban will piss me off every now and then as well.

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Speaking of the IS, a few months ago I saw a brand new IS parked on a lot with a bumper sticker on it.  It read, "Daddy's Little Princess".

I think that says it all... <_<


There's a girl in my area who has the same thing on her BMW 3. She's what we call a JAP... a Jewish American Princess.

The worst drivers I've encountered are the ricers with fart cans and K&N filters that have stock exhaust. They are always speeding down the right lane, and then erratcially merge into traffic to avoid parked cars. The look they give you when they almost hit you is priceless, because since they all carry knives, they think that they are totally tough... I got news for you pal... I've got something called a pitching wedge, and it's in my truck bed. :AH-HA_wink:

Plus, since I live in Vancouver, signal lights are optional on our vehicles and most people couldn't be bothered to waste one calorie pushing the stalk down. :angry:

Oh, and red lights mean stop if you want to.

Edited by Captainbooyah
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Mercury Grand Marquis/Ford Crown Victoria.

In my opinion, going 30 mph in the left lane of an interstate is every bit as dangerous as speeding. Especially since most GM/CV drivers are on life-support as it is and rarely know what's going on around them.

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I had to vote "other" because it seems to be a tie between Ford Super Duty drivers (SDs outnumber F-150s around here), Suburban/Tahoe drivers (they outnumber all other large SUVs) and Dodge Ram drivers, especially those with the Cummins diesel, they tend to be complete assholes..

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I haven't had any try to kill me yet, but they do tend to cruise along in the left lane at 10mph under the speed limit making lots-o-noise. For the most part they're completely oblivious to the fact that there are other cars on the road that would like to go faster. Ram drivers are the opposite, they're the true dumb rednecks who go 5 under the speed limit then when you try to pass them they gun it and look at you with the "Yeah, this thing gotta Hemi" face and speed up. Its worse when there are like 5 of them in the truck all doing it and I pass them anyways.

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Meh, everytime I see one of those HEMI badges I think to myself...."Im the same kind of person like those who go and buy name brand clothing strictly for the name, my HEMI could be making 200bhp and I would still think im a bad ass"

Edited by deftonesfan867
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LOL I'm glad I started this thread. It's bound to upset or insult

just about anyone. :P SUVs are often times driven by

morons and their biggest annoyance is tailgating but I think

Toyota drivers sill take the cake for poor all around driving.

Also I think that Reg's "car hating urban liberals" comment is

spot on, as much as it is an over-generalization.

Most BMW owners around here are speeders but not much

else. Yes there's an occasionsl jackoff in a 3-series acting

like he owns the road but usually Bimmer people are

speeders as am I so I stay out of their way and as long as

they do the same we're good. Someone coming up on me

doing 90 in the fast lane when I'm already doing 80 is great

in my opinion. Tis means I let him pass and now I've got a

mine-sweeper ahead of me. Cop bait doing 90 which makes

it that much less likley that I'll get clipped for doing 80.

VW drivers are speeders but they are often dare-devils too.

I love to speed and have fun behind the wheel but to a point.

I've seen VW drivers (Honda rice too) pull &#036;h&#33; in heavy

traffic that I'll only do in an empty parking lot.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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i would've said Toyota or Honda before yesterday. But, on my way to work I almost plowed head on into a Buick Century. Lady pretty much decided I wasn't there to make her left turn right in front of me. Closest I've been to a wreck. REAL close. Thanks goodness for Stabilitrak.

Edited by speedy_2
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Z28luvr- You would hate my parents. My dad drives an Expedition and he drives a little bit too slow. My mom drives a Tahoe and she is quite an aggressive driver. Most people get out of her way. My dad however gets the worst road rage. If somebpdy tries to pass him right before a lane change when they try to cut you off at the last moment before it changes he will speed up and make sure they don't cut him off. He also swares a lot at other drivers. My friends and I think it is quite funny.

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Individual Model: Lexus GX470

Marque: Any Volkswagen product with a college/sorority/fraternity decal

Vehicle Class: Motorhome. These people need to take serious driving class or die. Biggest wastes of space, fuel, and manufacturing resources I've ever seen.

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Toyota, Honda, large SUVs, and pretty much every other licsensed driver in the DC metropolitan area suck so badly at driving. I've only been driving since the end of May, but I already have plenty of horror stories.

Yesterday morning while driving into work with my mom, I was merging onto I-95 south towards the Beltway. I find a gap in the traffic and floor it in the Venture. Then, out of nowhere, this ass in a Ridgeline comes out of the far left lane and blows his horn at me because I was in his way of doing 110 in a 55 zone.

And as I'm trying to get into the lane I want (95 splits to form the Beltway a little ways down from that exit), some 90-year old in a Camry swerves into the far left lane going like 35 in a 55, even though everyone does at least 60 through there.

Then, on the Beltway, this other ass in a Sequoia comes up behind me. He is so close to the back of the Venture-I think his a/c started sucking in my exhaust gas. So he decides to pass me on the shoulder of the road, then cut back in front of me with about a milimeter of space between his rear and my front. And then, he decides to take it slow-40 in a 55. So I mashed the pedal down, and the tires started to slip, so the AWD came online and I flew forward around the guy. He thought I was racing him, so here he comes, flying up the road after me an passes me again on the shoulder. So this time, I throw all caution to the winds and floor it-that was the first time I went over 75. The look on his face as I flew by him was priceless...

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I normally don't have trouble with "normal" people on the road, but ricers seem to attract my anger and road rage much more. Lets think about this, you're going to drive along in front of my 5,200-lb truck and slam on the brakes just for &#036;h&#33;s and giggles....Hmmmm.......

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If somebpdy tries to pass him right before a lane change when they try to cut you off at the last moment before it changes he will speed up and make sure they don't cut him off.


Not cool... I bet a few people die every year as a result of this exact

dumb-assed move. (no offense AR05) Either you're in a hurry or

you're not, which is it? I hate this particular tactic with a passion. <_<

Now I kept track today and I took the Super 88 to a carshow and I

yielded to several Domestics but also gave a major break to a MILF

in Honda Odyssey. She had a car full of kids and gave me that

"do you mind if I cut in" look so I waved her on. The Honda, as luck

may have it was the only time I really gave someone a break today.

Here's a basic list:


CUT ME OFF BUT NOT DANGEROUSLY: 97/8 Camry, Taurus, RX330 & BMW 6-ragtop

LET ME INTO TRAFFIC: 18 wheeler & Mercedes sedan

I YIELDED OUT OF CURTESEY: Honda Odyssey, 2 Camrys & a bunch of Domestics

AWKWARD DRIVING SITUATION: 99/00 Toyota Camry Green V6. (really clueless)

Actaully... wait, leaving the car show a 1975? Chevy Pickup was tail

gating me REAL bad and I was getting pissed. Not only was I driving

the Super 88 but I had Sofia in the car. I pulled over to the left and

motioned him to pass by and he did... at abotu 60mph right past the

Ice Cream place going sideways. F*$king a$$hole could have ran

someone over there's Kids everywhere... there were like 300+ cars

at the show and there's MIni Golf & all kinds of family oriented stuff

across the street. I'm a speeder and my driving record sucks but

you don't fishtail coming out of a parking lot when there's kids to all

sides of you.

Quoted myself from the otehr thread ^

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Eh, either gender from all walks of life in any sort of mobile device.

...but I have to say, an old fart ROYALLY pissed me off by driving painfully slow over the rail-crossing bridge in the middle of the damn road instead of the sidewalk.

...so I vote for, "Medi-chair".

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I'm surprised no one has mentioned lifted Silverados, Rams, or F-series SDs. Almost all of them have tinted windows, Independent Truck Company decals, and loud exhausts, and they're driven by men who always tailgate and cut people off and have permanent sunglasses and caps.

Nissan 350Z and Mercedes drivers are pretty bad, too.

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I can't believe nobody's said this yet, but

1994-2004 Mustangs

The guys who drive the V8 models always squirrel around all over the place, chirping tires, tailgaiting, cutting off, and basically doing things on the road that say "Hey, f@#k off, world, I drive a Mustang GT and I'm better than you." No wonder I see so many get into accidents.

And those that drive the 6-cylinder models are high-school and college age airheaded white chicks who can't stay in their lane, straddle the line, or can't reverse or turn without hitting something.

right. 4th Generation Mustang drivers. That's what I'm going with.

*My post reflects my views on the vast majority of observed 4th Generation Mustang drivers in the Los Angeles/Orange County area, and was not intended to offend anyone on this board who drives a 4th Generation Mustang and feels that he/she does not drive like a total cockface/airhead, or any fans of the 4th Generation Mustang. Thank you.

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Na, sorry, the most horrendous drivers I have seen are chicks in Domestic S U V 's. They are bullit proof, and exactly who those commercials seen on speed about driving S U V's were targeted at. Two weeks ago I had one, a college girl in one of the HUGE expensive luxury ones (forget which one, they all look the same :lol: ) I see her comming up behind me on 2 lane road. Im looking in the mirror thinking "is she going to let off or just run me over". She keeps comming and comming until shes 20 ft behind me. I see the nose dive. I am already above the speed limit as usual but not interested in that speed in that area, I do have a brain. Now I can see her in the mirror. She was fidgeting down beside her, I have no idea but it went on for 10 minutes. I bet she spent a total of no more than 2 of those 10 minutes looking forward. She would fall back and then come raceing back up again, fall back and race up, all the while playing on the seat beside her or the floor. Then we hit I88 and I went up to my usual 74 and set the cruise and she raced up behind me, then finally took the passing lane, passed, came back to my center lane (three in this area) and procedded for a few miles then dropped back to 70 or so, now I had to pass her.................she was still fidgeting around. Now she was passed and that was just no good.............flying back up my ass, so I had had enough, put the pedal on the SC down and put about 1/2 mile between us...............sorry for saying this but "STUPID BITCH". I wonder how many accidents this ditz will cause in her lifetime ?

Now last weekend on I90 steady 70+ mph traffic suddenly comes to a screatching halt then procedes for a 1/4 mile at 30, Im looking in my mirror waiting to get clocked in a chain reaction, I could see everyone behind me frantically scrambling. Slowly we all find a way forward and back up to some speed. This section of I 90 is 4 lanes one way. Sure enough another young "STUPID BITCH" doing 45 in a Blazer, in the fast lane gabbing on the cell phone oblivious to anything going on around her.

Yep, I vote "stupid bitches" in S U V's....... Thats - S tupid Un aware V _______

Most women in Toyotas are overly cautious and easy to pass.............if you have a powerful General Motors car............... :lol:

***If you are not a "STUPID BITCH" this expression does not apply to you. I believe Frank Sanatras generation called them "DUMB BROADS" So this apparently is nothing new................... :rolleyes:

OK OK in all fairness to the ladies.............just yesterday Im comming back up the town road toward home, suddenly an older man than myself, mowing up the shoulder of the road toward me on my side just cranks the Cub Cadet straight out into the road..............I had to lock them up and there was a car comming in other lane so I could not take it. It happened to be my neighbors wife in her Subaru Impresda BTW who also locked them up.

So second to "STUPID BITCHES" in SUV's is "DUMB OLD BASTARDS" on Cub Cadets. Now thats an awfull lot of B words in one post...........Warning rate just increased to 40%...................... :duh: Sorry :(

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Yeah... SUV are a problem everywhere too, but still I think I'd

rather deal with the typical SUV driver than a Camry driver

any day. Camry drivers are so oblivious it's scarry.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Oh, and I almost forgot one from yesterday. There's a ramp in Toronto from one highway to another that most people take at 80 km/h. I had to slam on the brakes yesterday to about 40, and there's this column of cars up ahead waiting for one guy to get out of the way. He suddenly does, and skips over to another ramp, where he could have been in this other lane the whole time.

So who was it, in the wrong lane, going 40? A red 64-era Corvette. Way to have a sweet car and drive like you have no sense. Fool.

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I had a retard in a new 3er pull off a sweet move. He was at a complete stop in the far right lane at a red lght, I was coming up to the light in the left lane, suddenly he decided to shoot across into the left turn lane. Yeah, I had to do a little slowing down for that one.

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Ford trucks around here. Redneck's suck.


Some of the worst (arrogant, cutting in-and-out of traffic, etc) I've seen around here are drivers of late model Dodge Ram and Ford Super Duty pickups.. darn right-wingers.. (they inevitably seem to have their W04, NRA, or 'Real Men Love Jesus' stickers..)

Alos, there seem to a lot of accident-prone Kia,Hyundai, and Daewoo drivers...I see alot of (esp. the smaller models) them driving around with dented panels,broken lights/bumpers, etc..

Edited by moltar
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Yeah... SUV are a problem everywhere too, but still I think I'd

rather deal with the typical SUV driver than a Camry driver

any day. Camry drivers are so oblivious it's scarry.


Oblivious is the best you can fly right past them and they never even notice................I suppose this makes me sound like a reclined sidehat with a fart cannon ? .............hell no.................Im a hatless balding 25% senile in an Oldsmobile

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Well, to begin the story. I work at Shaw's [it's a supermarket]. Sometimes when we are short staffed in carry out [i am a cashier] I go outside to collect shopping carts. I hate the people who think they own the parking lot and drive accordingly.

What really pisses me off though is wheen you are pushing 10 carts and are 1/2 way through the crosswalk and people still need the fact to cut in front of you, LESS YOU HOLD UP THEIR DAY FOR ALL OF 10 SECONDS.

Most of these people tend to be in large, luxury sedans or SUVs.

Don't you have to yield to people in the crosswalk no matter where it is?

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A few others mentioned

Sometimes you get a middle aged + successful man in an expensive luxury car that comes up behind you on an interstate while your passing slower cars and thinks your gonna throw off the cruise and move over because he flashes his lights...............I give them fellas the good old "New Yorker Indicator"

Many of the self employed contractors in their pickups, if out rammin for.......whatever during the day are very impatient and hurried and seem thoughtless. Alot of those guys that have many subs and many jobs do nothing but ram all day long. One of my best friends does this, hes very successful and his cell phone rings just about every 10 minutes or more for this and that, Ive been out with him and its crazy. Their truck is the office and work horse. Not making excuses but I know whats going on, men on a mission.

This is why I prefer to drive with the fastest, Id rather be out in front with the best than laggin back with these same people up my butt all the time. Its the drivers that seem to want to be up your butt because they are looking for a friend that drive me crazy. "Pass me already and go on" but as soon as they do, they slow down cause they want to hang out or something.

Dont pull out in front of me, or ride my ass or get in my safty zone, or make demands and I'll never even notice your there, you'll just be another moving object to avoid. Its when I cant seem to avoid you that I get annoyed. Its the "stay out of my face" therory.

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Oblivious is the best....


Not when they almost kill you because they have no effin clue about

how to use mirrors, blinkers, headlights and/or brakes. A typical

move for a Toyota driver is tyo cut you off LAST SECOND as if they

were in a ruch to get to the hospital but then go 38 in a 40 for the

next 7 miles all while riding their brakes.


Yes, you're absolutely right, I've been saying for years that Korean

cars get three times the dents per capita.

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