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G. David Felt

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Everything posted by G. David Felt

  1. 5 days till Mexico Tariffs hit the US. Yes this goes in effect on the 10th of June and Tech companies are going to be hit hard as many vendors have Server assembly and subassembly built in Mexico. This is going to hurt everyone big time as US bound products are built in Mexico. Hurting our trade friends and consumers here in the US.
  2. So then you will be admitting that the EV has a place in society and should be embraced and supported. To Quote: The administration currently has 25% tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese goods. Tariffs on an additional $300 billion would cover virtually all imports to the U.S. Trump has said the increases were to pressure China to reaffirm pledges it made in previous trade negotiations. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/economy/trump-administration-advances-plan-for-300-billion-in-new-china-tariffs Seems having a 25% tariff on everything from China will make things crazy expensive here. Interesting read on the $300 Billion in additional Tariff's. https://www.internationallawoffice.com/Newsletters/International-Trade/USA/Arent-Fox-LLP/Additional-duties-proposed-on-another-300-billion-worth-of-Chinese-products
  3. That is hard to know as even the web site: https://www.cadillac.com/future-concept-vehicles/xt6-crossover-suv has stated the features are based on a pre-production model and could change. If Super Cruise is not on the XT6, that would be a mistake for Cadillac.
  4. So that looks like a witches hat to the left, so witch trials with mid-evil torture? ?
  5. Saw a Cherry Pontiac G6 2 door Coupe on the way to the gym today. Wow, first one I had seen in forever. Had out of state plates, but could not identify them.
  6. Yet if your neighbors no longer have jobs, that does not matter to you? If you start seeing an increase in homelessness around you that does not matter to you? The fact that more and more countries are shunning working with the US, that does not matter to you? The fact that friendly countries that used to support and work with the US are now asking us to leave such as Philippines, that does not matter to you? How about the fact that we waste billions on protecting oil from the Arab countries that goes to China, North Korea, etc. That is ok with you? I vastly appreciate that everyone here has kept this conversation civil and verbally clean for the most part. I enjoy sharing of ideas and thoughts, EDUCATION IS THE GREAT EQUALIZER! I truly believe what I have posted and that through education and sharing of ideas we make ourselves and society better. Trump has stated that he considers himself to be one of the best Businessmen in the world as he has posted via a ghost writer that he is the Art of the Deal! Yet his own performance has proven this to not be true. This is backed by 6 verifiable Bankrupt companies that he supposedly led. Strong CEO's / Leaders embrace transparency to ensure that they are looking out for the best of the Whole and not the one. Trump is all about the one! I point to these outstanding CEO's that not only made huge differences, but have left legacy's that people look too. Yes some have had more recent leaders screw things up, but these CEO's are amazing: Lou Gerstner, Turned IBM around and into a High Tech Service provider and took his half a billion golden parachute over 10 years to prove he built a company to last with a bull pin deep in talent. Lee Iacocca - I am pretty sure everyone knows why here for the K car and turning Chrysler around. Mary Barra - Controversial to various members here but she has turned GM into a major Profit company with a focus long term on the EV industry based on CUV/SUV Profits of today. Want current CEO's, then look at this list of top 2019 CEO's provided by Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/pictures/mkl45kjhg/top-20-ceos/#1bde21963c94 Yes I can list more but the point is we have leadership that is amazing and when compared to Trump, he fails big time. I forget the Steel Manufacture CEO who said he was not the smartest person in the room but surrounded himself with smart people and listened and was able to lead to the best solutions. Trump fails to listen to smarter people than himself. That alone makes one question his ability to lead and why his tax returns are important to see so that we can see how he has made his money and where he and what he took advantage of to do it. Plus did he do it legally. Leading by example is one of the best ways, but if corrupt, all you end up with is shit in the long game.
  7. Considering how many miles I put on my Escalade yearly all road trip miles, I would love this feature. I hope they roll it out on the next generation. I see no reason not too. Drew, is there a timeline when the whole Cadillac family gets Supercruise?
  8. That is very cool and I am excited to see them add more and more highways to it. I wonder how long before they go and add Mexico? ?
  9. When any one person decides to serve the public as a Representative of the People for the People and by the People, that person then does have an obligation to be transparent in showing that they are held to the highest standard in representing us to the world. I would say that YES, the BULK of America Does want to see his Tax returns as it does Legitimately matter. Are you saying it is OK for a Conman to hold the highest public office and not know the real person they are and what they might attempt to do at the cost of the people? This Tariff WAR is hurting our Country, Hurting the People and the approach being taken is one of ignorance and not business savvy. I truly believe in fair trade / open trade as long as there is a balance. Currently we as a nation, public consumption have chosen to allow certain jobs and sectors to go out of the country to allow us to have lower costs. For some things this is not a bad thing, yet for others such as Solar Panels, it is a very bad thing. The decisions of not supporting local production has come from the leadership in Washington and as such I and I am sure many others would like to see just how good a candidate is in being able to do the job, not just a conjob of Marketing with some derogatory remarks. Anyone can be a bully, it takes a real person to lead with compassion, intelligence and teamwork. This country has and always been run by team work. There is no I in team. Tax returns show an insight to how the person has run his own finances and if he can truly run a multi-trillion dollar economy. So far we have some of the highest Debt spending under Trump not seen since WWII which I posted earlier in this thread on page 5 I believe.
  10. OK, the whole showing that some do have cash started with you posting this: I was curious to see who has cash on hand in the Billionaire segment and showed that there are many who have plenty of actual cash on hand rather than just paperwork.
  11. I quotes only what the wall street journal, JD Powers and Motley Fool has stated for them. The reason for the investment firm cash position is that is what they quoted in the stories about Billionaires net worth and how Warren Buffett is one of the few if only one that could take an all cash position for his net worth. I posted the link because like you, I would also question where one's net worth is lower than a stated cash position.
  12. HELLO McFly, Anyone home? As I stated above, that is his investment firm of which he is the principal and largest shareholder. One could say that he could take his ownership as cash if he wanted too. So that would be $83.46 billion based on the recent chart of Billionaires I posted above. His investment firm is worth far more than that.
  13. https://www.fool.com/investing/2017/11/07/warren-buffetts-109-billion-cash-problem-how-much.aspx Warren Buffett has $109 Billion in cash, yes that is his investment firm yet considering how much of it he personally own's, makes him have considerable cash in the bank. Based on this story, Bill Gates had about $4 Billion in cash in banks for quick access if needed. https://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/09/19/breaking-down-bill-gatess-wealth/ I would say that the REAL Billionaire's who have no problem being transparent and showing their wealth also have a good amount of cash sitting in banks for access to pay bills. For them $100 bill is like a penny to us. Donald Trump talks as if he is a Billionaire, but reacts like a lying bully that really is living on a shoestring and keeps the masquerade up to fool the ignorant.
  14. I doubt he is a billionaire other than on paper as another reason he doesn't want to release his tax returns. He only cares about what people perceive is him, not the real him. Yet it would appear that he is running out of support for Tariffs as Many GOP are not aligning with him about putting tariffs on friends such as Mexico. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/republicans-threaten-revolt-may-block-trumps-mexico-tariffs/ar-AACoix1?li=BBnb7Kz
  15. Hate to correct you, but I know you will respect the FACTS: 0 Personal Bankruptcy 6 Corporate Bankruptcies 1991 Trump Taj Mahal 1992 Trump Castle Hotel & Casino 1992 Trump Plaza Casino 1992 Trump Plaza Hotel 2004 Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts 2006 Trump Entertainment resorts 2009 Trump Entertainment Resorts Why Donald Trump's Companies Went Bankrupt Interesting that the news is showing a record number of Farmers declaring Bankrupt due to the Tariff war. https://www.salon.com/2019/02/13/midwest-farmers-going-broke-at-record-rates-thanks-to-trumps-trade-war/ Trumps Trade War has caused the highest debt and largest percentage ever in Foreclosed and Bankrupt farmers in the last 40 plus years. Over all, I agree that we need to change tactics with countries like China, but the approach of the Art of the Deal is clearly NOT the right approach, Trump appears to be more about the Art of the Steal. This is a fact born of 6 bankruptcy's and taking others money.
  16. So it was hauling it's worth.
  17. Socialism is no difference than communism in regards to those wanting to be in power and control all. Let them have their 15% and long term destroy the mess of a company.
  18. SL550 in front of me on the way home, white, new with paper tag in rear window. Wow does it have a Phat Ass! ??
  19. According to this announcement, seems GM and Michelin will bring to production airless tires on the Chevrolet Bolt by 2024 and other select models. Michelin and GM bringing airless tires to the road in 2024 http://flip.it/U3B4aE
  20. Walking to the bus stop, a rare Honda Inspire sedan from Japan licensed in Washington. Right hand drive.
  21. OK, Then I wonder what the new names will be since they seem to have dropped V-Sport which is what these V editions should be. ? Or are they saying these are the base V engines so then we will have two more levels above, V-Sport and V-Platinum? ?‍♂️
  22. SS and Medicare can and should work if it was not for the Government hacks borrowing against it. It is not much more than a savings account for Americans that pay into it. Reality is the Gov Hacks on both sides of the isle have destroyed the original intent and give it away to every Tom, Dick and Harry from anywhere even when they have not paid into it. This is a sad reality. The rest of the welfare programs I totally agree with you are abusive and not very helpful when woman and men see it as a way to just lay around and not contribute to society.. Those interested in looking at the full 2020 budget report, here is Trumps 2020 Proposed budget: https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2019-05/55195-APB2020_0.pdf Those interested in the actual 2019 budget in 16 slides now can see it here: https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2019-03/55013-BudgetSlides2019.pdf Those interested in the Full 2019 budget report can find it here: https://www.cbo.gov/system/files/2019-04/55154-presentation.pdf The only time we were going in the right direction was under President Clinton and the two parties working together for a budget that we lived within and paying down debt. Since then and before then is was a mess that both parties are equally to blame. Based on the budget report we have the following spending for 2019: USA Gov expects to spend $4.746 Trillion this year. 60% will go to pay mandated benefits U.S. debt interest payments - $479 Billion on $22 Trillion debt. This is our FASTEST Growing Federal Expense. Social Security expense will be $1.102 trillion - Currently SS costs are 100% covered by Payroll SS Tax including interest on investments. Medicare expense will be $679 Billion - This is already underfunded, current taxes do not cover all costs. Medicaid expense will be $418 Billion - This is 100% funded by the General fund. Discretionary Spending is where you find Military and Veterans Affairs - Current 2019 Budget is $1.426 trillion $989 Billion is for all Military here and overseas, Homeland Security, State Department and Veterans Affairs of which $576 Billion is focused on Department of Defense. Our Deficit for 2019 $1.101 Trillion - This is the difference between the $4.746 Trillion Spending Budget and the estimated $3.645 trillion revenue. For those that might be interested, the top 10 Presidents with the BIggest Debt Increases based on yearly presidential budgets: If you want to see a well laid out list of Presidential Budget Deficits by Fiscal Year, this site actually did a great job in laying it out in an easy to read manner: https://www.thebalance.com/deficit-by-president-what-budget-deficits-hide-3306151 For those that want TRANSPARENCY, This group was setup to insure folks can easily follow and see what is being spent where in the Government . https://www.usaspending.gov/#/ Excellent Write up on Trumps Tariffs: https://www.forbes.com/sites/phillevy/2018/04/12/trump-tariff-revenue-what-tariff-revenue/#48461893390f
  23. That is a good question of what the Alphabet soup would look like. Not sure if Renault should come back to the US. Like Alfa and Fiat, they do not have the best reputation here and with the tradewars going on, might be best to invest in the American name plates and grow that business, shutdown AGAIN Fiat and Alfa and focus on profits.
  24. Right, that is why I can see Cadillac doing the V series as a CT5 V 500, CT5 V 750, CT5 V 1000 The V buyer much like a M or AMG buyer knows the higher the number the higher the performance.
  25. Yet while it would be cool to have a CT5 V 1000, maybe cause it reminds me of Porsche which I love to beat, that a CT5 V 969 sounds and reads very cool!
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