Site News and Feedback
632 topics in this forum
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
Check out the forum card list. I finally finished all of it. Every brand has their logo and an example car, and if you scroll down to the social and tech sections, those have been updated too. In the next couple of weeks we will be restarting our weekly newsletter. You'll know it's coming when I've got about a week's worth of news posted. Beyond the backlog of news I need to catch up on, I have a 3 page list of OpEds to produce and at least 10 reviews to write. It's going to be a fun summer. I've created a new birthday cake and will put it in the e-mail for members' birthdays tomorrow. The garage will need to be rebuilt before the next major upgrade of th…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 15 replies
There is a major outage at a data center in Northern Virginia due to a cooling system issue. This data center stores most of the images and some of the code for the site. I have been informed that the restoration of that data center could last as long as 4 p.m. on May 31st. The site will appear in a broken state until the data center is back online. Thank you for your patience. Click here if you'd like to follow the restoration status.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
We opened Clubs back in 2018, but there was little interest in them, so in late 2019 we shut them down. The Clubs software has evolved substantially since then, so we are now reopening them. You can view all available clubs, or create a new one of your own, at this link. They are also visible under the Community Menu.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
I noticed that on new posts, there is only 'Report' and 'Share' options under the 3 dots on the top right. No edit feature anymore. What's up wit dat?
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
I noticed over the weekend that the reaction icons (like, agree, sad, etc) aren't rendering on Safari on my Mac or iPhone..not sure how it's showing on Chrome or other browsers.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I just wanted to let you all know that I am (and have been) working on a major site reorganization. I'm coming to the point where things I change will start to be noticeable to general users. I just wanted to let you know the changes in store before they happen. This is not an exhaustive list, but intended to cover the major points. New theme - the new theme feels lighter (as in less busy) and allows me to reorganize the menus in a more coherent manner. You will also have the option of selecting a dark theme with a simple click of an icon in the upper right. Dark theme simply flips the background from light to dark and the font color vice versa. The sl…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Hi all... it's that time again. The current server was installed in 2016 and it's time we pack up and move to a newer build. Because I have some other web projects going on, the power of the new server is significantly increased over the last one, so I'm hoping to get some big performance boosts to the site. We're talking going from my Encore to a Hellcat in terms of power. That said, this software is still rather bloated, so there is still an upper limit to how fast it will go no matter how much processor I throw at it. It will be a fun experiment. Also... there is 96 gigs worth of data to transfer, so we'll be down a while. I'll probably kick off the tran…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
We are currently being targeted by multiple spam bots. Please report spam with prejudice as 3 reports will automatically hide it. We do have spam protection software but it isn't protecting us at the moment and I have a ticket in with the provider.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Very strange, but in the last few days, I've noticed I can't post or reply to posts from my phone. I'm logged into the site on Safari, but when I submit a post or reply post nothing is posted. No error I'm seeing on the screen either. Just doesn't post. Works fine on Safari on my Mac.
Last reply by Robert Hall, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Navigating between forums in particular is quite slooooooowww.....saving this post took about 2 min to reload. Notifications just sit and spin...
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Starting today you now have the ability to log in with your e-mail address or your display name. We encourage you to please make sure you can log in with your e-mail address moving forward. Beginning July 1st, you will only be able to log in with your e-mail address and display name log in will be disabled. Logging on with Google, Facebook, or Twitter remains unaffected.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 16 replies
Good morning, We apologize strongly with regards to the Spam message you received overnight. We were attacked by Spam bots and they have been dealt with. In addition to addressing the bot that attacked us yesterday, we've implemented the following changes. Manual approval of all new accounts, any new user is approved by me personally before they are allowed to post anything or send Private Messages. New Users cannot PM more than 2 members until they've made 10 approved posts in our forums. New users cannot edit their About Me until 10 approved posts, this limits potential for profile link Spam. New Anti-Spam softwar…
Last reply by oldshurst442, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 18 replies
I clearly have been away too long and the inmates have been running the asylum. I have absolutely had it with the bickering on this site about political crap and bigotry. My tolerance for such bull crap is down to 2% and the battery light is flashing. I am -->this close<-- to pulling the plug on the whole site because of all of the people who bring non-car dramatic crap onto my car website and can't even show an ounce of human decency towards each other and other human beings. Talk about cars.... that's it! I am watching. To anyone who would bring political or bigoted crap to my website, I have a message from the Romulans for you...
Last reply by oldshurst442, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 2 replies
Is there a max number of entries for your garage, or did I just forget how to add a new entry?
Last reply by Olds Guy, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Crew, I'm going to be doing some forum cleanup and consolidation. I will update this post with the moves and changes I make. Heritage Marques has been moved under Brand Discussion All discussions in the Pontiac forum have been moved into Heritage Marques and the Pontiac Forum closed All discussions in the Hummer forum have been moved into Heritage Marques and the Hummer Forum closed All discussions in the Saturn forum have been moved into Heritage Marques and the Saturn Forum closed All discussions in the Oldsmobile forum have been moved into Heritage Marques and the Oldsmobile Forum closed All discussions in the Mercury forum have been moved into Heri…
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Can we edit taglines? I mis spelled a word in the Ford section.
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
We're having theme issues right now. I have a ticket open to try and get it resolved.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
I put a new thing up as the first tab called Social Stream. It gives the site a more Facebook like feel to it and it also lets you see status updates of other people on the site. The News tab has an updated look as well. Try them out and let me know what you think.
Last reply by USA-1, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 2 replies
I don't have the option to comment on the thread, only follow, yet others that are Members and Premium Subscribers (as I am) are commenting on it. What's up with that?
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
@Drew Dowdell I am using Opera, and have not had any issues till today. Any thread I am in and if someone else posts to it, I usually get the pop-up at the bottom of who posted and do you want to show the most current one. Now it just shows up with a circle to represent the person and a black box. Anyone else seeing this? Yes very weird that part of the info of who your quoting is blank too now.
Last reply by ccap41, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
Not sure if I am overlooking this or not, while I like the way posts now show up in this new updated version, I do have a challenge in getting to the Forum list of threads as from the home page I do not find where to go to get the forum list. The minimalist tool bar at the top has gotten too minimalist. This is what I see: Getting to this page I was lucky as I typed in /forums after the address in my browser.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 11 replies
There was discussion in one of the threads about recent issues w/ the ad server and the bad's painful to use the site with all the weird whitespace and the 'Unread Content' link scrolled off the side. I tried subscribing, assuming that would be ad free, but the subscribe feature isn't working w/ PayPal...I just get an error.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
We now have a social stream that works similar to the Facebook feed. You can see it on the right side of most pages or you can get to a full page view from Social Stream tab under the Activity tab.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 10 replies
I see a new theme this afternoon...I like. Very clean.
Last reply by ccap41, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
News may appear out of order for a bit.... or old articles may pop back to the top looking like they were published more recently. (Tesla autopilot article is my test article currently) This is not a bug. This is me testing software that will enable automatic publishing of our articles to Apple News to hopefully reach a larger audience.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
I changed the max limits for the profile photos to something more reasonable so now you can update them if you like
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
Howdy all, So weird thing today is the site seems to be working fine, but our title and logo is gone. This is what I see now from the All activity page. Here is our Home Page Anyone else seeing funky things????????? ?♂️
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
Anyone else having issues attaching photos to posts today? I've tried a few times, and they seem to attach (either doing 'choose files' or dragging them, and they seem to attach--no error, but then they show up just as a picture icon rather than the photo.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
For some reason this afternoon, if I click on the 'Go to this post' button in an email notification from the forum in Gmail on Safari, it just opens a new tab on the Google site rather than the specific post in the forum. Works fine on Chrome. Weird...I haven't changed any settings on my Mac.
Last reply by Robert Hall, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
There is a new notification sound now. Completely unique to this site. Let me know what you think.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hi Drew, So was looking through the garage, clicked on a few pics and got the error EX0 - Something went wrong, please try again. I then went and clicked on your Encore, same error, then checked each of my own pics and always the same error. Seems no matter what picture I click on, then click on the image tab and click the JPG
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I wanted to announce a few site changes that will be coming ahead of their deployment. I do not have exact dates on when they will be deployed, but I want you to be aware of them. Most of these changed revolve around new EU data privacy laws and while we are completely US based, 25% - 30% of our traffic will sometimes come from Europe. So while we are not strictly bound by these rules, I have decided to put the rules into practice anyway as they represent industry standard going forward. 1. Already Deployed - Guest Cookie policy - Guests will have to consent and acknowledge that we place a cookie on visits to the website. 2. Coming Soon - A new privacy policy …
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 8 replies
It will be so much fun! But be careful because Judge Judy is still watching
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 7 replies
@Drew Dowdell Hey Drew, sorry to bother you, but today the following now shows up but when I use them, I am unable to post into the Forum. So do we or do we not have new emojis?
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 10 replies
Hey guys, we're switching gears and redesigning the logo. The final design is nearly in place, but there's two versions with different fonts. We like both, so the final choice will come down to the community. Vote for the one you prefer! V.1 V.2
Last reply by balthazar, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
I've been seeing this error occasionally the last few days when clicking on a topic or forum within the site. With Safari. Fatal error: Class 'IPS\Theme\Cache\class_core_front_global' not found in /home/ddowdell/public_html/ : eval()'d code on line 14
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
What's everyone think of the new slider on the front page?
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
I want to repurpose one of my gallery albums---I saw the edit feature, that allowed me to change the title and permissions, but I don't see a way to delete existing photos. Clicking on the image shows some tools, but nothing to delete.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 34 replies
I made a server update and configuration change today at 12:00 est. I updated us to a technology called HTTP2. It should more than double the speed of pages loading for you. Please let me know if you any issues.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
Two questions for the community - 1. Would you like/not mind/dislike/hate an an article stream where I posted coupon codes and other automotive related deals? These would be targeted specials and C&G would get a kickback if you used the coupon code. Those of you who are premium subscribers would still see the deals even though you are exempted from other advertising. 2. How would you feel about me installing an AdBlock detector? I know many of you use Adblock, as does an increasing amount of our guest traffic. Our falling ad revenues reflect that (whitelist us maybe? I don't run intrusive ads). If ads do bother you a lot, would you consider purchasing a…
Last reply by FAPTurbo, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Another server in the network we sit in was under DDOS attack. We weren't being attacked directly, but the strain on the network caused our outbound connections to slow or fail. It has been resolved.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
It took a long, LONG time but I can finally appreciate Invision Power Board. This place is looking very nice and runs really well. It's very clean and easy to use. I haven't tried mobile yet but I imagine it's also looking very good. I've used this software as an admin in the past and had a lot of trouble feeling comfortable with it. Now it appears to be one of the better options available. I may even give it another try myself... In any event, IPB kept me away from here before recently. I very much disliked using the older versions. Now I find myself dropping in more and more...
Last reply by Sal Collaziano, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Just a suggestion but I feel it would be a good idea to extend the forum width to 97% or 98%. The important content is in a box that's too narrow with the sidebar on the right. It's just wasted space on either side - might as well utilize it...
Last reply by Sal Collaziano, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
I've found the site very slow to navigate today, with timeouts when clicking on topic links, on the 'Unread Content' link, etc. Some pages load quickly, some very slowly or are timing out.
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
As some of you have noticed, I did a software update last week to the latest version of the software. In addition to more ways to upvote and downvote, the Clubs feature is now open. If you've ever wanted to run your own car club forum, now is your chance. People who open clubs become the moderator of their own club automatically. For the moment, I have no established rules for clubs except: No Adult Content. When in doubt, keep it out. No Clubs about current or former members. I will not allow cyberbullying on here. This does not mean I will not institute additional rules for clubs in the future. I created a sample club that I will update a…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
We've toyed with the idea of an automotive Wiki here for a number of years. Due to the way this website software works, I don't think a full reference wikipedia is feasable. However, what do you think about an automotive advertising wiki/database to collect current and vintage material? Let me know in the poll. If you have any specific comments or suggestions on it, sound off below.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Over the next few days I'm going to be cleaning up and consolidating some forums. Check this thread for where things end up.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Yall couldn't handle it like adults.... so now I had to put it away. Other forums could follow suit if the trolling doesn't stop.
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 9 replies
There is a new feature coming in the software, Clubs. They work much in the same way that Facebook groups do. That is, any standard member can create and run a club. Clubs can have their own topics, galleries, blogs, and calendar. You can literally run your own mini-forum inside of CheersandGears if you wanted. If you create a club, you can have control over its membership, appoint moderators, or have it be invisible to the general public (Admins can still see everything of course). Topics from Clubs can be moved to the general forum and vice versa. If a bunch of you are Game of Thrones fans and want to chat together in a "Club" here on C&G, you can…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
... the new server wasn't on autopay for some reason even though the service provider is the same.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
But it should be worth it... We're now on the newest version of Linux server OS. I've doubled the amount of ram. I've doubled the number of processors and we've moved a couple generations newer. We're now on Solid State Disk rather than spinning disk. I haven't tuned the software to it's new roomier digs yet, so hopefully there is even more performance to be gained once I do.
Last reply by Paolino, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
Some of you may have noticed the server struggling today. I think I may have just found and fixed the issue. One of the server log files had grown to 90 GB in size. I killed that log file and that seems to have eased the burden on the server. Search is still indexing due to a patch I applied earlier trying to fix the issue. Once that finishes up, we should be back to normal.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- 3 replies
I looked at Edit Profile and can't find a way to edit my post signature (message that appears at the bottom of posts).
Last reply by oldshurst442, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
Anyone else encountering this? Seems like like I have to go through at least 5, sometimes 10 or more, tries to get pictures to post in like the 'Dream Garage' threads.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
Hey has anyone else seen this, in the report bill just posted about the update on the V6 TDI, it says 71 post, and my response is on page 3 but nothing else shows. I clicked on page 1 as my screen capture shows but nothing shows up. Very weird this upgrade is.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
The International Motor Press Association is holding its Fall 2016 rally this week at the Monticello Motor Club in the Catskill Mountains NY. I'll be posting to various social media all day today and tomorrow. You can follow us on Twitter Or Instagram Or I'm just starting our Snapchat channel as CheersandGears
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Keeping your email address up to date is an important part of membership here. Aside from getting all the latest automotive updates, it makes sure you get your yearly birthday cards and it allows for password resets. We have a new addition to the software that can detect if emails to you bounce back or if you flag them as spam. In either case, your account here will be suspended until you successfully validate a new email address. You can check your current registered email address here.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 19 replies
Just a lonely, disembodied voice in the cyber wind here... I hate the new format. Just too busy, too many graphics competing with each other. My 2 pennies.
Last reply by ccap41, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 33 replies
I finally have a successful test upgrade of the software complete. I will be pulling the trigger on the upgrade sometime this week. It takes about 12 hours to complete the initial upgrade before I can let you back in, then here is 24 hours of background upgrading where search won't work and posts might not look right. The speed of the site is greatly improved and also improved mobile support. Please note - Your current display name, if different from your log-in name, will become your new log-in name. You should also be able to use your email address to log in. Of course I will also make my email available for anyone who has log-in difficulties. This is a ma…
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
Have an XBox? Have an or account? We have now added the ability to use your Microsoft account to log-in. If you would like to add that ability to your existing account follow these steps: 1. Click on your name drop-down in the upper right corner and then select Account Settings 2. Select Microsoft in the middle left. 3. Authorize the link between and your Microsoft Account 4. Once connected, you will see a screen similar to the one below. You can have your Microsoft Account Photo automatically synced to be your profile photo here at your option. …
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
We have now added the ability to use your Google account to log-in. If you would like to add that ability to your existing account follow these steps: 1. Click on your name drop-down in the upper right corner 2. Select Google in the middle left. 3. Select the Google Account you wish to associate with your account. 4. Authorize the link with Google. 5. Once connected, you will see a screen similar to the one below. You can have your Google+ status updates, Google+ Photo, and Google+ Background image automatically synced at your option. 6. In future, when you want to l…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
I noticed the login now requires using the 'display name' rather than username to login ? Weird. It's working well on mobile otherwise. Interesting I had to use the 'login through Facebook' to get in, and it worked seamlessly. ( I couldn't remember the formatting on my display name) Moltar
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 11 replies
Howdy all, So today the site worked fine for me up to 3pm. I then headed home from work, did some things and came down to my computer to check the site and now when I click on Community, I cannot see the drop down box. In fact I get no drop down boxes for any of the choices across the top of the bar. So Auto Shows, Reviews, Opinion and Community shows me nothings. Tested the latest MSFT Edge browser and it works fine. Tested the latest Firefox version 47 works fine also. Tested Chrom Version 51.0.2704.84 m works and this seems to not be working with the site very well for me. Seems the latest Chrome version has incompatibilities with the current site. I us…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 0 replies
So Sorry By Drew Dowdell Today, our newsletter app got stuck in a traffic circle and emailed out our weekly newsletter to a number of our users 7 to 10 times . We believe we have fixed the issue and it should not happen again. Sorry for any inconvenience. Drew
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I had to change the email server provider for C&G. This is the server that sends out password resets and the newletters. If you get stuck in a password reset situation and aren't getting the email, please email admin at directly and I will reset your password for you.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
I doubled the RAM and CPU on the server today. It should feel a bit snappier here.
Last reply by ccap41, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 8 replies
There seem to be very low limits on marking up or down posts...I can seem to leave only 3 or 4 + per day and one - per day..
Last reply by Robert Hall, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I am currently tracking an issue on our server that is causing the server to crash unexpectedly and then reboot multiple times in succession. You may see this manifest itself in an SQL error page or the site not loading at all, but it stops after about 30 minutes. It is not the dreaded database issues we have experienced in the past. Just letting you know I am aware of the issue and working on it.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Just a reminder that if you see an article or thread on Cheers and Gears that you enjoy, we ask that you might share it on the other social networks that you use. If you liked our coverage of the LA Auto Show this year, please consider sharing the LA Auto Show page with your friends. Those of you new to the site might not know it, but I travel to each of the big 4 auto shows every year during press day to get on site photos from the show floor. It costs money to attend these shows. More page views means more ad dollars and also means potentially more access to early information. We also don't mind if you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ and shar…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
I have always been rather permissive and light on the moderation around here. The influx of new people around here have forced my hand and I will have to moderate much more heavily now. I will be seeking moderators to help me in this and looking for volunteers. Please PM me if you have an interest. I will not announce the moderator promotions when they happen. A number of you may not like having your posts subject to moderator action..... you can save time by getting over it now.
Last reply by El Kabong, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 166 replies
A suggestion was made to me this evening.... lets see what you think
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 23 replies
Sorry about the recent site outage guys. Our server had a RAID array failure and needed to have some of the hardware replaced. I plan to move us to a new server in the next 30 days, so watch for announcements on planned downtime. Drew
Last reply by El Kabong, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
Howdy all, Decided to upgrade my windows 7 system to windows 10. Did this for my parents also who were on windows 8.1. As their support person this gives me an easier time supporting them when we are all on the same OS version. Issue is with Microsoft Edge browser, great HTML5 non legacy browser. This means it does not use Java or Adobe Flash and is nice and fast. Problem being is trying to post new topics via that browser fails. The link button in the tool bar above does not work. Cut n Paste does not work, trying to post the new topic returns a site is not available and yet everything works fine via chrome and Firefox. So wanted to find out who else has …
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 100 replies
I have enabled the reputation system. Your posts can now be voted up or down by the site membership at large. You can also vote on other people's posts. The amount of reputation points you can spend per day depends on your membership level. Admin - 100 positive, 100 negative Editor - 50 positive, 50 negative Moderator - 50 positive, 50 negative Premium subscriber - 20 positive, 20 negative Standard member - 8 positive, 8 negative Once everyone has an established reputation, you will be able to filter posts by rep points. The reputation scale is as follows: Bad -20 Poor -10 Neutral 0 Good 10 Excellent 20
Last reply by El Kabong, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 8 replies
Are you interested in the following: 1. Automotive industry Financials - like stock performance, manufacturers financial health 2. Personal automotive finance - financing, leasing, insurance, prepaid service plans, etc
Last reply by balthazar, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
I am looking for feedback on the newsletters we have been sending weekly for the last month or so. Please let me know your thoughts in the poll and the comments section below. If you have not been receiving the new newsletter, you can subscribe to the weekly newsletter at this link.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
Why There is No Edit Delay?
by Guest Wings4Life(BANNED)-
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I love this forum software, except for one simple little annoyance. In other sites, there was perhaps a 1 min delay after your initial post, before recognizing any subsequent edit as an edit. Sometimes I catch a simple quick grammatical error or spelling or whatever, immediately after posting, and I correct it within the span of a min. Often just a few seconds, especially on a quick response. But no matter how quick you are, it gets noted as an edit with this software. Would it be possible to delay it by a minute? That allows you a quick fix, but little else. I see a lot of post edits, and I will hazard a guess that it is often just a post edit, rather than a c…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Your top page tabs are horrible, at least on my computer. When you click on "COMMUNITY" you cannot see the topics that pop up because they are white letters on white background. (at least on my computer) How about making the drop down lettering in black?????????????
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
We have a lot of new members lately, but a large number of the new members know each other from another site. That said, I want to remind everyone both old and new about the etiquette around here. Try to leave the baggage of the old site on the old site. We're here to discuss and argue about cars.... that is the whole point of the site. Different people have different ideas of cars. Different people have different opinions of cars. Different people have favorite brands. We also tend to be very fact based here. Back up your arguments with links and references. We have a large archive of sales data at your disposal to make your point. Feel free to attack i…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 5 replies
Morning all, Has anyone else upgraded to IE11 or Firefox 25? Are you running on windows 7 or Window 8 or 8.1? I have IE 11 and Firefox 25 on both Windows 7 and an upgraded 8.1 system. If you right mouse click on the quote button in a forum post and say open in a new tab, everything works fine and you can reply and post. Yet if you just click on the quote button it will take you to the field to type your reply but be blank. No quoted post will appear and the only way to make it work is to do the right mouse click and open in a new tab for quote replying. If you just click in the reply field to post a comment, it is a 50/50 chance that you will see your posting comment. …
Last reply by TaurusSHO, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 27 replies
Very clean and minimalist...nice.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 16 replies
So the current site skin we are using was only a temporary fix. The prior skin did not render properly on certain brower/OS combinations so I had to change it quickly. I have a new skin installed and have been testing it for about two weeks. I am getting ready to switch the site over to the new skin very soon. This new theme is very mobile friendly and will allow you to use C&G from your phone or tablet much easier than you can today. I invite you to try the new skin by scrolling to the bottom of any page, click Change Theme, and pick the theme named Nerva. To switch back, pick the theme named Haze. As always please report any issues in this thread.
Last reply by FAPTurbo, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Does anyone else have a little gray phallic symbol to the left of their screen? If I roll over it, it has buttons that read "normal" and "performance".
Last reply by dez97, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
I'd like to make the following forum consolidations: GMC Truck + Chevrolet Truck -> Chevrolet/GMC Trucks Holden + Opel/Vauxhaull -> Holden/Opel/Vauxhaull GM Merchandise Lookout -> Renamed to Merchandise Lookout and moved under C&G Social Central GM Powertrain -> Renamed Powertrain Talk and moved under C&G Tech Corner
Last reply by dez97, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 2 replies
Found an older thread mentioning an Android app coming. Any update? I can't find anything in the Play store. Any chance on integration with Tapatalk? It would be nice to check all my favorite forums in one place.
Last reply by dez97, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 20 replies
Multiple users have reported issues with the current skin we are using. I've opened a ticket with the skin's creator and not had any reply. If you are having difficulty with the current skin or it isn't rendering in your browser properly* feel free to scroll to the bottom and change your theme to Haze. This may become the new theme for C&G going forward after I make a few more adjustments. *Almost all problems are being reported when the user is on a Mac and using Safari. If you are one of these users, you will almost certainly want to switch to the Haze theme. Please please please report any issues to me promptly.
Last reply by Z-06, -
- Editor-in-Chief
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- 5 replies
The server we're on has been under a bit of a DDOS attack for the last 8 hours. The server is fine, but the network connection is flooded. I will post status updates on the CheersandGears Facebook Page when I can't get on here.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
I've been hacking at this for a couple weeks and I think I am pretty close to done. Let me know what you think of it.
Last reply by kittyworker, -
- Editor-in-Chief
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- 2 replies
Are you being FaceBlocked? Facebook may be keeping you from seeing posts from the pages and brands you want to see. Make sure you click "Get Notifications" and "Add to Interest List" for each page you'd like to see posts from. Liking and Sharing our posts helps as well. You can reach Cheers and Gears Facebook page here. We're getting pounded on there... in spite of having 2,200+ Facebook followers, only 6 - 12 of those followers actually see each one of our posts. Sharing posts, liking posts, and commenting on posts increases our interaction score and lets more people see our material. I've noticed a few of your sharing and liking posts from competing outfits …
Last reply by ZackeyMane, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 16 replies
I had to change the way the menu bar at the top functions. Instead of the menu popping up on mouse-over, you now must click the menu bar to click the sub-menus. This change was made because the mouse-over function does not work on touch screen devices.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I have a number of changes and additions coming for you guys over the next 6 months. I installed a plug-in that will catch a bad email address and then flag your account for review. It will keep popping up a window until you re-enter a valid and validated e-mail address. The reason for this is that if we send out emails and they bounce, email servers begin to think we're just spammers or scammers fishing for victims, and then our valid emails end up in spam folders. By taking this step, it will prevent C&G from being labeled as a spam server. So, if you haven't updated your email address in a while, please do so in your profile to the upper left. If …
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
There is a major update to coming. I invite you to go play in the sandbox at the development site. While the look of the new software appears to be a minor upgrade of what we use today, it has actually been completely re-written under the hood. Currently, only the software default look and feel is available, but we will eventually be adding our own look and feel. Before going into production on the main site, we will be testing out new looks at the R&D site. You should consider any posts/uploads/blogs/articles on the R&D site to be temporary. They could disappear during a future site refresh. I need your help testing. Please repo…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
I hope you are all enjoying the new look of the website. As I mentioned in the other thread, there will be another major update just ahead of the Chicago Auto Show. This update will change the structure of the site's article pages with the aim of making our news easier to find and modernizing our front page. One part of this change will go into effect as early as today - Currently, when we post an article, a topic is automatically created that contains the article as the first post plus the comments on that article. This is bad practice as far as the search engines are concerned as it creates duplicate content in two places on the same website. The change that I will …
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
"my garage"
by loki-
- Editor-in-Chief
- 3 replies
Drew, or who keeps "my garage" usable, the years you can choose of vehicles only goes to 2013.
Last reply by A Horse With No Name, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Do you prefer to Vote Up/Vote down a post or would you prefer to "Like" a post without the ability to downvote?
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 2 replies
I've installed yet another server performance modification today. Looks like it has cut page load times in about half. Let me know if you experience any issues or have comments about the speed.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 0 replies
If you could earn points by visiting C&G, sharing articles on facebook, tweeting, liking, commenting etc and then redeeming those points for a gift card, would you be interested?
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 0 replies
The occational outtages today were my doing as I was trying to get a new modual installed into the server. It is a modual that works to decrease our page loading times. From this, I've managed to shave 6 seconds off of our total page load time for the front page. Hopefully things feel a bit snappier around here.
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 0 replies
Standard plan: Free Ads Number of seconds between searches = 30 seconds. Edit post time restriction = 15 minutes. Limited to 100 messages in PM system. Add/Edit signature after 200 posts. Premium Subscription: $15 / annually Number Ads reduced by at least 95%* Everything currently available to a standard member: Number of seconds between searches reduced from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Can view post reputation statistics. Edit post time restriction removed. 500 message limit in Private Message system. Change your display name up to once per day. Upload your own avatar. Customize your user profile. Add/Edit signature immediately. Access to the "Rated…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 1 reply
A question for guys, is the Cheers and Gears: Garage important to you? There is a possibility that the the garage plug-in may not be available right away in the next software version of the site. If I have to temporarily disable the Garage until it is upgraded, will you be heartbroken?
Last reply by G. David Felt, -