233 topics in this forum
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A Corvair saved my life. You will rarely hear anybody say that, and here is my story. I own a 65 Corvair Monza convertible, and let’s just say it was one step from being a parts car when I bought it. This little red junky car has been an adventure to say the least. After what happen in the fall of 2010, the car will have a home here with me. I had been enjoying the car over the summer with the top down and the wind blowing in my hair. I have replaced most of the mechanical parts on the car, but have not touched the body work. Corvairs are Unibody, and I had a crack in the passenger’s door sill that was showing movement. I thought it was time to replace the floor boards, …
Last reply by knightfan26917, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
Chrysler is once again going in the wrong direction, The primary reason I believe this is occurring is because Chrysler group is drifting without direction. Who thought of the brilliant idea to create a whole new brand called "Ram" when Chrysler is on life support? The simply fact is that Chrysler needs to consolidate into one brand simply called Chrysler. Yes, I hate to see two storied brands, Dodge and Jeep to disappear but, I do not believe in the long term survivability of any of the current four Chrysler brands. Here is my pipe-dream of what Chrysler should be. 2012 Model Year Require that all Chrysler group dealerships sell Chrysler branded vehicles. 2013 Model …
Last reply by riviera74, -
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- 25 replies
I’m sure you have thought of it before; the car you would buy if you won the lottery. I’m also sure that you probably have a picture of it in your head right now. So tell me, how many people do you think, would now have their minds eye filled with a Hybrid vehicle, or even a true EV? How about something that is just smaller and more efficient than what you have now? Maybe a few extra hands would have been raised then, but I still would not expect even near a majority. Probably not even half. More at: MotorGnomes
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
- 2 replies
Commercials that Make You Wonder Television commercials are supposed to sell a company's product. Sometimes the way the company goes about it leaves you scratching your head. After a slew of generally well-received automotive Super Bowl ads, I thought I'd cover some of the head scratchers I've noticed over the years. Sometimes, you have to stop and say "Hey.. .wait a minute...." Dependency This is not the recent Mercedez-Benz commercial that caught my attention; however, this one is a close second. The commercial that really caught my attention is the one where presumed MB owners talk about how the car assisted them in stopping and staying awake, with …
Last reply by knightfan26917, -
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Discuss the podcast here!
Last reply by JBsZ06, -
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Lesser Known Tech: The In and Out of In and Out - EGR Explained Today we begin a new series of article on lesser known technology. Many of us gear heads hear of different technologies in vehicles and have a general understanding of why they exist, but sometimes there are things that don't generate much thought because...well.. they seem to always have been there. These articles are to help you understand the background of the technology.... the "how?" and the "why?" that are more than just one or two word answers. In this, our first article, we cover EGR. Most people even vaguely interested in automobiles know what EGR means, but just in case you're not one…
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
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<div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="210" height="25" id="mp3playerlightsmallv3" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.podbean.com/podcast-audio-video-blog-player/mp3playerlightsmallv3.swf?audioPath=http://autobird.podbean.com/mf/play/bm9wig/Auto_Bird_Podcast_Esp25.mp3&autoStart=no" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http:…
Last reply by Justin Bimmer, -
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<div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="210" height="25" id="mp3playerlightsmallv3" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.podbean.com/podcast-audio-video-blog-player/mp3playerlightsmallv3.swf?audioPath=http://autobird.podbean.com/mf/play/sb8hy/Auto_Bird_Podcast_Esp24.mp3&autoStart=no" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http:/…
Last reply by G_Man72, -
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<div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="210" height="25" id="mp3playerlightsmallv3" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.podbean.com/podcast-audio-video-blog-player/mp3playerlightsmallv3.swf?audioPath=http://autobird.podbean.com/mf/play/hcz8/Auto_Bird_Podcast_Esp23.mp3&autoStart=no" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http://…
Last reply by Justin Bimmer, -
- 0 replies
AB Podcast #22 – NY Auto Show Episode <br> <br> <br> <div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="210" height="25" id="mp3playerlightsmallv3" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.podbean.com/podcast-audio-video-blog-player/mp3playerlightsmallv3.swf?audioPath=http://autobird.podbean.com/mf/play/2t7bmf/Auto_Bird_Podcast_Esp22.mp3&autoStart=no" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="…
Last reply by Justin Bimmer, -
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<div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="210" height="25" id="mp3playerlightsmallv3" align="middle"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> <param name="movie" value="http://www.podbean.com/podcast-audio-video-blog-player/mp3playerlightsmallv3.swf?audioPath=http://autobird.podbean.com/mf/play/jh78ii/Auto_Bird_Podcast_Esp21.mp3&autoStart=no" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <embed src="http:…
Last reply by RjION, -
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- 66 replies
C&G Member Article – “Grading the Revolution” By z28luvr01 Many of us remember the now infamous car-carrier ad for Chevrolet that debuted during the New Years Eve 2004 festivities. That ad represented the start of the “An American Revolution” campaign for the bowtie brand, retiring the lamented “We’ll Be There” campaign for cars and the stalwart “Like a Rock” campaign for trucks. At the heart of “An American Revolution” was the release of 10 new or significantly redesigned vehicles over the next 20 months starting January 2004. With that time just about completed, and the 10 new cars and trucks are either at dealerships now or arriving soon, now is an opportune ti…
Last reply by FAPTurbo, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 28 replies
Cheers and Gears goes Back to the Futurliner! Hershey, PA - Today I visited the AACA meet in Hershey PA. The last time I managed to get out there was in 2006. In both instances the General Motors Futureliner was there. The first time I visited, I was unable to get up into the cab. This time would be different.
Last reply by Z-06, -
- 20 replies
I'm serious. We now have a way of actually directly talking to GM management thru the "TELL FRITZ" http://www.gmreinvention.com/?commentSubmitted=true LINK I wrote: Please for the love of GOD.. Get rid of the 3.0L in the Cadillac SRX, CTS, and Lacrosse. It does not improve the MPG and obviously performs worse than the 3.6L or 2.8Lt. I am willing to bet the 3.5L would do better . Unless the 3.0L has a turbo. Kill it.
Last reply by Bimmer325, -
- 26 replies
Some people here on NET are marred by stupidity and so much ignorance it isn't even funny. Since Lutz's arrival we have see GM go from a company that produced mediocre vehicles that were reliable, and often attractive but never exuded the norm in terms of quality and performance. We have, because of Lutz's product direction, Welburn's design direction, and Andrew Farah's engineering direction, a company that hasn't once yet, in the past 5 years put out vehicle that didn't win some sort of acclaim. Corvettes are considered Ferrari beaters, Cadillacs are comparable to BMWs and Benzes, Malibus are more efficient and better styled than CamCords, Cobalts are as efficient as …
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 36 replies
If we really want to save the US auto industry then we got to do something bold. 1) Detroit has no independent market share above 1% in any East Asian market and as such we should kick out the Japanese and Koreans from the US and keep the Chinese and Malaysians out of our market. 2) Restrict all Foreign automakers to a 20% combined cap in market share. 3) Restrict all Foreign automobiles to be sold under $30,000 and above $150,000. 4) Restrict all sales of Foreign automobiles to those built in the US. 5) Work to force out the Asians throughout the Americas and all of Europe. What will result from this radical departure in US policy? -US Automakers are gi…
Last reply by Robert Hall, -
- 4 replies
How I would structure General Motors North America. (Broken down into 5 sections) DISCLAIMER: I decided to sit down the other day and try to come up with a pretty cohesive plan for the future of GM given the market and their tough financial situation. My plan is probably a little on the heavy side and might need better focus. But keep in mind; although I put A LOT of thought into it, I didn’t directly research anything. So feel free to post whatever you want about the plan; criticisms, acclaims, adjustments, anything. But just remember, I’m an amateur and it’s a work in progress. SECTION 1: COMPANY & DIVISIONAL GOALS AND NOTES. General Motors: Times are tough r…
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
- 13 replies
to read the preamble and analysis click here. http://www.christonium.com/automotive/ItemID=12363409028356 to get right to the point, just read the following. I continue to believe consolidation is necessary to improve the viability of the industry and that includes the terminations of brands and companies. It is time for governments to coordinate a restructuring of the business model prior to recapitalizing the industry. For example does it really make sense for the US government to aid both GM and Chrysler and end up with three weak companies including Ford or for France to bailout both Renault and PSA? Does the market need both Opel and VW or BMW and Mercedes-Benz?…
Last reply by regfootball, -
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- 33 replies
To put GM’s situation in perspective, here is a list of assembly plants along with their respective product’s 2009 sales run rate based on US January 2009 numbers. Mexican, Canadian and export sales are not included so there’s some need for adjustment there. Assuming each plant has a 250,000 unit capacity with 3 shifts and that we might see US market sales in the 10-11M unit range this year and next, it’s clear GM needs to rid more facilities and people to become profitable. Below that list is a plant outline for a new GM made up of Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC at 100% capacity utilization at a 10-11M market sales rate. Enough capacity is left to allow for a 30% incre…
Last reply by Lamar, -
- 5 replies
Can the Viper be saved from distinction? I think so. With Fiat acquiring a piece of Chrysler, a question to ask is whether or not the Dodge Viper should still cease to exist. Some rumors have circulated that Dodge will be selling the Viper as a brand, and have already been contacted by some purchasers. However, I see that this new deal with Fiat could spell a new age for the Viper. Since Fiat owns Alfa Romeo, the Viper could be positioned as the brawn little brother to the 8C Competizione. While the two models would not share powerplants, the size of the two are very similar. The Competizione possesses some very sexy and compelling characteristics that the Viper ne…
Last reply by Sixty8panther, -
- 7 replies
So we now know some of what’s been going on inside the Tech Center and Ren Cen for more than likely many months. Half of the North American brands wearing that chrome GM badge will be sold, cut, or put in a coma. At least GM’s starting to be a little gracious now that it’s strangled most of its brands nearly to death. Honestly, step into a GM showroom right now. Name at least two vehicles from each brand that could be considered desirable from the mass public. Oh, and don’t let me forget to wish you good luck. Cadillac has much going for it just with the CTS and its upcoming variations. The Escalade is okay at best, and the DTS and STS are FWD subpar boats. The XLR is…
Last reply by daves87rs, -
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- 48 replies
Pontiac’s Focused, Niche Role The One Product that can pull it off. By Andrew Currie News has been grim as a of late from GM. All options are on the table with GM’s brands. Latest word is that at least one brand, Saturn or Saab may get the axe, in addition to the sell-off of Hummer. According to GM, Pontiac may very well become a niche, even one model brand. Supposedly it will be much more focused than it is now, with its lineup made of mostly rebadges. GM is strapped for cash; it doesn’t have the money to poor into the development of an all new vehicle for Pontiac. This would seem like a major problem, as though Pontiac would once again be placed on the backburner…
Last reply by FUTURE_OF_GM, -
- 12 replies
here is how i would fix GM.. feel free to comment on any of my ideas!! let me first start with Chevrolet.. Chevrolet: Aveo: the 2007 redesign helps alot, but i would add a hot 3 door hatchback, also id add a "RS" model, avalible in the sedan and 3 door it would be powered by the 145 hp 2.2L ecotec.. Cobalt: add a hybrid model, offer a AWD version with a 250hp turbo 4cyl to take on the imports, change the sedans rear tailights to make them round like the coupe.. offer better interior appointments even if you have to raise the price $500.00!! drop the 2.2L ecotec from the coupes and make the 2.4L ecotec standard.. the sedan would still offer the 2.2L Malibu: a…
Last reply by buyacargetacheck, -
- 2 replies
How I would structure General Motors North America. (Broken down into 5 sections) DISCLAIMER: I decided to sit down the other day and try to come up with a pretty cohesive plan for the future of GM given the market and their tough financial situation. My plan is probably a little on the heavy side and might need better focus. But keep in mind; although I put A LOT of thought into it, I didn’t directly research anything. So feel free to post whatever you want about the plan; criticisms, acclaims, adjustments, anything. But just remember, I’m an amateur and it’s a work in progress. SECTION 1: COMPANY & DIVISIONAL GOALS AND NOTES. General Motors: Times are tough r…
Last reply by Cory Wolfe, -
My 2 cents
by tmp- 3 replies
My Blog
Last reply by ocnblu, -
- 6 replies
SECTION 3: DIVISIONAL BREAKDOWN: This section is meant to kind of segment the vehicles on a size and status basis and breakdown why specific vehicles are on specific platforms. Chevrolet: is the volume division and as a result needs to remain relatively neutral in its offerings, for the most part. By that I mean, user friendly and value based, not boring and de-contented. The meat of the line up needs to be attractive basic transportation for anyone. 1) Beat & Groove: Basic transportation with no extravagance. No performance models, those belong at Pontiac. 2) Cruze, HHR & Orlando: Cruze and Orlando need to be best quality and value in the class. HHR; sam…
Last reply by dwightlooi, -
- 11 replies
SECTION 2: PLATFORMS & SUBSEQUENT MODELS *** Before anyone gets too worked up, please see the explanation behind some of these decisions in section 3. *** The way I see it, GM can operate on 9 (Maybe fewer) global architectures. Here is the GMNA line up based on the nine I would refine and re-engineer for the future. Gamma: Engineered to provide much better and a wider variety of cars here than the current Aveo. Idealistically this platform will be AWD capable. 1) Chevrolet Beat (5 door) 2) Chevrolet Groove (wagon) 3) Pontiac G4 (3 door) 4) Saturn Corsa (5 door and convertible) 5) Saab 9-1 (3 door & wagon) Delta: Basically Delta II 1) Chevrolet…
Last reply by Argen, -
- 8 replies
How I would structure General Motors North America. (Broken down into 5 sections) DISCLAIMER: I decided to sit down the other day and try to come up with a pretty cohesive plan for the future of GM given the market and their tough financial situation. My plan is probably a little on the heavy side and might need better focus. But keep in mind; although I put A LOT of thought into it, I didn’t directly research anything. So feel free to post whatever you want about the plan; criticisms, acclaims, adjustments, anything. But just remember, I’m an amateur and it’s a work in progress. SECTION 1: COMPANY & DIVISIONAL GOALS AND NOTES. General Motors: Times are tough r…
Last reply by Argen, -
- 3 replies
This section of C&G is restricted and all posts must be approved by the staff before they appear! So, when posting here, please be aware that your post will not appear until one of the staff checks in to approve recent posts. Please do not repost expecting to see your post immediately - it just makes more work for the staff member when they stop in to maintain this forum. Thanks.
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
- 9 replies
SECTION 5: PERFORMANCE & SPECIALTY MODELS: Gone are the days of slapping a performance logo on a product simply because you made improvements to the product that bring it UP TO PAR with the class (Equinox Sport, G6 GXP, Lucerne Super, etc.) Each division, except Chevrolet, will have a more focused line up of ‘specialty models’ This will elevate the desire to own the products and give the divisions more individual identity to market. As for Chevrolet, well, they are the volume division so they’ll get more specialty vehicles than any other division to simply cover the market and better establish their branding (Just in case the divisional structure implodes some day…
Last reply by Aura XR, -
- 2 replies
It all started out on a day when my suspension was making a funny clunking noise at low speeds, about two weeks ago. I've talked some other G6 owners, and it was actually a bulletin, so I took her in. I brought the TSB number along with me, just to speed things up and help them out. First off, the guy didn't really pay too much concern, and started dissing me off with like "yeah we have those things already", and wasn't really letting me express my concern. Then it's the standard routine, looking up if there's other work to be done. Turns out that there's a huge list, ranging from brake maintenance and annual service. However, these were actually done, when I was in Water…
Last reply by ToniCipriani, -
- 2 replies
SECTION 4: THE SALES CHANNELS This section is meant to provide an illustration of the stair step effect, size and price relationship of each channel. It’s simple brainstorming and nothing technical. So don’t harass me too much if it’s way off. Chevrolet channel: Chevrolet 1) Beat & Groove 2) Cruze, HHR & Orlando 3) Malibu & Camaro 4) Corvette, Impala & Volt (Up here because of price and status) Chevy Trucks 1) Colorado & El Camino 2) Equinox 3) Traverse 4) Silverado & Silverado HD 5) Suburban Pontiac, Buick & GMC Channel: Pontiac & Buick 1) G4 2) G5 & Vibe 3) G6, GTO & Delta Buick 4) Lacrosse, …
Last reply by smk4565, -
- 11 replies
I propose a plan to revive our Domestic Automakers home field advantage as well as give our Automakers a strategic advantage in other markets. 1) Restrict sales of foreign automakers to the sales of American automakers in that nation. Ex. If Detroit sells 1,000,000 cars in Germany, German automakers can only sell 1,000,000 vehicles in the US. Since we have the largest auto market of any of the homelands of the major automakers, we will have a major advantage in global sales. If other nations try to counter our restrictions by lowering the number of vehicles we can sell there, it will just hurt their own automakers here. This will encourage stubborn mark…
Last reply by CMG, -
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
C&G Wants to Know Volume 1 - CAFE Our first installment of "C&G Wants to Know" is sure to be an interesting one. Anyone not living under a rock knows by now that new CAFE standards are in place that will require all auto manufacturers to have a corporate average fuel economy of 35MPG by the year 2020 while meeting intermediate milestones along the way. GM seems determined to meet these standards with an innovative approach befitting one of the world's most storied manufacturers, but a little help from the C&G faithful certainly wouldn't hurt. Your task is to establish a unique plan for GM to meet the new standards while continuing to produce vehicles that …
Last reply by NOS2006, -
- 13 replies
Toyota: Moving Forward...Entirely Too Fast -Variance July 18, 2006 As you may have heard today, yet another recall has been issued for Toyota vehicles. Over 400,000 vehicles worldwide were recalled for a faulty part that can cause an engine to cease functioning. 150,000 of the recalled were in overseas (outside of Japan) markets, predominantly in North America. Among the affected are the Corolla, Echo, and Prius. Now normally, I don’t see a big deal in recalls; they happen to the best of companies and no one is immune to them. However, lately it seems Toyota has got recall SARS or botulism or something. Toyota, Dude, What the F*ck Barbeque? The above-mentioned rec…
Last reply by MRDETROITMETAL, -
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- 67 replies
The GM Heritage Center A photographic tour of GM's most historic collection By Brian Dreggors Most people know about this place; if not, its the Holy Land to GM enthusiasts. While Ford and Chrysler proudly display their historic cars and trucks in huge, brightly-lit museums open daily for all to enjoy, GM keeps its most prized treasures in a rectangular building hidden away on the ground of the GM Technical Center, off-limits to the general public. Why? Who knows. But it sure adds allure and makes visitors seem like honored guests, which in a way, we were. Not only did we get to enjoy the grace and beauty of 100+ years of American motorcar, but we had a wonderful cater…
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 340 replies
I believe the HP wars are reaching their limits and peaks. The V8 engine is slowly becoming archaic in the passenger vehicle market for that very reason. Modern 4s and 6 have pushed vehicle performance to sports car territory of only a few years ago. You can only go so fast to 60 mph or the ¼ mile. in real terms. The buff magazines might split hairs over 0 -to-60 times, but the average consumer will not. For that very reason, the V8 for passenger vehicles may soon be phased out because it no longer matters. GM had already cancelled the V10 because they could do the same thing with the LSx V8 in the full sized utilities and pickups. The V10 might have made headli…
Last reply by Duncan, -
- 23 replies
Okay, before you read this hold your breath. Then, relax and breath easily. This is a radical yet possible idea to rebuild Pontiac and Buick. Remember that these are just ideas and reflect little in fact. Pontiac and Buick will both see major reform but, Pontiac will be altered significantly. Pontiac will be a youth niche brand in the mold of Scion. Buick will be the second broadest brand behind Chevrolet in the model of Toyota. GMC would target Toyota trucks. Here's how it could go down if this were to happen. 2007 will be the last year for the Buick Rainier, Rendevous, and Terraza and the Pontiac Vibe. 2008 will be the last year for the G6, Grand Prix, and LaCross…
Last reply by carman21, -
- 19 replies
There has been a lot of discussion recently about rising gas prices and how it will affect sales of vehicles that don't get great gas mileage. Here are my thoughts on the issue: 1) We haven't seen a huge decrease in sales of big SUVS that get terrible mileage. Why is this? It has been proven, more or less, that owners of big, gas-guzzling SUVs have the income to support the cost of gas. 2) Most cars that get poor gas mileage are more expensive than cars that get good gas mileage. What does this have to do with anything? People who can afford more expensive cars can, in most cases, afford to pay more for gas, just as owners of the big SUVs can afford to pay more for g…
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
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- 5 replies
Lighten Up Guys November 8, 2007 Let’s say you’re an upstart car company. You’ve got all the financial, production and distribution portions of your business taken care of. You decide to make a splash in a market that seems to sell a thousand variations of what is essentially the same product. How do you stand out? You stand for fun. You put on a successful and overwhelming media blitz that says, “Hey, drive our cars, because you’ll enjoy it.” And how do you deliver on the promise of fun? Give your car a three speed automatic transmission, source a Briggs & Stratton for your powerplant, and, citing safety and structural concerns, have your project tip the scal…
Last reply by tama z71, -
- Editor-in-Chief
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- 11 replies
I just came back from holidays in Hawaii. While there I had 3 rentals cars, this one being a V6 Mustang convertible. Over the years I have had my lisence (16.5 years), I have driven and rented many cars. I have never been so disapointed with any car I was with this piece of garbage! Hey GM! You have a real low target to aim for--a V6 Camaro can easily be better then this car. Closing my eyes I felt I was driving a 1980 Mustang. The steering was vauge and lifeless, the brakes spongy, the handling was a joke!! What other cars come with 65 series tires??? Sure some cars have 185/65 but 225/65??? Thats from the 80's!! Powertrian: It sounds like a Deer tractor---as asmat…
Last reply by CARBIZ, -
- 0 replies
It all started out on a day when my suspension was making a funny clunking noise at low speeds, about two weeks ago. I've talked some other G6 owners, and it was actually a bulletin, so I took her in. I brought the TSB number along with me, just to speed things up and help them out. First off, the guy didn't really pay too much concern, and started dissing me off with like "yeah we have those things already", and wasn't really letting me express my concern. Then it's the standard routine, looking up if there's other work to be done. Turns out that there's a huge list, ranging from brake maintenance and annual service. However, these were actually done, when I was in Water…
Last reply by ToniCipriani, -
- 9 replies
Hello all, First, I am still alive. I have been battling health issues since around the 4th of July and the doctors just NOW decided to draw blood which kinda frustrates me. Hopefully I will start feeling better once they figure out what is wrong with me. Now to all the mods out there, what is to follow please move if you deem it appropriate for GM to see because I am very upset right now. I have been a NASCAR fan since 1993. I was immediately drawn to the number 3 Goodwrench Chevrolet that Dale Earnhardt drove because of the sponsor, the number and the color of the car. I was an Earnhardt fan after that and I still proudly display a Goodwrench/Earnhardt licence pla…
Last reply by knightfan26917, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 46 replies
My 2006 G6 GT is THE worst GM vehicle I have ever owned or leased. From the horrible electric steering (which is going to the dealership next week for its first repair, the 6 or 7th time the car has been in the shop) to the absolutely horrific Panoramic sunroof, which does nothing but squeak, rattle, knock, ping, slam, crack, pop, and any other noise you can think of right above your head, all the time, whether the roof is open or not. It's obvious that GM has no fix for the roof. It has been back to the dealership twice (one of those trips was for over 3 weeks, while I paid a $341 lease payment to drive in the dealership's stinky 2003 Buick Century with nothing in it…
Last reply by ocnblu, -
- 29 replies
First let me explain myself. I have been gone for the past two weeks on a trip to Oregon and Northern Cali. We saw the coast and the Redwoods. I am still getting my photos from the trip onto the pc total of 2,500 photos! Its me keep in mind. I will be posting some of the rentals I saw mostly GM but there were a few things that stuck out... Some lucky bastards got to rent Impala SS's thats right a 303hp rental car, for the price of renting a regular LS model. To the company it is still an Impala lol. I also saw just one rental Grand Prix GXP. But for my tally. Will start off with GM stuff. These are bar coded rentals, not people that own or lease "there" own car. …
Last reply by gm4life, -
- 5 replies
It was a night like any-other an uneventful stroll around town and I saw it my first Turd up close. It was sitting in a driveway next to a Buick LaX... Intresting I thought. Anyways as I am snopping the owner walks out the front door and says so you like my truck. I say well I am in the market (lie) and just wanted to see one up close. The guy then being a 30 something macho man goes on to say that it'll out tow a Ford SD or Silverado HD. I soon find myself at a loss for words... I said oh really, he said yeah on youtube you see Tundra's (Turds) all the time strapped to a Chevy and each truck trys to pull the other damaging the drive-shaft and so on. I said sir could it r…
Last reply by gm4life, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 22 replies
http://themagsreport.blogspot.com/2007/04/...t-25-years.html SRX Z06 Aurora SL2 CTS-V Aura Impala SS (Caprice body) Grand National Fiero GTO Thoughts?
Last reply by vonVeezelsnider, -
- 28 replies
Notes from the Board Saturn Brand Advocate Board Meeting Recap By Brian Dreggors As many of you know, I was recently invited to attend the first Saturn Brand Advocate Board Meeting in Detroit, Michigan. From April 18-20th, myself and thirteen other people representing other Saturn enthusiast organizations were given an in-depth and comprehensive look at the Saturn Division, its heritage, and the direction it intends to follow into the future. I have to begin by saying that no one knows how to dazzle like General Motors. From the events, to the accommodations, to the entertainment, it’s clear that this corporation is well-versed in the art of making good first impression…
Last reply by enzl, -
- 7 replies
Building on Tradition A Tour of Lansing Delta Township Assembly By Brian Dreggors NOTE: As our cameras were not cleared by GM, I don't have any pictures inside the plant itself, but there was a cleared photographer with us. I'll post more pictures when I can. You have to put it into perspective that the birthplace of GM's newest crossovers may be modern, but its hardly new. You see, Lansing has been building automobiles for over 100 years - since 1897, to be exact - so the general concept its decidedly old hat to the 550,000 people of Michigan's capital. What started here five score and ten years ago was thanks to one Ransom E. Olds, a budding automobile maker that wo…
Last reply by ocnblu, -
- 1 follower
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The Near-Future of Saturn By Brian Dreggors SKY Introduced in early 2006 as a 2007 model, Saturn's SKY was a true watershed in the Saturn lineup. Cutting through the clutter to deliver halo car performance at a ridiculous price, the small roadster proved extremely popular. Retailers quickly saw their stocks of naturally-aspirated SKYs and turbocharged SKY Red Lines evaporate before their eyes; some markets have even resorted to purchasing barely-used SKYs on eBay just to have something on the lot. With 2007s completely sold out, early adopters got bragging rights, but those who wait for '08 get the following: Standard (formerly optional) Limited-slip differential S…
Last reply by PurdueGuy, -
- 8 replies
Oh Give Me a Home, Where the Saturns all Roam And the Auras and Outlooks all Play... By Brian Dreggors Establishing a brand identity today goes beyond merely styling cars a certain way. Effectively communicating your intentions for a product starts at manufacturing and ends when the vehicle is being purchased. To that end, retailers play a paramount role in the car buying experience. As the local representative for the manufacturer, they are the first to leave a good impression and also the first to leave a bad taste in one's mouth. Its often said a good dealer can sell a bad car, but not vice-versa and having good dealers is what Saturn is all about. This isn't to say …
Last reply by sciguy_0504, -
- 12 replies
In an article in the Sunday, March 25, 2007 edition of Parade supplement the is a column called, "Intelligence Report" written by Lyric Wallwork Winik (it says), and alleges to be a report from abroad. It says, "Europe: "No" to foreign cars Americans have embraced Japanese cars to the point where U.S. automakers like Ford and General Motors are fighting for their lives. Not the Europeans. Most show great loyalty to their own nationalities when it comes to buying a new set of wheels. In Germany, the 10 best-selling cars are all German. In France, nine of the top ten are French-made. Three of the five most-popular cars in Italy are made by Fiat, an Italian firm. And in…
Last reply by rkmdogs, -
- 1 follower
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I have read stuff all across the board about GM as of late. My turn to rant, this is my first offical rant... Let the fun begin. What is GM thinking buy Chrysler? Seriously they have enough of their 'own' stuff to work on!-Why do people keep pushing the RWD DTS and Lucerne for the next redesign? Do people not understand that FWD suits the buyers of these vehicles just fine and could be pissing sales down the toilet? I hope they do Toyota manages okay with not one US badged RWD Toyota car! That should say something! Get a new platform going and get to WORK!-Why is GM so slow to putting 5/6spd. automatics in cars, I understand the production problem but no reason the Im…
Last reply by gm4life, -
- 7 replies
Recently I had the oppurtunity to drive two of GM's entries in the dying field of full size front-wheel drive luxury sedans, the Lucerne and the DTS. The Lucerne came to me as a 2006 CXL (mid level trim) from Avis for a trip to the beach. I found it odd that they were renting out the CXL since we rented a LeSabre from Avis last year, and it was a Custom (best seller package). The CXL has the leather seats (and the rental had the optional split bench), which really had a strong odor. They added to the standard equipment further with the Harmon Kardon speakers, power sunroof and rear backup sensors. The exterior styling was clean, if not a little too plain. The inter…
Last reply by gm4life, -
- 29 replies
Start With Solstice A C&G Staff Commentary | by Louis Buccheri March 1, 2007 A recent trip to my local Pontiac dealer left me with an impression strong enough to inspire this article. The reaction that so struck me as I browsed Premium Pontiac's overcrowded lot? No brand offers a clearer snapshot of where GM has been, and more importantly, where GM is headed. I'd venture to say that the general public currently associates the arrowhead more with Avis than excitement, but before you write this off as yet another piece fixated on poking fun at the brand's recent past, consider the following. Amidst the rows of Vibes, G5s, Torrents and Grand Prixes gathering d…
Last reply by rueben44, -
- 13 replies
Get Your Priorities Straight A Tama Article February 12, 2006 When the Chevy Colorado and GMC Canyon made their midsize debut in late 2003, they were touted by General Motors as the most powerful and most fuel efficient trucks in the class. As unlucky timing prevailed, rival midsize trucks outgrew, outmuscled and outsized the GM twins, leaving them as the most fuel efficient trucks in class by a slim margin. Today, the Toyota Tacoma continues to run away with the segment sales lead. Dodge has introduced a refreshed Dakota, replete with the most powerful engine in the segment. More and more, the 355 twins are looking like the oldest trucks in the class, if only by a few…
Last reply by RoadmaSSter, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
-Variance January 15, 2007 As we all know, General Motors is in the middle of a spectacular product turnaround. At the moment, the most excitement seems to be circling around Chevy as the anticipated release of the new Camaro looms ever nearer and the “Blue Devil” Corvette will show up sometime in the future in an attempt to obtain top dog status over sports cars. On a bit of a tamer note, the GMC Sierra and Chevy Silverado have been reworked inside and out and so far have been garnering high praise even in the face of stiff new competition. The Silverado has been named Motor Trend’s 2007 Truck of the Year as well as the North American Truck of the Year. When talkin…
Last reply by TurboRush, -
- 1 reply
-Variance February 16, 2007 I don’t know who I’m irritated at more: Advocacy groups that whine about automotive commercials that are meant to be entertaining because it might hurt the feelings of their little constituencies or the automakers that turn to pansies and pull the ads to avoid hurting their feelings. Here’s a message to both sides: Grow a pair. Goodbye Cruel Commercials The recent crybabies have been suicide prevention groups. Just today, Volkswagen announced that they would pull a recent new ad featuring a guy preparing to leap off of a tall building to his demise until he hears the announcement that you can get three VW’s for under $17,000. The group Sui…
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 30 replies
The Death of the Saturn Auto Company (Alas, we hardly knew ye) The upcoming Chicago Auto Show is touting a full lineup of Saturn’s best and brightest, an all-new lineup in less than two years, full of Euro flavored promise as the brand moves upscale to do battle with competition both foreign and domestic. But at what cost? The concept of affordability and innovation has all but left this young division of General Motors, to be replaced by high content in a slick package, the only remnant being the hope of bringing import buyers into the GM fold. This is by no means a condemnation of Saturn, only a reflection of what the company has left behind. When the Saturn cor…
Last reply by Mr.Krinkle, -
- 4 replies
Jerome Flint Strikes Back--Booing the Home Team There you have it folks.
Last reply by Sixty8panther, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Boy did this guy nail the topic right on the head! Go read: http://www.thecarconnection.com/Auto_News/...192.A11746.html The only point he missed is the one about ego satisfaction. That is where some of the pundits who comment here are stuck!
Last reply by Cory Wolfe, -
- 24 replies
SPY SHOOTS BACK -An Editorial by Chris Doane (CD/BP) For the uninitiated, read the story of VetteGate here. - Flybrian It is not uncommon for the prototypes we see in spy photos to be deceiving. Some cars may be comprised of fake body panels, others may be covered in rolls of tape that appear to be inspired by a zebra. Sometimes even the entire shell of a current model car is shoehorned over a chassis that’s still in development. On Friday afternoon, word started getting around on several automotive websites that something was awry with a few current spy photos of a silver corvette purported to be the Blue Devil “super vette.” When these photos first hit the web som…
Last reply by Mr.Krinkle, -
- 8 replies
King Carlos (and a ravenous media) may be at it again A Tama Article November 1, 2006 The following excerpt is from a BusinessWeek article that suggests a solution to Chrysler's recent woes... Chrysler is in a mess again, and there are calls for the messiah of flagging car companies to come to the rescue. Guess who? If its not Carlos Ghosn, it's not a turnaround controversy. Since the romance with GM is over, and Ford shut it down before it could even begin, Carlos would be forced to turn to the American car company with the least appealing satchel of assembly plants and bothersome union obligations, Chrysler. This would not be the first time King Carlos has trie…
Last reply by carman21, -
- 16 replies
Is Wagon the New SUV? By Bimmer325 Contrary to popular belief, the majority of SUV’s rarely venture beyond regional highways or even the local Home Depot. While SUV owners adore the style and space their vehicles possess, off-road prowess is normally of little concern. Until now, inefficient fuel-economy and even the sheer lack of maneuverability that these vehicles present have had little effect on style-conscious consumers. However, the current trend toward rising gas-prices and a social-stigma that grows further against the SUV each day now threaten to limit the once mass-appeal of SUVs. At the same, more suitable options are emerging both from a segment that…
Last reply by thegriffon, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 36 replies
New York Times editorialist Thomas Friedman's recent piece attacking and accusing General Motors as being a major contributor to our dependence on foreign oil by analogizing that, among other things, the automaker is like a "crack dealer." These inflammatory comments have raised the ire of many here and on web communities like ours elsewhere. If that weren't enough, the Times refuses to print a rebuttal from General Motors unless it tailors it to the Times' wishes, removing among other things, the word 'rubbish' and 'irresponsible' as they are "not the tone we use in Letters." Really? 20th Century Fox, producers of The Omen, may have a bone to pick with you as another e…
Last reply by carman21, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
In response to this on autoextremist.com http://blogs.edmunds.com/karl/345 The "Anti-Detroit Go-To Guy" Talks Back First, to really understand this post you must read a short paragraph at autoextremist.com. Just follow the link and read the second paragraph (hint: it starts out saying "Edmunds.com"). Now, the various points Peter DeLorenzo is attempting to make really boil down to this: A. He thinks Edmunds should have picked more domestics for the 2007 Most Wanted winnners B. He thinks the list of winners is a clear reflection of my personal "anti-Detroit" bias Let's examine these points, shall we? 1. On the question of how we pick our winners, the process is a…
Last reply by aaaantoine, -
- 32 replies
Dear GM, I was born in Flint in the mid-eighties and have lived in or near it all my life. I've had to watch you gut this entire town these last twenty years by taking away our factories one by one and decimating our workforce. I'm not the only person who thinks this is unfair. I'm sure the entire city thinks its unfair. I'm sure the entire state, the entire country thinks what you did and are continuing to do to Flint is unfair and uncalled for. How can you wonder why you're losing sales to foreign competitors when you have shown so little loyalty to your home town? Toyota is showing more loyalty to the American cities they've put their plants than you have been.…
Last reply by razoredge, -
- 5 replies
In response to this on autoextremist.com http://blogs.edmunds.com/karl/345 The "Anti-Detroit Go-To Guy" Talks Back First, to really understand this post you must read a short paragraph at autoextremist.com. Just follow the link and read the second paragraph (hint: it starts out saying "Edmunds.com"). Now, the various points Peter DeLorenzo is attempting to make really boil down to this: A. He thinks Edmunds should have picked more domestics for the 2007 Most Wanted winnners B. He thinks the list of winners is a clear reflection of my personal "anti-Detroit" bias Let's examine these points, shall we? 1. On the question of how we pick our winners, the process is a…
Last reply by 79VetteZ06, -
- 20 replies
Is the Chrysler Group in an Identity Krise? -Variance August 5, 2006 In 1998, Daimler-Benz merged with the Chrysler Corporation to form the company we know today as Daimler-Chrysler. Some would say this wasn’t so much a merger as it was a takeover. Either way, after a shaky start, the Chrysler half of DCX has made some solid strides in terms of product, most notably when it comes to RWD machines: 300C, Magnum, Charger and all of the great SRT versions (not to mention the upcoming return of the Challenger). However, what I’m concerned with here is the Chrysler Group itself. In other words, what the company sees itself (or at least, what it wants to portray itself) as…
Last reply by rosserman, -
- 16 replies
As you may think from My recent article, I dislike pontiac. I think the opposite! PONTIAC RULES! I have been upset since 2002s end of firebird production, but if the Firebird becomes the performance god it used to be, I will indeed buy one! It will go niceley with my soon to be purchased bonneville(Its my first restoration)! This will be SO AWSOME!!!!! I couldnt wait! Heres my Idea of a firebird trans am! Any opinions on a new firebird? I am going to write an article on why Pontiac needs THIS car for its halo vehicle! Heres the *concept*
Last reply by PurdueGuy, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Everyone seems positve here. Im positive about some of the new stuff, Im also not too impressed with a bit of it either. Whats bothering me is, Im hearing all the dealerships around here advertising blow out sales to get rid of 06 inventory. They seem to be giving them away. O% interest again, up to $6000 off some Cadillac models, ect. So Im courious about sales. Ive seen no figures but yet everyone seems to claim all is going well. Anyone have sales comparisions through Aug. with say models two years back or more ? Im a bit sceptical. edit: this may need moving, its not an artical, I didnt know where to put it and didnt want it in the lounge
Last reply by zete, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 31 replies
Feel Good About GM It’s about time An Explicative Automotive Commentary by Tama September 25, 2006 If the recent slew of good news coming out about General Motors from the company and its critics isn’t enough to make you sport an ear-to-ear grin, promptly see yourself away from this article, because it wasn’t written for you. This one is for all those faithful who have waited the months and the years and the decades since GM was last the juggernaut of the auto industry, through every broken promise and half-assed CEO, through the seemingly unending bureaucracy, and through every damned Cavalier, Aztek and CSV. To those faithful, forget the past and look to the future,…
Last reply by GMman, -
- 1 reply
Horsepower Meets Hertz -Variance September 20, 2006 No, this isn’t an article about the Shelby Mustang GT-H. Rather, it’s a look at the state of technology in vehicles today. Me, I’m a bit of a tech head. I want the latest and fastest computer. I want a big plasma screen TV. I can take pictures on my thin cell phone while talking on my Bluetooth headset. I love seeing and experiencing advances in technology because to me new technology – in most cases -- means progress and if there’s one thing I like, it is progress. (I’ll come back to my “in most cases” caveat later.) In addition to being a technology fan, I also consider myself a car enthusiast. So when there’s n…
Last reply by loki, -
- 4 replies
So I was looking over Chevy's website a while ago, especially the page about the Trailblazer SS. Now I think that everybody realizes that the Trailblazer SS is about the best SS you can get currently, with RWD and the Corvette V-8 and such. Over base price, the TB SS costs an extra $6275, plus tax. For what it gives you, it is an incredible deal, making it (in my opinion) a true SS. However, the other SS's don't fare so well. For a Malibu SS, which upgrades you from an 144 hp ecotec to a 240 hp 3.9L V-6, it costs $6255, or basically the same amount as the TB SS. Wouldn't it just be a lot easier to put in the Solstice GXP's turbo for the same amount that it is in t…
Last reply by Sixty8panther, -
- 30 replies
Hi, I'm new, so if I sound dumb, give me a break. Anyway, I was wondering. I have a '95 Chevy Beauville that can carry twelve, with the back seat very reasonably fitting four across. What if someone built a sedan that was as wide as my van (76 inches), with two bench seats, and marketed it as both a better minivan (no climbing out of the back over seats, legs, and seat belts), an exceptionablly well handling large sedan (just think how it would handle being so wide. I just DARE you to try to flip it!), and the sedan with the biggest trunk, period? It would have to be a reasonable weight (as close to 4000 lbs as possible), either RWD or AWD, and if you really want i…
Last reply by 2005 EquinoxLS, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 55 replies
Who's the Rental Queen Now? By Brian Dreggors for Cheersandgears.com Remember prom night? Well, not that part, but the part before it at the actual dance where the king and queen were elected? What a magical moment when the most popular and stuck-up get recognized by their peers yet again. Big whoop, let’s go spike the punch… Well, its that time of year (sort of) to have our own little C&G promenade and top honors in this superlative goes to Rental King and Queen of the First Half of 2006. Before you elect the winners mentally, remember we’re talking about cars that go to the good folks that pick you up and try harder, not government fleet sales (police and local…
Last reply by VenSeattle, -
- 1 reply
The Spoof in Advertising “What the hell was that?” A Tama Article September 4, 2006 To most folks, advertising is an accepted, albeit annoying, part of everyday life. In fact, we Americans are so heavily bombarded by the advertising juggernaut that we now subconsciously filter it all out. What would be considered an offensive amount in other countries, we consider normal. But to a company, advertising is vital. It is the face of your business that is broadcast to the entire buying public. If played correctly, it can shape your corporate image contrary to any shred of reality. If done poorly, the effects are the same. Knowing that perception is 90 percent of reality …
Last reply by Variance, -
- 5 replies
2004 GMC CANYON 2-year Update A Tama Review September 2, 2006 Happy Anniversary!! That's pushing it, but I've had my truck for two years now. How's it holding up? Well, contrary to media contentions, the truck is solid and I still get the grins when it's parked in that picture perfect stance (you know the one I'm talking about). Overview After two years, the Canyon has done everything I've asked of it. It hasn't gotten stuck (despite ski-lift duties), it hasn't run out of gas on the highway (city streets a different story, though), and it has always been a reliable work truck. Mechanical Mechanically the truck is solid. The four-wheel drive is unstoppable, and h…
Last reply by tama z71, -
- 4 replies
Intellichoice informs people of the potential cost of ownership on a vehicle over 5 years. Using their data 2006 Impala LT with the 3.5 V-6 (as 2007 info was not available) TOTAL COST of ownership over 5 years - $32,202 2007 toyota camry Hybrid TOTAL COST of ownership over 5 years - $32,611 2007 toyota camry LE V-6 TOTAL COST of ownership over 5 years - $33,400 2006 honda accord Hybrid TOTAL COST of ownership over 5 years - $34,706 THIS IS THE ADVERTISING GM SHOULD BE DOING!!! ** Edit added the accord Hybrid
Last reply by Flybrian, -
- 9 replies
Phase Out Pontiac to save Buick and GM: Can Pontiac adjust? Or more importantly, can the public adjust to the new image of Pontiac? Pontiac has called itself the brand that drives excitement, but truthfully, it lacks any such excitement. I mean:the Grand Prix as a performance car? Come On! It is a masked vehicle most youths would never want, the stodgy, yet elegant in my opinion, Buick LaCrosse. These days the brand uses hyperbole to sell,and not in a limited amount, I mean calling a V6 a powerful engine is normal, but saying sleek styling, performance bred engines, is over the top! The main reason Pontiacs arent selling is the fact that they are no longer performance…
Last reply by Chicagoland, -
- 1 reply
THIS thread made me decide to start a poll. It's rather simple: vote for which brand you think should get the second Lambda minivan (besides the Chevy). It seems many people think Buick or Saturn would be a better fit, and those are the only two options besides GMC as I think everyone agrees Pontiac should not have a van and Cadillac and Saab don't either. So, vote away! This WILL be sent to GM.
Last reply by Camino LS6, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
Phase Out Pontiac to save Buick and GM: Can Pontiac adjust? Or more importantly, can the public adjust to the new image of Pontiac? Pontiac has called itself the brand that drives excitement, but truthfully, it lacks any such excitement. I mean:the Grand Prix as a performance car? Come On! It is a masked vehicle most youths would never want, the stodgy, yet elegant in my opinion, Buick LaCrosse. These days the brand uses hyperbole to sell,and not in a limited amount, I mean calling a V6 a powerful engine is normal, but saying sleek styling, performance bred engines, is over the top! The main reason Pontiacs arent selling is the fact that they are no longer performance…
Last reply by GMC, -
- 1 reply
GM REPORTS IMPROVED SECOND-QUARTER FINANCIAL RESULTS .... GM has reported significantly improved 2006 second quarter financial results. Global automotive operations were profitable on an adjusted basis, excluding special items, for the first time since 2004, and the company posted a second consecutive quarter of record revenue. GM reported a net loss of $3.2 billion, or $5.62 per share, for the second quarter of 2006, compared with a reported loss of $987 million, or $1.75 per share, for the year-ago quarter. The net loss for the quarter included a total of $4.3 billion, or $7.66 per share, in special items that reflected a previously announced $3.7 billion after-tax ch…
Last reply by tama z71, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 53 replies
Thought this needed to be written after the Nissan-Renault deal possibility arose. Here is what I could gather. Renault Say Ray-no or Reh-no. Originally introduced to the US as Ren-alt, but this is not really the right pronunciation. Notable: Debuting a solo manufacturer F1 team in 2002, they took 4th their first and second years. A move up to third in 2004 readied everyone for their takeover of first place from Ferrari in 2005. They are currently leading the 2006 standings with 121 points to Ferrari's 87. Patented the first turbocharger back in 1899. Current Lineup: Twingo, city car: Clio, supermini: Mégane, small family car: Laguna, large family car: …
Last reply by HarleyEarl, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
The Great GM Drama A Tama Editorial/Fictionalization July 19, 2006 Well, it has been quite the eventful few weeks around here, hasn't it? What with the recent attempts by Japan Inc. to plant their flag in GM before each other, and the requisite media sheepery that follows, I thought I would do my part and offer my own view of the Great GM Drama, in typical smartass style. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Letter, from Nissan-Renault CEO Carlos Ghosn to General Motors CEO Richard Wagoner. June 30, 2006 Dear Richard, Hello! I was just on my way back to Japan after single-handedly rescuing the entire third grade of a burning el…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- 0 replies
Dear GM, It goes without saying that your CTS sedan is one of the most compelling reasons to have faith in what GM and the Cadillac Division can do. Its a car that can run with the best of those Europeans while not remaining distinctly American and distinctly Cadillac. Now, on the cusp of the CTS' second-generation for 2008, we'd like to see one of the best become even better. Here are some suggestions - Telescoping Steering Wheel Not only is this something Cadillac pioneered decades ago, but its becoming a standard feature on more and more cars outside the luxury field. This is also essential in making sure the driver has the most control and comfort in a sport sedan…
Last reply by Flybrian, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Let me start this off by looking at the value of the three companies that are in play because of the recent game of chance that Kerkorian and Tracinda put in motion last Friday. GM – 16B USD Nissan – 50B USD Renault – 30B USD Total – 96 B USD Now let us assume there is a merge of equals, to parody the infamous 1998 Chrysler Corp and Daimler Benz deal. Let us look at the percentages that each respective company will own in a newly formed Global Motors as a result of a merger between GM, Nissan and Renault. GM Share Holder: 17% Nissan Share Holder: 52% Renault Share Holder: 32% If this deal were to actualize, the world’s largest automaker on volume will c…
Last reply by 76ChevyTrucker, -
- 65 replies
The third and most elusive of GM's trio of fullsize Lambda crossovers, GMT968 (GMC's Acadia), has been caught and the first clear pictures are here for your viewing pleasure courtesy of Chris Doane/Brendra Priddy & Co. and Cheers and Gears. Cheers & Gears has paid for the rights to publish these photos. Please do NOT re-host or hotlink these pictures. URL links to this story are fine. Thank you for your cooperation. This frontal exterior shot gives you a much better idea of how GMC's new yet muscular design language will translate on the large crossover. This interior shot shows some of the more obvious thoughtfullness that went into the design of the das…
Last reply by boblutzfan, -
- 1 follower
- 49 replies
Saturn Poised to Steal the Show By Bimmer325 Saturn's transition from second-thought to center-stage will soon be more apparent than ever. GM's planetary marque is a brand in transition, and the General isn't banking on any-one model to spark its turnaround. Rather, an entire fleet of compelling product is set to steal the show. The stage, it seems, will be the New York International Auto Show next month. Saturn's New Outlook Saturn's revolution commenced with the debut of the Sky, and if any vehicle could shatter perceptions of a brand, this is it. Its crisp origami design aesthetic is a mere sample of what’s to come, and those not familiar with it may be in …
Last reply by corvette_dude729, -
- 20 replies
The Auto Enthusiast Appeal -Variance June 6, 2006 Automotive enthusiasts and enthusiasm have and has existed probably for as long as cars have been around. There have been many automotive clubs, websites and magazines. You can read books and/or watch movies (such as Cars, a pic of which is above) or television programs featuring cars and driving. Of course, if automotive enthusiasm is nothing new, why am I bothering to write anything about this? It’s like writing about the new phenomenon of bathing or eating. Well, to some, those may be new things but I digress… The point is I think car enthusiasm is at its strongest level ever. All you have to do is look around… C…
Last reply by knightfan26917, -
- 1 reply
The Subtleties of Car Magazines By Mystik Intro For the better part of these past few years, GM and its domestic counterparts have been at the forefront of media attack. They’re vehicles have been deemed underwhelming, and paling in comparison to those from import manufacturers. From the lowly Cobalt, to the muscular H3 to the sporty Solstice, each one of these vehicles, although a great improvement over previous iterations, were all reduced to a failure in comparison to they’re Asian counterparts. So it does seem that these Asian cars are the darlings of the automotive media, and should bear the right to put at the forefront of car news…right? Magazine Buyers Luck…
Last reply by knightfan26917, -
- 9 replies
My Ideal GM by Justin Brock The following hopes, wishes, assumptions are all based upon information and speculation from some of C&Gs insider sources, as well as my own hopes for the future of General Motors. This is purely speculative and is almost entirely my opinion. From what has been told from sources here at this site, Croc and evok, there are no plans currently for a future G6. What this can possibly mean is that GM may be moving Pontiac away from directly competing with the Japanese Big 3. I'm hoping that it may possibly mean a future Pontiac division riding entirely on RWD architectures, though thats purely speculative and maybe a bit too hopeful on my …
Last reply by Sixty8panther, -
- 18 replies
A few months ago, I posted some results of a very un-scientific survey I performed myself on about 250 cars in an upscale shopping/dining/entertainment center here in The O.C. It opened my eyes as to the real-world demand for domestic (and specifically GM) cars in this market. Being bored, and recovering from Chicken Pox, I decided to run down to John Wayne/Orange County airport and do a new survey. I counted 413 vehicles in the A1 parking lot outside terminal one of John Wayne Airport. Since these are cars parked AT the airport, I'm assuming it's a relatively high-percentage of people that live locally. For those of you not from California, John Wayne Airport is a b…
Last reply by asusenior, -
- 77 replies
An Icon Departs – How America Failed the GTO By z28luvr01 By now you’ve all read the news that GM will be ending GTO production this model year. The last batch of GTOs is scheduled to be completed around September, marking the end of a three model year stint as Pontiac’s performance flagship. I’m here writing this to help give the car a proper send off, something that the finest all-around car GM has graced North America with in a long, long time should be entitled to. It is my opinion that, during its three year stay on our shores, that the GTO never got the fair shake it deserved. Not only is it the quickest, most athletic GTO ever made, it boasts performance credenti…
Last reply by Northstar, -
- 25 replies
So I'm sitting at home Friday evening, watching TV and I see the commercial for the new Rav4. I turn to my wife, who happens to like the Highlander, and ask her what she thinks. She says, "Its ok." Now my wife doesn't hold the same prejudices as me, but she also doesn't see in Toyota what growing numbers of the nation and the media see. You all know what I'm talking about. Toyota, despite current reality, is seen as the end all be all of vehicle reliable and quality. Now this is a reputation rightfully earned in the past, but isn't quite as upheld today. Now don't get me wrong. Toyota's are good vehicles. But in many ways, they're not better than their competit…
Last reply by Bandit 1, -
- 4 replies
Guys, check this out. What a great read. Article by Ed Wallace. http://www.businessweek.com/autos/content/...paign_id=search
Last reply by 76ChevyTrucker, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
GM's E85 efforts are clearly being noticed, so much that even my biology teacher, who's this uber-liberal granola woman in her sixties, started talking about an Avalanche ad excitedly: "Wow, have you seen it?! I've always wanted a cute little truck; gosh, I'm going to buy one right away when we get an ethanol station. Are Chevy cars any good? They are? Good, as long as they're not Fords. I once nearly burned in a Ford...." and so on. I refrained from breaking the news to her, that the Avalanche is hardly "cute" or "little", and that it gets 11 MPG city on E85. I can only imagine the disappointment when she and millions of other consumers find out. At the moment, the ads…
Last reply by PurdueGuy, -
- 17 replies
Saturn was orginally intended to be an All-American can-do brand. Remember back to the 80s when some American thought wejust couldn't build cars as well as the Japanese. So, GM developed a project brand of how to build an American Japanese car. It succeeded to the extent that it proved Americans can build great quality cars. This problably saved GM and Detriot from ruin. Bob Lutz said recently that Saturn will be an American version of Opel like England's Vauxhall or Australia's Holden. Well, Opel is VW's main German Competition. VW out prices all other non-luxury brands, including Toyota. This would likely mean Saturn's prices will sky-rocket to match those of VW. If …
Last reply by MyerShift, -
- 98 replies
Like GM, views of Toyota range from "I love it" to "They are bland and vanilla"...You must admit that Toyota was climbing to the top of the automotive industry leaving domestic companys in the dust. We saw GM's lowest point in recent years but now it seems that they are finally beginning to pick up the pieces of a weathered company. What does this mean for Toyota?....How far in success can one company go before falling straight to the ground? We can all say that Toyota will probably never hit rockbottom but what happens when the company suffers a downfall...Can it happen soon? Recently, we have seen that GM's newer innovative models are moving up in sales and …
Last reply by bowtie_dude, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 40 replies
Welcome Aboard! A Tama Fictional Letter May 10, 2006 Dear Toyota, Hi! I'm General Motors, and, welcome! You boys seem set to take my spot at number one. Hell, if I didn't know otherwise, the media would have me believing you were already on top! Oh well. Since you seem set on staying here for a while, I thought I should write you this letter, and let you know what things are like around here! When the time comes to pass that you've officially taken my spot, these tips are going to help acclimate you to the position. - When you've officially reached number one, you are going to find yourself making all kinds of new friends! Those who have so far supported you will to…
Last reply by Mr.Krinkle, -