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Are you more courteous to Domestic drivers?


Are you more courteous to Domestic drivers?  

54 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you more courteous to Domestic drivers?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Never thought about it that way, you insecure dolt

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Read this scenario then answer the poll above. I’ve found myself doing this a lot lately and wanted to know if anyone else has this affliction.

You are in traffic. A car is looking to get into traffic from a parking lot, side street, etc. in front of you. If the vehicle is a foreign car, do you pull up as close as possible to the car in front of you and huff under your breath, “I’m not letting you in Mr. Honda/Toyota/Acura/Audi/Hyundai/etc. driver!”

Do you find yourself more open to letting in a GM, Ford or Chrysler product?

It may be weird, but since I spend a lot more time in traffic, I tend to be more courteous to those who drive Domestic vehicles. I am not rude or willing to cause an accident, just more open to letting someone in my lane if their choice of vehicle is American.

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Funny thing is, avant, I'm the same way. No, I don't act rude towards import drivers, but I will consciously go out of my way to extend the courtesies of the road to the drivers of domestic cars. I've been that way for years - just a small showing of solidarity, 'though of course the other driver will never know just why.

I'm interested to see I'm not alone! :)

Edited by Jazzhead
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I am more corteous to drivers of a car than to an SUV.

Then, I a more corteous to drivers of a "regular" car than, say, a Mercedes or a Lexus.

But, overall, I am a conservative driver, given that I drive a Regal.

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Funny thing is, avant, I'm the same way.  No,  I don't act rude towards import drivers,  but I will consciously go out of my way to extend the courtesies of the road to the drivers of domestic cars.   


Wow... I can't beleve I'm not the only retard who does this.

I thought abotu asking the same question here before but

then I thought that I might be thought to be even more

%$#@&ed in the head than you guys already know me to

be. I also am not a prick to imports unless they start it but

I will give Domestics the benefit of the doubt and often

times yield to an American car where I'd choose not to give

the right of way if it was an IMport, esp. a Toyota or Honda.

I hve on occassion given a Honda/Toyota driver a break

when the driver was a HOT chick... the other day I yielded

to a MILF in a Sienna minivan. :P

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I don't really consciously do anything different--I try and be professional and courteous towards other drivers, though I will let a fellow Jeep, BMW or Mustang driver in front of me (when merging in a construction zone, side street, etc) before I would let other drivers in...

Edited by moltar
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Interesting you bring this up. I try to be curteous to all drivers, and really I could care less about the choice of their vehicle because we live in a free market society so they can drive whatever they want.


I do exclude Dodge Ram drivers and Ricers from this list. Ricers is just because they like to zip like flies in traffic, and I'd rather slow them down with my truck for the sake of the other drivers (plus it's fun!). From experience, I've noticed Ram drivers, especially those with the HEMI and 20 inch wheels or whatever are very aggressive in traffic and also like to shout, swear and make obscene gestures. I prefer to be behind them...

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I admit I'm domestically-biased, too. But the first prerequisite is courtesy. An asshole in a Honda and an asshole in a Chevy is the same kind of dirt in my book. However, I will extend the extra courtesy to those driving GM products, namely Oldsmobiles, Buicks, and Pontiacs. I've noticed the same happens to me. An Audi driver will cut me off while a Chevrolet driver will let me in. Maybe Audi drivers are just pricks.

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mostly to GM cars, but if i get a chance to cut off a japanese car i will take it...

expecially with my truck they arent going to argue with me... road rage only works with similarly sized vehicles :lol:

but yea, if i see a GM car coming up on me, i'll switch lanes and let him pass me easily where as if i see a import coming up on me, i might match the speed of the car in the other lane so he cant pass :lol:

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I'll let most people with domestics over.

I'll let ALL F-body drivers over (as long as they're not acting like assholes).

Most sportscars (coupes only) can come over.

Most Mustangs I ignore and don't let over (they honestly never let me over).

And imports? I think it's that I'm not staring at their vehicles because they're usually not much to stare at... and then I still don't let them over.

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I am however rude to BMW drivers, since they tend to be the most arrogant on the road.


So this is why I have to deal with so many tards on the road every day...They are intentionally rude to me. You see, this is where the cocky BMW owner stereotype comes from...When you have to deal with moron drivers every day pulling stupid crap like that and intentionally being rude and inconsiderate, your driving habits may change a bit to compensate for that and in turn one might have to become more aggressive. Though, what do I know...I'm not too aggressive during traffic...I mostly stick to the far left till I get to my destination...doesn't so any good trying to weave in and out of traffic.

The only car I can say I would single out would be a prius. If conditions allow, I'll sometimes give them a hard time, whether it be doing a WOT pass, or just pull in front of them, drop down a couple gears and let my engine breathe and step into it. I have fun with them...

I can be inconsiderate to any car though...If I see someone speeding around tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic and trying to squeeze in I usually won't give them the time of day. I encounter so many douchebags every day it's not even funny...One who pissed me off the most was some kid in a G35 coupe speeding around...we were on a 2 lane stretch of highway/freeway and I saw him speeding up...I was behind another person, and there was a truck next to me in the right lane. He was coming up behind the truck who was going a tas slower that the lane I was in. I could tell he wanted to squeeze in so I pulled closer to the car in front of me...This douche has the audacity to still merge over nearly clipping my front bumper in the meantime...needless to say, I was pissed...A gap opened up and he hit it. I followed suit and was on his ass and he merged over into the right lane. Passing him was no problem as my car is a beast on the highway compared to his. As I passed his ass up I made sure to give him the oh so sarcastic thumbs up, cut him off, and hit my windshield washers (I'm thankful my car was already dirty, so I wasn't too dissapointed to get water all over the windshield)...Sure, maybe what I did was a bit childish, but what goes around comes around. He could have easily slowed down and merged in behind me.

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I have to admit - only FoMoCo drivers ..

but I am quite corteous to any good drivers - regardless of what they drive. But if you do not know how to drive get ready to get a horn.... especially if you change labnes or cross the line without a blinker on.

(I think it is a good think for everyone that I do not drive much ;) )


Edited by Igor2
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I do favor domestics and snub imports- esp japanese and german vehicles. I take pride in my snubbery.


Oh I forgot to mention - I drive a Mazda3 ...;)

but I thanks to stickshift and my driving skills I can easily get into traffic ..


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I try to be courteous to everyone.

I don't see what being an ass to _________ drivers accomplishes (except maybe looking like an ass yourself).


Inner peace!

About once a week I scrape mazda 3s out of my wheelwells.

Thanks to my Allison and my driving skills I can easily get over traffic...



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Bad drivers come in all shapes, sizes and makes of vehicles; same goes for good drivers. I do not discriminate based on vehicle make, I discriminate based on driving skills. In fact, I find the very notion described in this thread as absurd. I mean, what about used car buyers? They're not supporting "Japan Inc." They're supporting whoever they bought the vehicle from second-hand.

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All right, I tend to be more domestically biased when it comes to my driving, however if someone is tailgating me without good reason, then I WILL give them a "think fast" and hope that they eat the ass of my Impala, so I can get out and stomp a mud hole into them. Now if I'm in my truck, I have a slightly different approach. I flip one switch which actuates power to a set of ignition coils, spark then travels to a set of AC Delco R45TS spark plugs strategically mounted in the tail pipes. Then I downshift into second and let the perfectly set, slightly-rich Holley 675cfm 4-bbl dump all the nice, pretty, raw fuel into the exhaust pipes. You can only imagine the reaction at that point.

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Most Mustangs I ignore and don't let over (they honestly never let me over).


As a GM guy first and foremost I used to not go the extra mile for Fords...

But in recent years I've come to realize something:

It's NOT Chevy vs. Ford vs. Mopar any more.

It's US vs. THEM. Us being Domestic V8 and/or RWD stuff versus

the retards in FWD imports. Muscle vs. Rice.

Now I kept track today and I took the Super 88 to a carshow and I

yielded to several Domestics but also gave a major break to a MILF

in Honda Odyssey. She had a car full of kids and gave me that

"do you mind if I cut in" look so I waved her on. The Honda, as luck

may have it was the only time I really gave someone a break today.

Here's a basic list:


CUT ME OFF BUT NOT DANGEROUSLY: 97/8 Camry, Taurus, RX330 & BMW 6-ragtop

LET ME INTO TRAFFIC: 18 wheeler & Mercedes sedan

I YIELDED OUT OF CURTESEY: Honda Odyssey, 2 Camrys & a bunch of Domestics

AWKWARD DRIVING SITUATION: 99/00 Toyota Camry Green V6. (really clueless)

Actaully... wait, leaving the car show a 1975? Chevy Pickup was tail

gating me REAL bad and I was getting pissed. Not only was I driving

the Super 88 but I had Sofia in the car. I pulled over to the left and

motioned him to pass by and he did... at abotu 60mph right past the

Ice Cream place going sideways. F*$king a$$hole could have ran

someone over there's Kids everywhere... there were like 300+ cars

at the show and there's MIni Golf & all kinds of family oriented stuff

across the street. I'm a speeder and my driving record sucks but

you don't fishtail coming out of a parking lot when there's kids to all

sides of you.

Edited by Sixty8panther
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Nope... I'm not foreignacaraphobic... all drivers get the same from me... whether I'm feeling nice or in a hurry. When they be an ass to me, though, I tend to be an ass back. So if any of you guys dont be nice to me in my Mazda... I shall honk and flip yo ass off, you stupid foreignacaraphobic! :D

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It depends on the mood...

Sometimes I say that they must be rushing to the ER...

Or that they really have to use the bathroom...

Or that they're having a bad day...

Or that they're PMSing...

Other times, I like to laugh at these cars, weaving in and out of traffic, only to be caught up later on...

Often I scoff at speeding cars, but then I often speed myself...

And often I hear a car at WOT and think, "gosh, how arrogant", but perhaps the drivers are merely being petrolheads...

Etc, etc...

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So this is why I have to deal with so many tards on the road every day...They are intentionally rude to me. You see, this is where the cocky BMW owner stereotype comes from...


Aye, comparing this with the "Bad drivers tend to own..." thread, I see some definite self-fulfilling prophecy going on.

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So this is why I have to deal with so many tards on the road every day...They are intentionally rude to me. You see, this is where the cocky BMW owner stereotype comes from...When you have to deal with moron drivers every day pulling stupid crap like that and intentionally being rude and inconsiderate, your driving habits may change a bit to compensate for that and in turn one might have to become more aggressive. Though, what do I know...I'm not too aggressive during traffic...I mostly stick to the far left till I get to my destination...doesn't so any good trying to weave in and out of traffic.

The only car I can say I would single out would be a prius. If conditions allow, I'll sometimes give them a hard time, whether it be doing a WOT pass, or just pull in front of them, drop down a couple gears and let my engine breathe and step into it. I have fun with them...

I can be inconsiderate to any car though...If I see someone speeding around tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic and trying to squeeze in I usually won't give them the time of day. I encounter so many douchebags every day it's not even funny...One who pissed me off the most was some kid in a G35 coupe speeding around...we were on a 2 lane stretch of highway/freeway and I saw him speeding up...I was behind another person, and there was a truck next to me in the right lane. He was coming up behind the truck who was going a tas slower that the lane I was in. I could tell he wanted to squeeze in so I pulled closer to the car in front of me...This douche has the audacity to still merge over nearly clipping my front bumper in the meantime...needless to say, I was pissed...A gap opened up and he hit it. I followed suit and was on his ass and he merged over into the right lane. Passing him was no problem as my car is a beast on the highway compared to his. As I passed his ass up I made sure to give him the oh so sarcastic thumbs up, cut him off, and hit my windshield washers (I'm thankful my car was already dirty, so I wasn't too dissapointed to get water all over the windshield)...Sure, maybe what I did was a bit childish, but what goes around comes around. He could have easily slowed down and merged in behind me.


Discriminating in traffic because someone is driving like a douchenag is acceptable.  Discriminating in traffic because someone is driving a car you dont like is pretty immature.


I'd like to clear this up a little. For me, I never drive like an asshole and cut people off. My driving never changes. I like my car and I don't want some idiot to smash it up for me. To me, "Are you more courteous" basically means would you react if they drove badly - i.e. would you honk, give dirty looks, give them the finger, etc. Maybe it's a stereotype, but I just picture BMW drivers as caring a lot about appearances. So, basically I know I can give one the finger and (s)he's not going to ram me, drag me out of my car at an intersection, shoot at me, or anything silly like that.

I tend to not give cars in bad repair the finger, because I figure these people don't give a @%(^ about their car or appearance, and would be more likely to pull the stupid crap listed above.

So Nick, you would not notice different behaviour from me unless you did something stupid enough to warrant getting the finger.

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I'm courteous to those that drive with an acceptable level of competence, sanity, and respect.

For all others bite me. Which means 99.99999 percent of Lexus and SUV drivers can kiss my arse, as I find the level of assholes on the highway near me are in either in a Lexus or an SUV. My belief is though SUV's or any Lexus model just tends to attract an idiot to buy them who has no driving skill what so ever.

Of course there is the occasional anomalie, in which I find an SUV driver, or Lexus driver driving resonably. Then I cut em slack. I try to drive the way I want people to treat me on the highway. However there is always an over abundance of idiots out there that can make the fangs come out at any moment.

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I don't care what vehicle people are driving, bad/rude drivers get the cold shoulder from me and good/courteous drivers get my attention. Someone who can't be bothered to use a turn signal or look for trafffic or speed up to the general speed of traffic when pulling in, get bad looks from me...or, in worst-case scenarios, other gestures of my ire. I really don't notice WHAT they're driving but HOW they're driving. I'll flip off a bad Chevrolet driver just as fast as a bad Toyota driver....and vice versa, I'll allow a good Chevrolet driver into traffic at the same rate I would a good Toyota driver.

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Discriminating in traffic because someone is driving like a douchenag is acceptable.  Discriminating in traffic because someone is driving a car you dont like is pretty immature.



The interesting thing to note would be that, the majority of the time, I'm typically the victim of an overly-aggressive driver behind the wheel of a domestic vehicle than an import. This is simply because the ratio of domestic vehicles on the road is larger than that of imports. This is also because the guys driving trucks must think they're still in the middle of their farm-field, driving wherever on the pavement and never using a turn signal.

For someone to say they don't accomodate someone driving an import is quite pathetic. They might feel mighty proud to snub an import; however, all the other people on the road simply observe an arsehole being a dick on the road to others.

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I have to admit extending courtesy to domestic drivers more often than import drivers, with the exceptions that I don't go out of my way to let truck/van/suv drivers out in front of me because I can't see around them. Also tend to snub anyone not using a turn signal (oops, didn't know which way you were trying to go;)) or on a cell phone. Brings to mind something that happened to me last summer in a construction zone. I was in the proper lane at the merge point, but I generally believe that if everyone takes a turn traffic will go alot smoother, so I saw a Lesabre signaling and flashed him to merge in fron of me, but there was a guy in a Subaru behind him that thought he was gonna squeeze in too. I pulled up to the bumper of the Lesabre and he kept persisting on getting in until he finally ran out of space in his lane and hit a construction barrel!

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  • 2 years later...

My wife forgets things about cars. While she was driving, we were trying to merge into an off-ramp at around 80 km/h while vehicles in that lane were trying to merge into our lane. She found a hole between a Mercedes (up front) and a Chevy pickup (behind it) as they were both signaling left. She picked up speed to get ahead of the truck and signaled right. He backed off to let us in but he couldn't quite turn right yet because the stupid woman in the Mercedes was thinking my wife was trying to overtake her. She kept slowing down to the point that the truck didn't have enough speed to get ahead of the people behind us, and we couldn't merge in front of him anymore because the gap had closed. My wife was yelling, "Speed up you stupid c__t!!! Can't you see I'm trying to turn right?!" That's when I reminded my wife that the lady probably didn't have super hearing, and I couple toots from the horn with a couple flashing lights might get her attention to my wife's signal light. By that point it didn't matter. We were going about 50 km/h and the truck saw an opening and bolted behind us and into the next left lane.

Not that I mean anything by this, but the Mercedes was being driven by a snarly looking Chinese woman. If she were driving a domestic vehicle, I don't know how anyone here could place that woman in a higher category of respect. The point was, she was still a crappy driver.

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