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In a surprising move today, three top officials from the Federal Trade Commission have come out against the laws that ban automakers like Tesla from selling their vehicles directly to consumers. Andrew Gavil, director of the FTC's Office of Policy Planning; Deborah Feinstein, director of the Bureau of Competition; and Martin Gaynor, director of the Bureau of Economics wrote in a blog piece on the FTC site that states the dealer franchise laws are a 'bad idea' since it doesn't allow consumers to shop in new ways. "For decades, local laws in many states have required consumers to purchase their cars solely from local, independent auto dealers," the three said in the post.…
Last reply by ZL-1, -
Tesla News
by ocnblu- 1 reply
I told you people bad things would happen, but noooo... nobody wanted to believe me.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 26 replies
Bloomberg is reporting that NJ caught Tesla by surprise when it moved to block direct sales of cars to the public forcing Tesla to consider what to do with their two auto stores in the most densely populated state in the nation. Tesla says that the company has been talking to NJ Government. The governor has said Tesla needs to work with the state's political system to change existing laws. Either way, Tesla is in a long fight as more states pass tougher direct sales laws for auto sales to protect their current franchise network of dealers. Texas just passed some of the strictest laws around. Full Story: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-03-11/tesla-stores-may-be-clos…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
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- 52 replies
So Tesla, or more specifically, Elon Musk, said the company wants to have a self driving car on the road within 3 years. Musk is being realistic about this venture. The entrepreneur and futurist clarified that Tesla's self-driving car would give the computer 90 percent control of the vehicle. Otherwise, it would take much longer to get one on the road, since "it's incredibly hard to get that last few percent." Source: http://gizmodo.com/elon-musk-is-building-a-self-driving-car-because-of-cou-1340946551 I really don't like the idea of self driving cars. Driving is one of favorite hobbies and I would hate it this is taken away from future generations. What do you guys …
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- 2 replies
Came across this video on how Tesla makes there auto's. Very interesting.
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
The long-hinted entry-level Tesla offering, the Model E could be shown earlier than anyone expected. AutoBild had the chance to interview Tesla's Chief Designer, Franz von Holzhausen. Holzhausen revealed that the Model E could be shown at the 2015 Detroit Auto Show, a full year ahead than what everyone was expecting. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been hinting at the Model E for awhile, saying that it would be the size of a BMW 3-Series, have a range of 200 Miles, and cost somewhere around $30,000 (after federal EV tax credits). Holzhausen also revealed that work on the Tesla's next model, the seven-seat Model X crossover was coming to close. Source: AutoBild William Maley …
Last reply by regfootball, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 139 replies
Shares of Tesla stock dropped today due to a video showing a tesla on highway 167 in south seattle catching on fire after hitting some steel in the road. Leaving one to wonder just how easy is it for these electric auto's to catch on fire and possibly kill someone. The incident happened at approximately 8am and was posted on WSDOT Cam web site and local news. It soon became the talk of the office in regards to how safe are these auto's and should they be allowed to be on the road? Seattle Times had the following story. http://seattletimes.com/html/businesstechnology/2021951388_teslastockxml.html?syndication=rss http://www.youtube.com/embed/q0kjI08n4fg http://www.…
Last reply by G. David Felt, -
- Editor-in-Chief
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- 8 replies
By William Maley Staff Writer - CheersandGears.com April 3, 2013 Yesterday, Tesla announced a new, more affordable way to get behind the wheel of a Model S. Its what Tesla calls a "revolutionary new finance product" that combine the "best aspects of car leasing and ownership." How affordable are we talking about? Tesla was throwing a cost of less than $500 per month*. How does this product work? From Tesla's press release, Note a key phase in that quote. "When considering the savings from using electricity instead of gasoline, depreciation benefits and other factors, the true net out of pocket cost to own a mid-range Model S drops to less than $500 per month." In…
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 16 replies
G. David Felt Staff Writer Alternative Energy - CheersandGears.com Industry change is never easy or fast and yet Tesla has introduced their 2 minute fast charge system. From $50 to $80 dollars a robotic system would allow you to pull in after 200 miles and in approximately 90 seconds swap out your depleted battery pack for a fully charged pack beating the average fill time of 4 min for a petrol powered car. See what the news and industry is saying about what Tesla is planning and believes they can make a profit on. CNN Money http://money.cnn.com/2013/06/21/autos/tesla-battery-swap/index.html Daily Mail http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2346204/Tesla-Motors-in…
Last reply by Nub_Cannon, -
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- 3 replies
William Maley Staff Writer - CheersandGears.com August 24, 2013 Its all about the trademarks it seems these days. Case in point, Venture Beat via Reuters reports that Tesla has applied for a trademark with the name ‘Model E’, that refers to “automobiles and structural parts therefore.” The application was filed on August 5th and is currently waiting for approval. This has caused most everyone to go into a frenzy and try to figure out why Tesla wants to trademark 'Model E'. The going theory at the moment is that 'Model E' will be the name of Tesla's next model. The new model will be a competitor to the BMW 3-Series and Mercedes-Benz C-Class. We'll be keeping a close …
Last reply by Nub_Cannon, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 19 replies
Tesla has been on a roll as of late, and now it can add some more good news to its rather large list of positive press: the Model S earned the highest crash test scores in NHTSA's history. While NHTSA's highest public rating is five stars, the Vehicle Safety Number it gives to manufacturers can go higher, and Tesla says the Model S scored a 5.4. Part of the success lies in the fact that the Model S has no engine up front, allowing more room for the energy absorbing structure. The battery pack, which is nestled in the floor and creates a low center of gravity, lead to NHTSA being unable to roll over the car "via the normal methods, and special means were needed to induce…
Last reply by riviera74, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 14 replies
By William Maley Staff Writer - CheersandGears.com May 28, 2013 Tesla's CEO Elon Musk is very keen on building a electric vehicle that is cheaper than the Model S and doesn't have many of the drawbacks like the Nissan Leaf. “With the Model S, you have a compelling car that’s too expensive for most people,” he said. “And you have the Leaf, which is cheap, but it’s not great. What the world really needs is a great, affordable electric car. I’m not going to let anything go, no matter what people offer, until I complete that mission,” said Musk during a interview. The new vehicle will have a pricetag under $40,000, have a range of 200 miles, and come out within the next …
Last reply by Drew Dowdell, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 4 replies
By William Maley Staff Writer - CheersandGears.com April 2, 2013 Tesla announced some interesting bits of news yesterday. In a press release, the company announced sales of the Model S have exceeded a previous estimate for the first quarter by 250 vehicles. Tesla also said that they're delivering 500 vehicles a week, up from 400 not too long ago. But that wasn't the most interesting bit of news. Further down the release, Tesla announced that they would not be building any of the 40 kWh Model Ss due to small number of orders they got for it (about 4% of total orders). Instead, Tesla will be giving the people who wanted to the 40 kWh model the 60 kWh models with the sa…
Last reply by frogger, -
- Editor-in-Chief
- 6 replies
By William Maley Staff Writer - CheersandGears.com March 11, 2013 Tesla is quietly pushing back the start of production for their next model, the Model X. Originally Tesla said production of the Model X crossover would begin this year, with sales beginning in early 2014. However in a filling with Securities and Exchange Commission, Tesla push back the production date to 2014. "We currently plan to start production of Model X in late 2014. We anticipate that we will make Model X available with 60 kWh and 85 kWh battery pack options, with pricing of each version similar to those of a comparably equipped Model S. We currently intend to target an annual production rate …
Last reply by regfootball, -
- 0 replies
A well done review from C&D by their contributing editor (former editor-in-chief) Csabe Csere: Saw my third Model S on the streets today, this time in black. It appears they are finally reaching consumers' hands, and I wish them success as they continue with the roll-out. Such a groundbreaking car in many ways.
Last reply by pow, -
- 1 reply
William Maley Editor/Reporter - CheersandGears.com December 20, 2011 Tesla has released pricing and specifications of their upcoming Model S and it looks pretty good if the company can meet them. The Model S' pricing is broken down by battery capacity and the range, with the 40-kWh battery pack model starting at $57,400, the 60-kWh battery pack model starting at $67,400, and the 85-kWh battery pack model starting at $77,400. There will also be a performance model which will use the 85-kWh battery pack starting at $87,400. Specifications of the batteries has been released, with the 40-kWh model delivering 160-mile range, a top speed of 110 miles per hour and a 100,000…
Last reply by regfootball, -
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- 9 replies
Jalopnik's Story on Tesla Executives Death A twin-engine Cessna piloted by a "high-ranking official at Tesla" crashed into an East Palo Alto neighborhood today killing pilot and two other employees aboard. We don't think it was Elon Musk, but haven't heard back from a Tesla spokesperson.
Last reply by SAmadei,